Soulbyte for Wednesday September 6, 2017

Be responsible for yourself and the things of the world that belong to  you. Take care of yourself and your part of the world. Do not leave things and messes for others to have to deal with. Use your energy every day to keep yourself and your world neat and clean. In this manner be part of the solution, part of the positive energy that seeks balance, part of the tao, nature known and accepted, everyone and everything doing its part naturally. The human part involves thoughtfulness, kindness, and compassion. The human part is to remain conscious and aware of how you are affecting everything and everyone else. Get in right alignment using the skills, abilities and knowledge that only humans possess. Keep things alive and flourishing with heart-centered awareness. That’s taking responsibility for the self, within and without. Do your part to keep the world on the right track. It can be as simple as keeping love in your heart.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Tuesday September 5, 2017

Healing comes from within, from knowing the self at the deepest level, from knowing why and how one has arrived at a place of illness, of sickness of heart, of boredom with life, of pain, fear, panic or depression, etc. Healing comes from shining a light as big and bright as a full moon on a clear night and seeing the honest truth, deciding to own it and use it as the healing balm. Healing comes from within the self, in accepting what is and using it to change how one sees and uses the self, how one chooses, decides, and proceeds once the light has shined and the truth has been revealed, for just knowing is not enough. Healing comes by going within and sitting with the truth, healing the self by fully accepting it, embracing it, and doing what needs to be done to release the energy of it, one step at a time.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Monday September 4, 2017

[This will be the only posting for today, no audio channeling today, taking the rest of the day off! Happy Labor Day!]

In times of stress it is important to protect one’s energy, to pull inward, get calm, and let nature takes its course. The impulse is to get involved, help out, do the impossible, convince someone of something. But the truth is, as fine as your intentions may be, no one can help another being do what they must do themselves. Of course, there are times when help is needed and therefore should be granted, and to the self this kind of help is very energetically rewarding. But it is in those times of energy drain that one must pull back and wait calmly for nature, and the nature in everyone you meet, to have its way. Nature has a knack for smoothing things out and often does not need interference, for often it is the interference of humans that causes problems to begin with. Step back in times of stress, protect the self, waiting in calmness, knowing that lessons are only learned by experience. Let experience be the teacher, the savior, the salvation. You can do no better than that!

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Friday September 1, 2017

What is pain but something that comes for a visit, something that does not exist unless you give it a name, unless you invite it to stay by claiming it as your own. In identifying it, attaching to it, letting it attach to you, it becomes yours. In releasing it you send it on its way, like an old friend who has overstayed a visit, no longer wanted in your house. Time to go! Shoo! Shoo! When you let pain in, ask yourself why. Find out its reason for landing on you, for being in you, its necessity. There is always a reason. What are you holding onto? What does not want to let go of you? Pain is stuck energy, and energy is vibration, motion, an amorphous thing that wants to move, to flow, to be free, like the wind, like the ocean waves, like you. Thank it for coming to teach you and then free it, release it, let it go!

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Addendum: Pain is real. For 10 years, at the very least, I suffered from chronic pain. No certainty of diagnosis was ever established. “There is no underlying medical reason for your pain.” Each morning was a struggle just getting out of bed and getting my body moving. It wasn’t until I had completed my recapitulation of childhood sexual abuse that the pain went away. I have not suffered from it since. This morning I woke up in pain! When I asked why, the above Soulbyte is the answer I got! -Jan Ketchel

BTW, the pain went completely away as I channeled the Soulbyte. Some good energy therein!