Once upon a time things were different and they will be again. Check your memories to realize how fast life goes and how quickly things can change. Life’s unfolding follows patterns, repeated through generations, decades, centuries, millennia. It is the grand unfolding of life that you are witnessing and living through, each great experience part of a greater experience that spans lifetimes. Fully live your own life even in the midst of trouble and turmoil, even in the midst of plenty and pleasure, for your own life’s experience is just as important as the generational experience and, in fact, how you choose to live, to think and to act, the responsibilities you take upon yourself to be optimistic, productive and spiritually oriented in a compassionate, kind way have great effect upon the world outside of you. You really do make an impact. One drop of water in the whole ocean is still one solid drop of water.
Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne