Tag Archives: change

Readers of Infinity: Many Transformations

Today I asked Jeanne, and all of our guides in infinity, for a message of guidance. Here is what came through. Oh, and by the way, we are all Readers of Infinity; it’s part of what we’re here to find out. Here is today’s message:

Outer world reflecting inner world

Many transformations, begun a long time ago, now take deeper root in knowing—in body, mind, and spirit—in clarity now, rather than in muffled dissonance or unawareness.

With that clarity of awareness now revealed and firmly acknowledged, find your way into the new year that yawns wide open before you. Many transformations began over the past few days, many began over the past few weeks, and still others have been happening slowly over many years. Now is the time to acknowledge what has long been stirring inside: greater awareness of life as meaningful, as guided, as a spiritual journey leading you to fulfillment in this lifetime and evolvement at a new level in the next life.

What is meant by “next life?”

That term is used in a general sense to include all possibilities. Depending on where you are on your journey that could mean many things. Depending on choices made, opening many new doors of understanding, that could mean many new things that you have not yet encountered or considered.

But rather than get caught there, stay present in this time, in this moment of living upon that earth, and keep in mind the new awareness that you have currently achieved. For some of you this will mean greater clarity upon a journey well trod and well known as the right journey upon the right path. For others this will mean accepting a long sought after truth or purpose. For others this will mean inviting in the purpose of your spirit to lead you now as you enter new life. For others what has recently transpired to guide you along your current path may seem fantastical, magical, or too unbelievable to be true, but I encourage you to accept its transformational appeal nonetheless.

I encourage all of you, My Dear Readers, to accept the transformational qualities of life that call to you, each day, to grow and change, to make new decisions that will lead you to greater calmness, peace, and balance. Life itself desires simplicity and greater attention to the inner self, so that balance may once again be established, outside the self and inside the self.

You see, many transformations leading to greater awareness of the human condition are just one part of the journey, the very beginning of a deeper transformational process, one that must be fully explored, embraced, and fulfilled in order for new life to exist, both on that earth plane and in other planes of awareness.

I encourage all of you to advance upon your journeys now. All of you have received a wake-up call, a knock on the door, a note of appeal from your spirit, urging you to take life seriously now. There is no time to waste; life calls for greater and deeper attention to details and to what is being offered: the opportunity to transform yourself and, in so doing, the opportunity to transform all of life upon that earth.

The Earth itself is on the same transformational journey as each one of you. Don’t you notice it reflecting everything that you too are encountering and dealing with? That is why you live there now, in this great time of change. Whether environmental or otherwise, you are already in the midst of change.

I encourage all of you, once again, to wake up to this fact: change has already come. It has been taking you along on a ride of a lifetime. Can you acquiesce to its message more fully today? Can you ride its energy to where you need to go? Can you stand up to your big baby, your old habits, your deeply ingrained beliefs, and accept the truths that wash over you every day now?

Many transformations are offered. Choose wisely. In calmness turn to your spirit and ask it to guide you. In calmness it will answer you.

Be thoughtful, pragmatic, and genuine; and in calmness go forth. In calmness will new life unfold before your eyes, new truths will be revealed to guide you.

Chuck’s Place: Leaving an Old World Like The Sabretooth Tiger of Intent

I woke up this morning and turned to Jan: “I just had a nightmare!”

“So did I,” said she.

I was struck by the classification nightmare, not one I really identify with. However, it was the word that came out of my mouth.

As we compared notes, I realized we were in the same dream, though with different props. For Jan, it was the phantasmagorical winged serpent devouring the innocent or foolish. For me, it was the world of people and the devouring power of greed.

In my early waking moments I was being seduced by the mind to attach to intrigues in the world. I watched it happen, but didn’t attach; I held onto my energy. The phantasmagoric imagery of Jan’s dream tempered my interpretation of my own dream. We were being shown an energetic challenge before us and offered the opportunity either to grasp the metaphor and face the challenge within or allow it to project outward onto the world of everyday life.

