Be responsible for yourself and the things of the world that belong to you. Take care of yourself and your part of the world. Do not leave things and messes for others to have to deal with. Use your energy every day to keep yourself and your world neat and clean. In this manner be part of the solution, part of the positive energy that seeks balance, part of the tao, nature known and accepted, everyone and everything doing its part naturally. The human part involves thoughtfulness, kindness, and compassion. The human part is to remain conscious and aware of how you are affecting everything and everyone else. Get in right alignment using the skills, abilities and knowledge that only humans possess. Keep things alive and flourishing with heart-centered awareness. That’s taking responsibility for the self, within and without. Do your part to keep the world on the right track. It can be as simple as keeping love in your heart.
-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne