Tag Archives: change

Readers of Infinity: New Rules of Engagement

Here is the channeled message for the week from Jeanne:

This is what greeted me when I looked out the window this morning! - Photo by Jan Ketchel
This is what greeted me when I looked out the window this morning! – Photo by Jan Ketchel

First, abide by rules of love and compassion for self and all other living beings. Take heed of life around you and note that there is grave need of such love and compassion, which is by far stronger than the rules that now permeate your world, destroying cultures and living creatures alike. Take a look at this worldwide view of things and know that each one of you has the opportunity to be part of a changing attitude and a changing world. Be thoughtful in all your decision-making now, keeping always this worldview in mind.

That being said, the most important decision that any one being can make is the decision to change the self, to align with the greater forces of good, that is to say, the universal forces of love and compassion.

Look now for more opportunities to change the self. They will become more apparent. Though the opportunity to change always exists, you will begin to be bombarded with direct messages of how to change, when to change, and what to do once you make these changes in the self. The world, on a mass scale, will begin to receive these drastic messages of change as well—for they are much needed and will be much supported.

It is time to take life in a new direction. Do not mourn what can no longer be sustained, but be strengthened by the energy that no longer need be wasted in areas that no longer provide the necessities of life. Move the self forward, taking only what is truly resonant and useful, allowing for new forms of energy and progress.

Do not dismiss the messages from the deeper self, especially those you have long ignored, for they are your guidance now too, bringing you individually to your next plateau so that you are better prepared for new life. In working on issues of the deeper self, you will be freed to accept and align with the changes you so desire and need, personally and collectively.

Freeing the self of old ideas will aid the progress of the worldwide effort to be freed of old ideas too, hateful and disharmonious ideas, as well as ideas of inflated superiority or deep degradation, of self and other. For at the core you are all the same. All human beings, now and forever, suffer the same needless issues. All human beings have the same opportunities for meaningful change to take place, now and forever. With conscious awareness that everyone will benefit from change, please make an attempt to change the self. Now is a good time!

Observe, as I said, the rules of love and compassion. In some manner, allow the self to warm to a new personal process, stirring up new feelings for the self. With honesty and truth, face your lies and untruths, most of which are both true and untrue.

Where have your thoughts and ideas about the self and the world come from? That’s the first place to begin. Who told you that you were not worthy of life and love? Not you, I guarantee!

Open your heart, just a little, to the truth that as a being of energy you are also a being of light and love. Try that being on for a change and take it out into the world today. And then try it on again and again, and see what happens as you step out into the world. You might notice a change all around you as you, a being of light and love, enter your old world structures and light them up a little!

Do this simple exercise that offers the opportunity for a shift and notice how you begin to feel, as you are received differently, and how you act differently in return. This is the lesson for the week: Be the loving and compassionate being you really are!

Thank you, Jeanne! Just as I had finished channeling the message, which I write by hand, I looked up to see a large dog in the front yard. It’s not unusual that one of our neighbors’ dogs might wander across our yard during the day, and so I expected it to sniff around, chew some bread crumbs perhaps, and then wander onward. This dog, however, stayed around. It wasn’t until I looked a little closer that I saw it was dragging a long lead that had gotten caught on a low rock wall. It was stuck! And so I quickly bundled up and went out to rescue it, Jeanne’s message fresh in my mind. I greeted it with love and compassion and it greeted me with the same. An old dog, I was pretty sure I recognized her and where she lived, and so I freed her from the frozen rock wall and off we trotted quite happily together down the hill and around the corner. I thought she would be happy to be heading home on this frosty morning, but she really wanted to take a walk, so we took our time. She sort of huffed, “Oh, okay, if you say so,” as we got to her house. A knock on the door and we were greeted warmly. Names were exchanged between us, people who had passed on the road and waved many times, but never made a deeper connection. Now I know the dog’s name too! As I walked back home, ready to type up this message, I realized that the message was already working in my life. I hope it does as quickly in yours too! Love, Jan.

A Day in a Life: The Intent Of The Creative

I am intent, no matter what comes to interfere...
I am intent, no matter what comes to interfere…

As Jeanne suggests in her Monday Message, the New Year is really but a marker allowing us Earthlings the opportunity to measure the passage of time, but if we are willing we can use it to change ourselves. This involves using intent, but it also involves utilizing the creative energy of nature inherent in all of us. A decision to move in a new direction is a creative act, but if our intentions are to have lasting effect we must be open to the wisdom of infinitesimal movement rather than broad sweeping jumps. In small but intentional, focused movement we support our intentions to change. In paying attention to what comes to guide us, whether from outside or from inside, and determining how best to use such guidance, we energetically and creatively propel ourselves along our path of change.

And so each year at this time we set our New Year’s resolutions. From my own experiences in setting resolutions, I already know that stating my intent alone has power, but if I really want to see and feel the change on a deeper and more immediate level, I know I must be attentive. I must become the creative process and all that it brings me, fully embracing every aspect of it.

If we look at nature’s intent we receive guidance, for nature has unbending intent, set so long ago it simply moves along at a steady pace. It is repetitive, and yet it is evolving as well. Nature does not look back nor is it given an opportunity to pause and reflect, it simply does its thing. We on the other hand, such brilliant creatures that we are, get stuck. We come up against things that nature never has to contend with. We come up against what we carry within us and what comes from without, seeking attention and attachment.

I consider such inner and outer interferences as tests, tests of our intent to change. In constantly restating our intent at the same time that we turn back to investigate our past—something that nature cannot do—we can track where we’ve been. We can study how we’ve attached in the past to inner and outer attachments and influences, and see how we’ve faltered or progressed. For instance, if I set my intent to follow the Middle Way, the path of balance in all aspects of my life and keep this intent uppermost as I go throughout my day, I will immediately begin to see what comes to both thwart and guide, for that which comes is both.

In alignment with the Middle Way, I am aware that everything that comes my way will offer both the opportunity to attach and the opportunity to detach, offering tests and guidance alike.


For instance, I decide to give up sweets in all forms because sugar pulls me off my intentional path. It interferes with my inner balance. But wouldn’t you know that the house is full of sweets. There is a beautiful carrot cake in the refrigerator that houseguests brought over the other night. I love carrot cake! I know that if I eat a piece of it I will have to suffer the consequences, and those consequences will be deep, especially now that I’ve decided to shift away from sweets. If I decide to leave it alone and let others eat it, I will have, for the moment, averted my first test of fortitude, my first test of detachment.

Change requires patience and discipline, but it also requires monitoring—that we remain aware on many levels. We must pay attention to how we have attached in the past so that we can learn how to detach as we walk our newly intentioned path. A decision to detach from an old habit or world means learning how to detach from an old self—for this is really all that we are contending with, ourselves and what we carry inside us.

Nurturing a new self requires constant attention. Moving along on our path of intent requires that we are constantly alert in a new and changing world, for that is what we are seeking to manifest as we set an intent to change. We are asking ourselves to live in a new world of our own creation. And such creation has its own energy of intent. Once set in motion there is no stopping it, for the intent of the creative is constant movement. Once set in motion we can expect the energy of creative activity to be in our lives. And although, as I mentioned, nature—even our own inherent nature—is programmed to move forward, we human beings must constantly stop and investigate ourselves if we are to really progress. To simply jump ahead and be something that we have not nurtured will not stand up to the test of time. If we are to really change, we must allow the intent of that change to carry us forward, infinitesimally.

As we take our steps each day now along our new paths of intent, we learn that we are our own biggest tests, that we carry within us all the attachments that we will ever need, that all we really need to do is go inward and ask our deeper selves what is right as we take our new path. Energy will appear out of nowhere seeking attachment; it’s how it works. It’s almost as if in setting our intent to change our energy is suddenly viable, tasty and appealing to others who may be lacking in energy. Suddenly we are wanted. That energy of attachment might come in old friends calling for contact, people we have not heard from in years suddenly manifesting. What do we do? What does it mean that they call us? Are we supposed to grant them something, is there something we have to offer them?

We must first determine if they are part of our new intent to change or if they are one of our tests of detachment? Usually, I turn inward, sit with my own energy and ask it if it wants to engage in an old world. I ask it if there is something I still need to get back there. I question if it’s right for me to use my energy in the past or if it’s better to turn forward into the new light of the New Year’s intent and detach with compassion and love, offering the new me an opportunity to take an infinitesimal step forward.

Sometimes it’s best to visit in the past to really understand why we are drawn there, to determine the truth of why we are being called back. Or can we state our new position in life and be accepted? Will our old friends understand that we have changed so much already and that we do not exist as that old self or in that old world? Do they understand what it even means to set an intent to change and evolve? Have we gone beyond certain people, not rejectingly so, but factually so?

I'm in a new world now...
I’m in a new world now…

We must, if we are truly changing beings, constantly remind ourselves to readjust our compasses and realign with the world we really want to live in. More questions will always arise as we are tested in our New Year’s resolutions.

At the same time that I turn inward and notice my energy, I remind myself of my creative energy, that which drives me to seek both the Middle Way and the experiences of the world I have been creating for myself for the past ten years or more. As I contemplate this creative changing self, I realize that my entire existence in this life has prepared me for this ultimate creative endeavor, and so I find that I cannot stop. My spirit is driving me forward now, as our spirit’s intent is what really pushes us to constantly change, not our mind’s intent, though they must work hand in hand, for we are human. And this is the Middle Way, the spirit and the mind working in alignment with the greater intent of our soul’s desire for growth.

And so, as the New Year really begins in earnest, as my intentions to deepen my spiritual path are given an opportunity to manifest a little bit more each day, I accept what comes to thwart and guide me. And if I happen to take a tiny piece of carrot cake, I will know that it is part of this process, that I will learn something necessary about myself from my decision. But then I will be like nature and move on, realigning with this process of creating my new self, once again on my path, for that is my intent. This is not a selfish endeavor, but a deeply spiritual endeavor, for I know that by my intent to constantly realign with my soul’s intent, I am influencing the energy of the intent of all soul’s to evolve.

Taking one more intentional, infinitesimal step along the Middle Way, and wishing you all good intentions for a very Happy Changing New Year,

Readers of Infinity: Dream Gifts

As one year folds into the next...
As one year folds into the next…

Here is Jeanne’s guidance as we head into 2013:

Prepare the self for change. Take something old and make it new, feeding it, making it grow into a new form—take the self, for instance.

Set a new intent to change the self even more than you have. Set a new intent to keep going deeper into the self, seeking better balance, seeking to give and receive in the flow of life as it comes to you.

As a new era dawns, keep in mind that you are in charge of your life, that you are the commander of your own ship, and in this capacity you are also in charge of where your life goes. Keep in mind that choice matters, that your decisions matter, not only in the world you live in but also in your inner world. To conceive of a changed self in a changed world means that you must actively change in order to achieve the self you dream of.

A dream will simply remain a dream, fade and disappear, unless you keep it active, unless you feed it the necessary nutrients and keep it alive. That is what this New Year requires of all of you: complete dedication to keeping your dreams, for the self and the world, alive by constant attention, nurturance, and inner resolve to keep changing.

And so, I suggest that you stay attached to the fulfillment of your dreams. Whether they seem impractical, impossible, or far-fetched does not matter. If they are your dreams then you have already given them life. So now, as you fold your lives into a New Year full of hope, fold also your intent into that hope, fold your desires for new life and for change that is fulfilling into that hope. Fold your deeper commitment to your own journey upon that earth into your personal resolutions as well.

