Find stability in knowing that you are there living upon that earth for a reason, that your spirit is up to the task set out for you, and that your physical body is capable too of taking the journey through life. Turn to your spirit for the answers you seek, for resolution and for new directions that will take you further along your path. Turn to your own heart repeatedly for guidance too as you figure things out, for this, your own heart, is your greatest anchor in body and in spirit, the connecting link to all that you are. Stay connected to it and all will be revealed, and all will be well too. Stay heart centered.
Remove that which no longer serves you and retain only that which feeds your soul and your soul’s purpose during the lifetime you now inhabit. For is not your soul’s purpose your true purpose and the only one worth pursuing? Your soul’s purpose encompasses all that you are, so do not forget that it entails all of you, your physical self as well as your spiritual self. With the two of these in alignment let your soul’s purpose naturally reveal itself. You may be surprised at what it shows you, for it may not at all be what you think nor who you have been striving to become. Ask it to show you what you’ve been missing and see what happens!
Live consciously, aware that you are spirit in body. Let your loving heart guide you and protect you. Let your kindnesses be as soft touches and your care of others be given without attachment. In this manner let your giving spirit reap what it sows and all your days will be filled with knowing you have done your best, and you will not be lost, for your spirit will be with you always. That is how to live consciously aware!
We begin the week with a nice Soulbyte, posted earlier this morning, and this channeled message. It’s all about nurturing our spiritual selves with a daily practice as easy as taking in the lessons of the sun’s rising and setting. Practical advice for the beings that we all are, of both nature and spirit.
Keep love in your hearts for all beings. Do not carry resentment or regret for lives lived, but seek release and redemption from all that now holds you captive by releasing the self from inner turmoil so that peace may reign, within and without.
Though you live so fully in that world of outer reality, it is the inner journey that must be taken in order to reach a new level of consciousness, both within the self and in relation to the world outside of you. Constant attention to the inner workings of your mind, body, and spirit is necessary in order to achieve calm love in your heart for all beings, including the self.
Facing your inner turmoil will lead to finding love in your heart, first for the self and then for others. Find the reasons for your sorrows and you will find joy. Find the reasons for your pain and you will find release. Find the reasons for the constant worries of the mind and you will find peace of mind.
All in all, it is only in constantly attending to the self as a spiritual being on a journey to wholeness that change will occur. Let the self be taken forward on that journey each day. With patience, learn to acquiesce to the flow of life, for it will take you where you need to go, show you what you must confront, and guide you to resolution.
Trust all that comes your way as guidance and you will have traversed the first hurdle in taking that journey of change. Challenging though your journey may be, keep always in mind that of all life’s journeys it is the one that matters. At your core you already know this.
Acquiesce a little bit more to that truth, trusting that this day and the events that arise from outside of you and the corresponding reaction that arises inside you are crucial partners as you take your journey. Pay attention to all that arises or comes to greet you as being significant and deeply meaningful, today and all days.
Find release in learning what it truly means to carry love in your heart through deep work on the self. It is truly a loving journey worth every second of your life.
Your daily journey is showing you all that you need in order to evolve. Accept what comes and flow with it, in trust that you are indeed well guided and truly loved in return.
Deeply trusting this journey, channeled with love for all, Jan