Jung’s axiom came to the fore: face the shadow within or encounter it without. How quickly, when we attach to the without, is our energy completely engaged and drained. Can we strip away the nightmarish energy, see the challenge directly, and address the needed change? Or must we engage a new drama in an old world?


As we talked about our dreams and came to understand the message, I found myself recapitulating walking out of a Tensegrity workshop that Jeanne and I had attended in 1999 having completed the magical pass of the Sabretooth Tiger of Intent. I provide a link to that pass here. I encourage those who view it to notice the transition back into the human form at the end of the pass. This is how to change: turn around 180 degrees and walk calmly away in a new direction, into a new life.

As Jan and I continued to talk this morning, it suddenly dawned on me that I hadn’t written my blog! In fact, I hadn’t even thought about what day it was or what I might write about! It became quite evident that the spirit had its own intent that this be my blog message today. And so, I have delivered it!

Carlos Castaneda writes, in The Wheel of Time: “We hardly ever realize that we can cut anything out of our lives, anytime, in the blink of an eye.”

About face!

A Day in a Life: Inner Child Work

I’ve been doing inner child work for years. I’ve learned so much from long encounters, from hours of what Jung termed active imagination, from weeks of inner focus, as I’ve attended to my spirit. I sometimes feel that it’s like driving a car; sometimes I’m aware that I’m doing it, alert and conscious of everything I pass along the way, at other times I arrive at my destination wondering just how I got there.

I do inner child work especially when confronted with a dilemma or when conflicts arise. I know that it’s imperative that I constantly check in with my inner child and see how she’s doing. Although my personal challenges are, for the most part, clearly defined now, I also know that sometimes they are not the issues that need attention but that something else is calling to me, some deeper more profound need is making itself known.


I have a dilemma. How do I solve it? I ask for guidance. I wait for an answer. Meanwhile I have my own agenda. For the time being my personal agenda rules. It takes over. It’s all I can think about: how to set it in motion, how to contrive to make it happen, how to make it meaningful. I can’t get away from it. As I allow it to assert itself, it begins to dominate not only my thinking but my actions as well. This feels like part of the process I must go through, but deep inside I feel restless. Something else is stirring in me, raising a protest, asking me if this is really what I intend to do. I push it away.

“No,” I say, “I want it to happen my way. I want to be in control. I want to set up my life in such a manner that I can determine not only the process but the outcome as well.”

“Sorry,” I hear. “You are not going to be granted that wish today. Today you are going to have to struggle and eventually you are going to have to let go.”

“No, I don’t want to. I want things to work out my way!”

As this tug-of-war goes on, I know, deep inside, that I must stop playing this game. From experience, I know that the sooner I acquiesce to a process that is already in progress, already laid out for me, the better things will unfold. This is how I resolve my dilemma: I acquiesce to the process, but it takes deep work to get to this place of acquiescence.

I know I must dissect my personal agenda and discover why I am so attached to it. I must face the fact that I may be trying to hold onto old ideas, old agendas, and old comforts that no longer serve me. I must face that even though I may want those things, they are not good for me; they no longer serve who I am becoming, who I have the potential to become, and whom I need to become to evolve.

Once I’ve studied my personal agenda, the next step is to turn inward. I must get quiet in order to do this. I must let myself have a few moments of meditation or simply sit quietly and comfortably. I must ask myself: What is really going on here? What am I missing? Am I just reluctant, avoidant, affronted? Am I being shown something I must embrace; or the opposite, that this is something I must refuse?

Sitting in calmness allows the voice of our inner child to be heard. If we listen carefully we will hear truths spoken that we may not have wanted to hear before, that we may not have been ready to hear until now. If we allow ourselves to become a frightened child again, knowing that we are facing changes that we don’t want to happen while we also remain our adult selves, we may reach a new level of understanding about how we tend to function on a normal basis.

We all have a needy, wounded child inside us. No matter how much inner work we do that child will always be present, suggesting deeper issues that need attention. Its needs are endless, ancient needs. Eventually we learn that they stretch far back, into eons, into past lives full of similar needs left unresolved.

Ready to get off the well worn path and enter the abyss?

As we do inner child work, our spirit will repeatedly guide us in how to sit alongside our child self, perhaps in discomfort at first, but later in full acceptance as we face the ancient knowing child self and ask it to tell us what comes next. What must I face this time? Where are you taking me?

We must be prepared to face our fears. We must accept that our inner child self of this lifetime is frightened of change. We must accept that our adult self of this lifetime is afraid of change too. Both parts of us must constantly face the truth that change is challenging us to face our fears and conquer them with awareness.

Whenever I sit in calmness with my adult self and my frightened child self, I know that there is something else beneath the fears that I must also face. I must go even deeper. I must reach down to that far more evolved ancient child self, the one who has already lived these life challenges before. This is the knowing self that constantly challenges me to go beyond my present self. This is the place where I will gain clarity on what to do to resolve my dilemma.

Clarity often comes in calmness, delivering a direct blow. Much like getting hit over the head, it strikes quickly and with utter clarity. When we are ready we are able to accept it and immediately act upon it. If we are not ready it will remain churning inside us until we are ready.

When our world is challenging us, even collapsing on us, our deepest dilemma is often in learning how to acquiesce, to let go, to not fight as we have been taught, but to let the process guide us. Often we may find the deeper meaning inside, rather than in constantly looking for reason and answer outside. Sometimes we just can’t have things our way.

There is so much more to doing inner child work. As we work with what our inner child presents, going deeper and deeper, we get to know just who that child is, and just who we are and why. Eventually, we all arrive at that place where the ancient child self speaks. Often the sound of that ancient child’s voice may be distant and difficult to decipher, but if we let our personal agenda go, for even a second, we may be able to accept the truth it brings us. Sometimes just a hint of something different, a deep inner knowing, may waft up and offer us just enough to help us along, to make a decision that will indeed set us on a new path.

What lies in the vastness of the inner world?

The inner world is vast, bigger than the outer world. Jung once noted that once we do inner work we will no longer be able to ready novels, because nothing can compare to what we have already encountered inside the vastness of the self. I have found this to be true. I personally can no longer read a novel. I am quickly bored, knowing that inside the self reside all the mysteries and horror stories that I once enjoyed reading, the adventures and relationships I loved to tap into, other people’s lives I’d turn to. All of those things, and more, reside inside us, in the vastness of our inner world, just waiting to be tapped into.

As we let ourselves be guided through the terrors inside us, we arrive at precipice after precipice. And each time we stand on the brink of change we know that we must take the leap into the abyss that yawns before us, if we are to keep evolving. That is where our riches lie, where our thrills await us, where our adversaries lurk, where our beauties hide, and where our spirits will greet us.

Going ever more deeply inward, we soon discover that our outer world is less threatening, less frightening, less terrifying, for we discover that it cannot present us with anything as frightening as we have already faced within. This is what Jung learned and this is what we also may learn as we continue our inner child work.

Thank you for reading, and may you all enjoy the adventure of a lifetime, inside the self.


Readers of Infinity: Change Is A Constant

Dear Jeanne and all of infinity that guides and shows us the way: What message do you offer us today?

Here is the reply from Jeanne and the Universe:

Like the shadows on the wall, change is a constant.

All of you who struggle—as most people do with some problem or issue at one time or another—do not despair nor turn your back on the process before you. Change is inevitable.

I encourage all of you to keep in mind that life does not stop because you declare it too much to handle. No, life will keep at you until you either break or shut down to its urgings. But know that either way, life will continue, for it is a constant.

Your pains will ease as you confront them, but they will remain active in one way or another if you refuse them. If you answer the call of your spirit, you will be rewarded with never-ending new discoveries about the self and the life you live. If you constantly refuse to participate in what life itself has handed you, with interest in evolving, your energy will be usurped by your refusal.

I must state once again: Life is all about change. It is about accepting the inevitable truth that change happens. It is about learning to regard change as your most valuable life companion. It is about letting change outside of you change you on the inside. It is about using the changes in your circumstance to guide you and show you your deepest issues, truths, and needs. It is about accepting change as necessary for personal growth.

Change asks you to question it for its personal meaning. And remember this: Everything is meaningful.

What has changed for you lately?

Can you stay in that place of change and then move the next step, going more deeply into it?

Can you accept that you have no control and then allow your reluctant self to let go a little bit more?

Can you begin to embrace the inevitability that change is upon you, has you firmly in its grip, is holding you tightly already?

Can you dare to allow yourself to be taken into new life?

This is where you are now: on the road to new life. In reality that means that, yes, everything is going to change even more. It’s frightening, but it’s also invigorating you with a new kind of energy. You may never have experienced this kind of energy before and so it may seem overwhelming, but if you can allow its intensity to carry you forward you will be mighty surprised.

I suggest to you all: Let go into new life. One step at a time let yourself be guided by life itself. It is ready to meet you at a new level of awareness and involvement.

It’s up to you. You must each ask the question: Do I fight or do I go? Either way, things are already changing.

Good Luck! And welcome to the energy of now that does not wish to stop. Its path of destruction leads to new life, to better life, to evolving life for each one of you, and the world at large.

Acquiesce and go far now, My Dears. Find your path and stick to it. Listen to your heart and let your head rest awhile, until you have found your footing. Even in going forward blindly you are led in the right direction; and sometimes it’s better that way.

And remember, whatever path you take will be the right one. You will learn and grow from your choices and the experiences you encounter. Know always the truths I have long been speaking of: Change has already happened; change invites you forward; change is your new life companion.

Ask it to guide you.

Readers of Infinity: A New Message From Jeanne

Facing the ravenous energy

Dear Jeanne,

Today, I ask you for advice as we find ourselves steeped in ravenous energy. At least that is what I personally feel. I feel it pushing, signifying that a time of great change is soon upon us, asking us to not only note it, but to work with it to get to a new level of advancement, as individuals and as humans. I feel this energy viscerally. I feel it in others, in the energy of our times, and in the very earth.

On a worldwide level, I feel that this year is ending on a confrontational note, that we are all being asked to be brutally honest and truthful, to seek and speak our deepest truths, to ourselves and others, and to face the world outside of us with equal honesty and truthfulness. It feels like everything is laid bare now, plain to see, and our greatest challenge now is to accept what has been revealed to us, knowing our habitual tendencies to gloss over, protect, and control. I feel that we must now CHANGE, each of us personally, and all of mankind as well.

Do you have some advice for all of us who struggle, though we do indeed seek greater awareness and though we do wish to fully embrace a life of truth and change?

Here is Jeanne’s lengthy, but very pragmatic and helpful response, asking us all to pause, turn inward, and study our deepest issues, for that is where our challenges really lie, as usual, deep inside each of us:

Yes, My Dears, the universe has set everything in motion for great change to happen. You may feel this on a personal level, on a national level, on a global level. If you so choose to be led to a new level of personal growth and evolution, you will find the way open now, though the process will be challenging, as all processes of change must be.

A cell does not divide without suffering the brutal energy of transformation. An infant is not born without having to undergo the passage through the birth canal and suffering through the agony of taking the first breath of life. The child does not experience life in the world without having to suffer separation from the parent. The young adult does not embrace life without first having to confront the loneliness and challenge of being fully responsible for the self in the world. The adult does not grow further until confronted by all that has transpired throughout life, understanding it on a deeper level. All such challenges lead to change.

Take note of your reality

The world around you has indeed been shouting for humanity to change for a long time now. The universe has been in cahoots with the planet you live upon, pushing for you all to take note of the REALITY of your situation, both personally and as a person residing upon the planet Earth, as a member of the human race.

Each of you are responsible for your self, for what you decide to do with your life and for learning how your decisions affect you, those closest to you, the environment, and that which determines the course of humanity. Everything is interconnected, everything impacts everything else, outside of you and inside of you.

This day and this time upon Earth are leading you all to a greater awareness. Even just a glimpse of greater awareness may be enough to captivate enough people so that real change may happen.

Take some time to quietly reflect upon what is happening in your personal world. Where do you see change being presented? Look in the outer world. Where do you see change being urged upon you? I guarantee the answers you arrive at are connected.

Reflect upon the self deeply now. Where is your wounded child caught in struggle? Where is your dictator domineering you? Where is your creative self pushing for expression? Where is your reckless self making decisions? Where is your truthful self seeking words of expression, and what words are they really? Who are you today as this energy of change hits you over the head and urges you to pause and take in the deeper meaning of your life and this time? It may not be what you first suspect. Go deeper and deeper into the self, to the raw self and face the fears that arise over and over again. Ask them to show you what else it is that has you so fearful. What is it that you fear at the deepest root of self?

You are all like the trees in the earth, anchored, though in human form. You reside upon that earth with deep roots and wide, sky-reaching branches. You rely upon the ground, the water, the air, the sun, the night and day, the changes of seasons for sustenance and nurturance, for you are all as natural as all that the environment provides for life. And just as the seasons change so must you.

Go Deeper

Your true self asks you to feel your roots going deep into the soil of your life. Your true self asks you to take in the air around you, the water the earth provides, and accept this life-giving energy. Use it for growth. Your true self knows that what is outside of you is merely reflecting what is inside you.

As you face the truths of the self, do not wallow in sorrow, blame, and self-pity, but embrace the energy of change that is pushing you all to become greater beings, greater human beings and greater spiritual beings as well.

You are all on a journey of life leading to more life. That is always the case. Can you keep embracing more life? This is the true confrontation that life and change present: How far into the energy of life can you go?

Remain aware that there is always more to embrace, to study and learn, as you allow the self to ride the changing energy of your life. Remain aware that the lessons of life teach the same process of change and awareness that leads to embracing eternal life. For yes, death does await all of you, but as you face your challenges in life you learn that every time you confront a fear, a challenge, an uncomfortable situation, you conquer your fear of death. Eventually you get it, that death is nothing to fear, for it is, as I have experienced it, just more life! Life in the extreme!

As you travel the path of your life, you will learn that life fully lived, fully confronted, and fully embraced—as it is presented to you each day—is all that you need to evolve. And eventually, as you continually grow and change, you understand that the lessons of life are all you could wish for too, though growing means constantly going through the same kind of pain that birth entails, facing the same moments of trauma and enlightenment.

In order to evolve, one must take each step of life bravely, knowing that great contentment and great expression come from challenging the self to truly live more deeply each day.

Know that I am with you all as you face your challenges. Look for me in your hearts. Find me, and those like me, in your own voice, as you speak your truths. Our energy is behind you as your own spirit seeks to bring you news that you are fully capable of evolving into new life. By constantly accepting what comes to guide you, from inside and outside, you will evolve.

Your pain is your gain. I don’t mean to be facetious, but it’s true! But as I said before, the deeper meaning of why you suffer may not be what you first think. Go always another step deeper into the a new truth and ask it to show you something else. Eventually you will find a new answer to carry you forth.

All of this deep work takes courage, and I know you have it! Don’t be afraid to use it.

Thank you, Jeanne! Personally, I have to admit that I have felt the need to embrace a time of pause, to slow everything down and take a deep breath, fully aware that I am facing a moment of great shift and that I must prepare properly to go into it in the right way, in energetic alignment, with openness to accepting the challenge that is being offered to once again change. The real challenge is to keep growing. I know that and, yet, I must reintroduce that concept to myself each time I face a personal fear. I wish you all good travels as you journey onward into this time of great shift. Keep in touch. -Jan