One year folding into the next is but a marker by which you measure time upon that earth, but you can make it be something far more meaningful. It’s up to you. If you so choose you can fully engage the energy of hope and the dream of a changing self. You already know how to do it.

Playing my dream...
Playing my dream…

Choose to ride your dreams with intent now. Keep in balance at all times. Be who you are truly capable of being. Let the old ideas of the self go as the old year drops completely away, and without regret, fear, or self-condemnation—without the old voices of dissent bothering you—fly forward into a new self. It’s about time. Give yourself permission to accept that dream gift. Only you can do it!

Happy New Year to all! And thank you for being part of my dream, Jeanne’s dream, and all the dreams we all still have to dream together.


Readers of Infinity: Are You Paying Attention?

Are you aware that a new path is before you?

Dear Jeanne: What guidance do you have for us today?

Do not be fooled by appearances. Change is taking place, deep and lasting change, and although this change may not occur in a manner anyone is used to, it is happening nonetheless. This is a time of great shift and with such a time comes great awareness. Are you paying attention? That is the real question?

Are you paying attention to your own deepest knowing, and what are you going to do about it, return to an old way, becoming complacent and docile yet again? Or are you going to flow with the shift now being offered?

Energy is available to greatly advance the cause of human consciousness for the individual as well as the masses. It is up to each one of you to remain aware, to prod the self to stay awake through this time of great shift and be a part of its impact.

Change begins with the individual. Accept what the energy is trying to alert you to on a deeply personal level before you begin to look outwardly. If you will dare to stay awake and move toward a new positive direction, the energy of such change will proceed along the same path, supporting and nurturing and healing you, bringing you forward into new life. If you fail to stay awake this time, be aware that you will have two hard years ahead of you, as you continue to battle your issues of dependence, negativity, and fear.

Though this may sound like a dire prediction, I stress quite the opposite, for it is not. It is equally positive and growth-oriented, for it is only in wallowing in the self that one will find the means to change, for the self is where the answers lie. The question you must ask the self is: Am I ready now to make certain changes? If you are, be aware of what comes to guide you, for there is great positive energy in abundance for the right kind of change. If you are not yet ready, that’s okay too. But you must also be aware of what comes to guide you, for you too will find that you are supported as you take an equally deepening journey.

Change begins and ends within, but is always reflected without, and this is where you will all learn your greatest lessons—in what reflects back at you.

Take the steps you personally need to take. This may involve leaving something, beginning something, changing something, evolving something, but this will also mean that if you are daring the self to change for the right reasons that you will be in alignment with nature and the universe.

I have no doubt that all upon that earth will encounter change, intentioned or not. And, as I said in the beginning, the main question is whether or not you will be aware and available to know this, so that you can take full advantage of it, aware that it will catapult you into new life. Or will you resist it?

Resistance is a result of fear, and fear digs deep into the human psyche, its marks going back to infancy, its roots difficult to decipher from the roots of innocence. Confront the deepest roots of the self. Find your fear and you will also uncover your innocence. Perhaps that is the place to begin the deeper inner work that will lead to new and lasting growth.

…and good will toward all…

Oh, and keep in mind: as you notice how the outer world and how those in power seemingly ignore the deeper issues of compassion, kindness, and love for all living beings, notice how you do the same to yourself. This is a universal issue, and everyone must address it inside the self.

As your world struggles, so do you, and this is good, for it is the key to finding your own deepest conflicts. No blame now, just growth. That’s what is called for, on all levels of life.

Thank you Jeanne! Peace to all.

A Day in a Life: A Journey Of The Utmost Importance

Who are we at our core?

“In the shamanic world, what you went through is preparation for living a different kind of life, and that kind of life can be had when one is ready to view one’s life as a journey of the utmost importance.”

Chuck spoke these words to me when I was in the midst of recapitulating my childhood sexual abuse. They were transformative words, words of light in the midst of deep personal agony, for they focused me on the intent of my journey through this life. Why am I here? What am I supposed to learn about myself? What is the greater meaning of all that happens in this world? Once again, these words rang through me as I contemplated what happened at Sandy Hook Elementary School last week.

I believe that we are all on journeys of the utmost importance, whether our lives are long and fulfilling or cut short. So, what are we to make of the senseless shootings at Sandy Hook? What meaning can we find in that tragedy, in the deaths of so many young children and the educators who dedicated their lives to engaging and teaching the youngest members of our society, a most important job?

We must face ourselves. We must face the world we have created. We must take this senseless act as a final wake up call and we must not go back to sleep. We must all take a journey of the utmost importance now and change ourselves and our country.

We must allow ourselves to feel every aspect of this most horrific act of violence, really feel it, and be guided now along a new path. We must all partake in creating a new society, not one based on fear as we did after 9/11, but one based on compassion and caring for all living things.

We must not wipe the tears from our eyes and then go out and buy more guns to protect ourselves, arm teachers and bus drivers, as has been suggested. Had I been a gun owner I would have wept and then immediately destroyed my guns. Why is this not happening? Why do we still contend that to be armed is our right and our need? It’s not a need at all, it’s a contention based on fear. And so we must ask ourselves what we fear and why?

In countries where there are few guns, in places where even the police don’t carry guns, there are few shooting deaths as well. It’s a no-brainer. But here, in a society rampant with greed, we have become like complacent animals. Locked in our cages, we are fed more pills, more food, more poisons, than we can possibly need. So drugged are we by the ideas that we need more things, more protection, more guns, that our brains have numbed. We are no longer capable of independent thinking, feeling, and action. We are mere cattle crowded into feedlots, long ago having forgotten that we are free beings, on journeys of the utmost importance.

In the wake of this tragedy, it’s time to wake up and stay awake, to take up not guns but a new weapon called compassionate change that is based on what is universally right for all living beings. Are we a nation of killers, or are we a nation of good, of kindness, compassion, and love?

Change happens slowly and it also happens in an instant, as the shootings at Sandy Hook show us so clearly. If we are truly on journeys of the utmost importance, it’s up to each one of us to take up the cause of personal change now—right now—to instantly turn away from violence, hatred, fear, and instead become truly caring beings. But we can only do this by facing our own deepest fears, by challenging ourselves to stay awake and really confront what lies at our deepest core, to question what is holding us back from becoming the truly amazing and loving beings that we are meant to be.

The shots at Sandy Hook were heard around the world. And now the rest of the world is waiting to see what we will do in the wake of so many truths so loudly declared, that is: that guns kill; that we had regressed into an angry, entitled, fearful nation; that we are no longer the shining star to look up to for guidance. How many times must we make the same mistakes? How many wake up calls do we need?

We must all face what we have become and take full responsibility for not only where we now find ourselves—those overfed cattle in the feedlots—but for our own thoughts, actions, and deeds as well. In our complacency we’ve let a lot of things happen, but now we are being rallied to really change, and to change drastically. If we are truthful, we will look at our world with open eyes and truly see that there is so much that is going in the wrong direction, and that each one of us has a duty to get on the bandwagon of change, in whatever way we can, and turn it in a new direction. But first, as I said, we must begin by changing ourselves. We must investigate our own attitudes, fears, and prejudices by asking ourselves why we feel so entitled, and why we continue to fear, judge, and criticize others rather than face ourselves.

Do we have to face yet more jolting wake up calls? Or can we take up a new cause now and take our journeys of the utmost importance in a new direction, to a higher level of conscious awareness and action so that those who died last week—those who gave us this most frightening wake up call—will not have died in vain. Let their journeys be considered journeys of the utmost importance by truly taking action to change ourselves and our country, and show the world that what lies in our hearts is what now leads us forward.

In sympathy,