Tag Archives: moon

Soulbyte for Thursday July 26, 2018

Everything is pushing toward change now. What are you doing in your own life to change yourself? What are you resisting? What are you still making a big deal about that doesn’t really matter? What are you holding onto as if you could not live without it? Is it time to finally move on, to change? Like the phases of the moon things naturally wax and wane. When the moon is full it releases its fullness immediately to begin a new cycle. Nothing in nature stays the same for very long. Everything changes constantly, except the human, with its proclivity to be stubbornly unyielding. Such behavior proves nothing. And in the end the human is left behind wondering what happened. Embrace change. Make it a natural part of your life and then be like the moon and do it again and again. You won’t be disappointed. Begin a new phase in your own life today and mark it with thanks to the great Moon Goddess who shines upon you, lighting the way.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Friday March 24, 2017

The moon in her fullness proposes a method of containment. Though she is fully present in the world she is fully known to herself as well. Though she radiates without, she is fully alit within. Set your own intent to fully know the self, first within so that as you turn outwardly your light may shine uninhibited, without need or entitlement, simply present, the self contained and known. In fullness of self, find all you need. Moon method is the way to peace, happiness, and fulfillment. All other things will naturally fall into place as you shine your light within. And then your radiance will be fully owned, contained, and available. It will simply be.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Monday February 27, 2017

Moon and sun, stars and planets, the mysteries of the skies offer anchoring and guidance even though they are far distant, for they show the cyclical nature of what is, how things begin anew, grow and come to fruition before coming to a natural fading away and finally an end. Yet all the while the stars tell us not to be afraid, for they are always there, twinkling through the darkest night, little beacons of hope and strength.

New moon energy and the rising sun, good beginnings are possible today. Stay anchored to that. As the sun and moon play out their eternal relationship in perfect harmony know that all is possible, even the seemingly impossible!

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Chuck’s Place: Living Symbols

Moon energy…
-Art by Jan Ketchel

The crescent and the cross are potent opposing symbols of our time. I recently hung a “coexist” flag in my yard containing both the crescent and the cross. Suddenly, a neighbor put out a flag with just a cross!

The crescent is associated with Islam and the cross with Christianity, but these symbols are far more ancient than either of those religions.

The crescent is a phase of the moon herself where she displays her receptive womb from which issues all manifested life. The cross is the most ancient representation of the sun’s rays, the masculine generative principle that together with its feminine lunar counterpart symbolizes the yin/yang, body/spirit, feminine/masculine components of all life.

In our time, like the crescent and the cross, the feminine and masculine are deeply estranged. This estrangement is fairly well expressed by our golden sunray-haired President’s attitude toward all things feminine, from Mother Earth to the body of woman. He typifies the current yin/yang configuration of our planet. Yang—masculine consciousness—is dominant now, yet also highly suspicious of and afraid of yin. Symbolically the dominant cross seeks to keep the crescent contained and outside its borders.

Within the human personalities of men and women the crescent and the cross are clearly operative. For women, the crescent dominates in the binding of her nature to the moon cycle. The sun, her independent mental consciousness, often appears in her inner man figure, her animus of her dreams. For men, the mind/spirit/sun/cross dominates, with his emotional moon anima recessively active in the background of his psyche and his moods.

Both sexes are challenged at this time with contending with the same wave of yang/cross dominance, which is impacting all psyches. All mental, planned activity, issues from yang. In our current world configuration, yin, the body and its instinctual nature, is at the mercy of an overly dominant yang.

This dominant yang attitude is easily demonstrable in men who often override the needs of the body, or the earth, in favor of securing for themselves and their kin. For women this internal dominance of masculine energy may be evidenced in a pressured mental plan to meet needs or secure what one feels entitled to. Thus a woman might find herself at odds with her own feminine nature as her masculine self pressures her to do its bidding.

Both sexes might notice an activation of crescent/cross symbols in their dreams, as the unconscious uses these powerful ancient symbols to both guide conscious attitudes and compensate for them.

These living symbols of our time are showing us the energetic configuration we are currently dealing with, within ourselves and outwardly as expressed in mass movements. We are all feeling their impact in some way.

These extraordinary times beckon for crescent/cross reconciliation. I would encourage everyone to draw these living symbols, color them, find ways to express them that may safely lead them into a new harmony, for it is only in achieving harmony, within and without, that peace will come.



Soulbyte for Monday February 20, 2017

The moon hangs out waiting for the sun to rise, two opposing forces sharing the same space, one bringing the light of day the other lighting the night. As different as they are they bring the same thing, the light of consciousness to human existence. Without the light you could not see what is really at work all around you in the world or fully know what is inside you either. Keep your light shining, especially within the self so that you may fully know the self and so that you may find your way always to what is good and fair, loving and kind. For though you contain the dark you also contain the light, two opposing forces within the self seeking each other’s company so that you may know all that you are. Seek the light even in the darkest of times.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne