Tag Archives: heart-centered breathing

Soulbyte for Friday October 12, 2018

Breathe in the love that surrounds you so that you may have peace of mind. Breathe in the love that surrounds you so that you may have stillness within, so that you may have healing of all kinds, so that you may experience all that is. Breathe in the love that surrounds you and let it quiet your thoughts, soothe what perplexes you, take your pain, and make you whole. Breathe in the love that surrounds you and know its true meaning, that you too are fully loved and capable of loving. Yes, you. Breathe in the love that surrounds you and let it fill you. Let love find you and become you in every breath you take. Breathe it in and then also breathe it out. Become love in every breath you take. Breathe love.

From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Thursday October 11, 2018

Keep love in your heart. Let it guide you as you make decisions, as you make your way through your day, and as you confront what you must. Let it show you how to perceive, how to act, and how to interact. Let love guide you to know others better, to know yourself better, and to seamlessly navigate life in the world. Let love into your heart and keep it there. When all else fails, breathe love. Just breathe love.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

A Message for Humanity from Jeanne: Let The Love Energy In

Let your heart glow with the light of love…
– Photo by Jan Ketchel

Good morning! Here is our audio channeling for this week. May we all partake in stirring up the love energy that Jeanne speaks of in today’s channeled message. Breathe it in and breathe it out; it can be as simple as that!

Love to all!

Soulbyte for Monday October 1, 2018

Tune in to a little love for yourself, even as you face yourself now in your daily life’s unfolding and as you face who you have been and what you have done in the past. With love carve out your future and with love carve into your memories knowing that it is only by loving yourself that you will evolve. Loving the self means accepting the self as you are, imperfect and yet perfect in your imperfections. Loving the self means accepting the loving energy that freely flows through the universe and through you too. Let it in. Let this love be your guide. Let every breath be a loving breath.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

A Message for Humanity from Jeanne: Breathe In Calmness


We can all get calm…
– Photo by Jan Ketchel

Here is our audio channeled offering for this week.

Let calmness reign no matter what is happening in your life or in the world outside of you. For it is in calmness that we will all move forward.

Have a peaceful week!