Tag Archives: life’s journey

Soulbyte for Wednesday February 14, 2018

Though there is darkness there is also light. Though there is sadness there is joy. Though there is despair there is hope. Though there is loneliness there is companionship. Though there is hatred there is love. Wherever there is one thing there is its opposite; can’t have one without the other. The other side of the same coin is always waiting to be discovered. And you have the power to flip the coin and realize that what at first appeared to be dull and  lifeless is really golden and meaningful, that all stages of life, like day and night, like the sun and the moon, have their purpose.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

A Message for Humanity from Jeanne: Valley of Darkness & Mountain of Light


On the other side is the light…
– Photo by Jan Ketchel

Greetings! This week’s audio channeling challenges us all to work our way out of where we are so that eventually we end up as a “Riverwalker,” fluidly navigating life, able to enter all worlds and yet mostly residing between them, in our natural earthly state. It’s all about being in Tao.

Wishing everyone a wonderfully productive week!

Soulbyte for Thursday February 8, 2018

Have patience as you make your way forward on your journey of change, as you weather through your inner process, as you encounter your demons and your stalemates that refuse to comply with your wishes for change, that refuse to budge. Not all parts of the self may wish for change, but it’s your job to convince them that your intentions are for your greater good. And so, be patient but firm, kind but encouraging, loving and compassionate, but refuse complacency as you bring all parts of yourself into alignment and head straight for your goal. Patiently, take your next step. You won’t regret it!

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Wednesday February 7, 2018

Return to center. Restate your intent and restart from where you are now, further along on your changing journey and yet apt to forget or to stray from what you have set out to do. Check into your heart center and revisit your original resolutions and intentions for changing the self. Each day is a new day, as important and impactful as the first day of a New Year. Indeed, each day deserves your very best. It’s never too late to start off anew. Happy New Day!

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne