A Day in a Life: The Times They are A-Changin’

Dear Readers and Fellow Journeyers,

It feels only right, in light of the situation that continues to unfold in Japan, that we continue reflecting and searching for meaning regarding the natural events that have rocked the world over the past week. I just cannot return to the personal or domestic at this point, it just feels wrong, the energy needed instead for the bigger picture of what is happening on the other side of the world, affecting us all.

I may be psychic, an open channel, but Chuck is the real visionary. He has the gift of far-sighted intuition that often astounds me. When he says we should do something or prepare for something I take note, because he’s mostly right. I would like to say that he’s always right, but that feels too burdensome a pronouncement to put on anyone. But to prove the point, he has been saying, for many years, that things would come to a head, that what we do politically, environmentally, energetically, and personally make a world of difference and that our dependence on the world’s natural resources would backfire on us, our technological age would become the end of the world as we know it. He never says this in a negative light, but always as a positive and much needed shift, in a shamanic sense, which is that we are setting ourselves up for just the right shift to a new awareness.

You may say, yeah, well a lot of people say that, but not in the way that Chuck says it. He knows something else, the bigger picture always before him, while I tend to focus on the details of the moment. I feel lucky that I too have access to that bigger picture in my channeling with Jeanne, she too offering far-sighted and far-reaching insight in alignment with some of the astounding proclamations that I hear coming from Chuck. The two of them still work in synchronistic ways and if you know them now or knew them as a couple in this world you are not surprised.

When we first began publicly sending out the messages from Jeanne in 2006, first via email and then later on the website, there were still several journals of unpublished material. The content of some of those early messages has stayed with us, warnings of changes in the world, largely based on man’s disregard for nature and his tendency to greed and overconsumption. Today, I post one of those early messages because it is so pertinent to what is happening in Japan at this very moment, a warning almost of this happening. Jeanne says that even our generation, her generation, will feel the impact of change and indeed she is right. The message is long, but I encourage you to read on:

Here is the message, channeled on September 13, 2006, that we find so important to publish now, in light of the continually unfolding situation in Japan.

As usual, I connected to her via a question: Dear Jeanne, Do you have messages for us today?

This is her response:

Contemplate the vicissitudes of the nation. Mark your calendars and circulate the unwanted news that I profess to have access to. The times they are a-changin’! Do not retreat from this job I give you. Do not fail in our intent, which is to bring to all who are ready, the first signs of truth regarding the ways of the government of America and the natural consequences of untapped greed.

Mother Nature revolts. This will happen before, after, and during any other manmade revolts. This will be the ultimate factor, the deciding factor in any other action taken. Mother Nature will wage the war that will end all wars and turn the world into a quieter, calmer place, because there will be no energy or ego enough to continue battling with others. There will be a time of destruction, partly man’s fault, partly instigated by the reaction of the earth to that which man has promulgated upon her surface. This will lead to a calming down of all tensions upon that earth and a forced new world will be in order.

There will be no reason for man to have the power he now affords and awards himself. His state now is of possessive greed and this is an overtaking action, a self-professed assigning of elite power that will bring him down, in the end, to his knees. No man is born to take such a role. That role has been engineered and constructed by man’s tremendous ego, unleashed, uncontrolled, and unable to maintain balance. This ego, grown large and out of shape, no longer holds compassion, kindness, or love at its core, but has pushed aside those basic human attributes and instead taken on the cloak of outrageous greed.

There is no dragging off of this cloak. There is only the dismantling that can happen through natural consequences. So powerful has man become in his own eyes, that he does not intend to allow another man to cut down his sturdy legs and, thus, his attitude perpetuates the intensity of war and greed.

The only thing capable of decapitating and dethroning man is his inherent Mother: the Earth, the Moon, the Stars, and the configurations of the heavens which house all stories, told and untold. Here lies all truth, waiting for the grand moment of coincident, when alignment will impact everything, as man now knows it.

It is not that far off. The many who prophesy and who believe that this is caused by a punitive god do not have all the facts straight. There is much that is involved, both on earth and in the heavens, where outer space is a vast other world, full of life, potential, and energy, constantly gathering to enact needed change.

The synchronistic placement of many things, in order for a great change to take place, is paramount. This cannot be wished for, nor can it be exactly predicted by anyone on earth, for there are many things involved that man alone cannot bear to bring together, either in his mind nor does he dare to impose it upon the decent people of the earth.

What things? I asked.

There are rumblings deep inside the earth, affected not only by their own environment but also by the pulls outside the atmosphere. There are great shifts taking place inside, while outside the magnetic fields are drawing together in a focused alignment that will pull up from inside the earth the energy that has been waiting a long time to be unleashed.

There are gravitational pulls, magnetic and otherwise, that affect all of this, both between planets and between all that exists on earth. There is constant tension and if this tension is disturbed or thrown off balance then there is reason for disaster. During earthquakes there is this confrontation, this tension between the inner earth and the outer space atmosphere where some of the heaviest pulls exist.

This sort of tug-of-war goes on continually, causing flooding and shifting of the waters upon the earth, as well as in the geothermal aspects of the earth’s interior. This man cannot correct or predict, if he does not begin to understand energy outside of object. As long as man continues to think that energy can only be created by an object, he will not be able to fathom how such large and devastating disasters may happen.

There exist vast pools of energy, not at all attached to objects, though at one time it was. Energy does not die, but continues to live and to travel, to be a part of the “forces of nature,” as it is generally called. The forces of nature are however, simply direct spirit energies on a mission, forcibly enacting change with the help of gravitational and other magnetic energies not yet fathomed by man.

[I believe, in that last paragraph, that Jeanne is speaking about evolving human energy, once in the physical, object world, now in infinity, continuing to evolve and impact us here on earth, as she herself does, especially through these channelings.]

There are scientists who have encountered energies and phenomena they cannot understand and often this has caused retreat, rather than further exploration. However, there are many who understand the vast connection between all that exists, beyond known study, and beyond accepted reason. There are the few daring ones who, if paid attention to, could offer incredible insight.

Our mission is part of this great energy that desires change and we are aligned in aligning and preparing those upon the earth who choose to engage us for knowledge of what is imminent.

How imminent? I asked.

Changes can occur at any time, even in your life times, this generation’s, even the one that I was of that grows old now, even that generation will witness incredible changes on the earth’s surface and in the people who inhabit it. It will not be long before it seems that destruction is everywhere, as bits of earth disappear into the sea. And the population will readjust, and a better balance will be created in order for the plentifulness of the earth to be available, according to the original plan, nature providing all.

Until these times of hardship arrive, ready yourself with simplicity. Ready your children to lead lives of compassion and world interest, rather than fear and self-interest. Prepare for changes, but stay balanced and steady and one with the earth and you will have less of a problem adjusting to a new world.

The great electronic revolution interferes with the energy between magnetic poles, slicing through the direct lines of energy that are necessary aspects of life on earth. This has impact on people, directly, though it is not a physical impact, it is an energetic impact, causing disruption and heightened activity that does not allow for the usual connection that leads to calm.

Heightened energy is debilitating and causes many problems, both in an individual and in societies where, if allowed to progress, will create mini-catastrophes merely because of clashes that are better left avoided, but have become unavoidable.

Even as sound reverberates, so does the energy coming from each person on earth reverberate. As the energy of people continues to be disrupted it, in turn, becomes disruptive. With enough of this heightened and drastically off-kilter energy bumping into similar energy there is the tension of sparking to occur. When this happens, whether on a person-to-person level or an energetic level outside the earth’s atmosphere, there is change enacted elsewhere by the simple fact of reverberation.

Clashes are not accidental. There are no accidents. The way things are now going upon the earth are not accidents—this is certain. All is connected. Keep this in mind. What happens one place affects what happens in another place. Everything affects everything else.

Do you have any other messages for today? I asked.

That’s enough. I sense your need to stop. So be it, we will continue tomorrow, but watch my words, as they have great meaning. You are not a scientist, Jan, and this is far beyond your normal activity with me. I know you prefer messages that you can fathom, but I also know I can challenge you and that you will translate my meaning well. We can continue to explain all of this at another time.

My main message of today is to exhibit how all energies effect everything, both that which is directly in its path— resulting in clashes occurring—as well as all other energy in the world, even energy existing independent of objects, as in infinity.

There does not need to be an energy source defined, as such, because energy exists because it is endless, never began, never ends, it simply is.

Remember this as you go about your day, as you meet and encounter the variety of energies that exist on earth’s plane and as you feel and intuit energy all around you. It can be pretty thrilling to understand this and to feel it in your own life.

—End of Channeled Message—

Okay, so if you’ve gotten this far you can see why we felt it was pertinent and important to put this previously unpublished message out at this time. I hope it gives something else to focus on, to help shift away from fear and worry, but also to bring focus on the truth of our times, that they are indeed challenging us to not turn away, to not avoid or pretend that we are not affected by what is happening in Japan, because we are all affected by it, whether we choose to accept that notion or not. Indeed, the times they are a-changin’ as Bob Dylan, that other prophet, that other visionary like Chuck, once wrote. Such visionaries go quietly about their work, but now is really the time to pay attention to what they have been saying all along, because now is the time of real change for us all. There is no stopping it, as Chuck says.

Thanks for listening to us. May you all take the meaning of these messages into your hearts and find the personal meaning in all of this doom and gloom, finding how you can change your own world so you can make a difference to the greater world. We are all being asked to sacrifice something now, to simplify, to return to nature. Mother Earth asks this of us.

If you wish, feel free to share or comment in the Post Comment section below. And don’t forget to check out our facebook page where we share pertinent quotes, photos, and comments, from us and others, at: Riverwalker Press on facebook.

Thanks for reading and passing these blogs on to others! Sending you all love and good wishes,

#750 Thank You, People of Japan

Written by Jan Ketchel and including a channeled message from Jeanne Ketchel.

I decide to channel Monday’s message to humanity a day early. I seek commentary from Jeanne on the devastation in Japan, the earthquake and tsunami that have caused massive devastation, loss of life, catastrophic environmental damage, and feelings of great sadness for the people of Japan the world over. As we are brutally confronted with the reality of impermanence, I ask Jeanne: What can we learn from this natural disaster?

Jeanne responds:

Impermanence, as you mention, Jan, is the first thing to recognize. This is a big blow to man’s insistence on controlling nature, yet the overall message is this: Nothing and no one is safe from death.

It is not enough to sit back and declare that this is happening in another part of the world and lucky for you that you are not there. More must be expected of all of you now, for the earth itself is continually shaking you to awaken. I do not wish to continue along negative lines, for in order to shift into what comes next one must accept that this earthquake and its aftermath are meant to produce a new way of life.

Man has indeed come far from his spiritual roots and purpose. This does not make man bad. It merely presents a dilemma and sometimes such a dilemma requires outside help in causing shift.

I pause, feeling a need to shift the direction of this channeling and ask Jeanne another question. Can you give your readers one important message regarding the situation in Japan?

Here is what Jeanne says in answer to that question:

Treat the world differently from this day forth.
Treat the earth differently.
Treat the people you meet differently and the people you will never meet.
Treat your self differently.
Allow your spirit self to emerge more fully and partake in life.

Accept the truth of your personal impermanence in order to understand the massive loss of life upon the coastline of Japan. Do not stay in sadness, but use it to change how you act, how you pray, how you set your intent. Turn from sorrow to release the self from all that flows so negatively out of this destruction. Turn to the power of change that comes into human lives with such force of nature.

Nature is at the core of each one of you. You have this same power inside you. This is what you are being shown. It is the energy of the times you live in that has so interrupted the land of ancient Japan, but ancient Japan knows it cannot swim against the tides of change. It knows it must accept that this is how nature has decided to send the message that energy is more powerful than man’s progress upon that earth.

It is not time now to bemoan the destruction, but to learn that, although man is weak before such power, man does have this power also within. Perhaps it is time to use it again, but not in revolutions of destruction, of greed, of self-interest, whether personal or national, but only in revolutions of inward digging and excavation, on inward progress.

Start a personal revolution of change. Do not turn from Mother Nature in fear, but turn toward her in love and acceptance that everything you need is in her, keeping in mind that she is each one of you. You hold all you need within.

This is not a simplistic answer nor is it meant to disregard or minimize the impact of this turmoil in the world. No words can do that, for you all feel this. You must feel it. This is the truth you must face: your personal destruction, your impermanence. And to really face that, truthfully, you must change.

You must pay attention to the messages coming from the earth itself. You will find them within. During the coming week go inside the self, each one of you, and begin to clean up the debris in your lives. You have the pictures of what devastation looks like, flashing before you everywhere you look, so you know what needs to be done. Do not look away in horror, but face the horror and work at how it makes you feel.

You must change now. That is the disturbing message.

You live. Do not let the people of Japan die in vain. Take their message of impermanence, delivered so impersonally, and use it to change how things are done. Thank them for their sacrifice to nature’s call to change.

Now it is up to each one of you to carry on, and no matter where you live on that earth: Live differently now.

Thank you Jeanne. Please feel free to post comments or respond to this message in the post/read comments section below. Also check out our facebook page at: Riverwalker Press on facebook. And thank you for passing the messages on!

Most fondly and humbly offered.

Chuck’s Place: The Shamanic Journey of Innocence

We are beings who enter this world needing personal attachment in order for life to take root and grow. Failure to experience personal love and care at a basic level results in a failure to thrive, leading to death. Less fatal woundings with our primary attachments can severely compromise our ability to love and receive love throughout our lives.

The strange twist of personal love in this world is that, even under the best of circumstances, it is ultimately unsustainable. Everything personal comes to an end. Early in life we can be shielded from this fact through the veil of a world without death, however, like Siddhartha, someday, we all must stray beyond the walls of this illusion and confront the truth of impermanence.

To encounter impermanence is to brush up against the impersonal, the coldness of that which is not a person, that which is not of this personal world. Where we came from, before we came into this world, and where we will go, when we leave this world, is in the realm of the impersonal: beyond the person we are while in this world.

Reconciling our personal life in this world with both our impersonal underpinnings and ultimate destination, is the core challenge of life. Foundational to this challenge is the ability to give and receive love in full awareness of the personal and impersonal dimensions of our reality. So challenging is this task that many would prefer death itself to the vulnerability that full openness to love requires.

To love, we must access our pure innocence. This is the innocence that, in its infancy, entered this world with the blind trust that it would be welcomed and cherished. This early stage of innocence inevitably suffers the fall of disappointment. However, innocence, with its tenacious need for love, remains quite resilient. These early woundings in our personal lives are encounters with the impersonal, encounters that shake us out of our tender narcissistic shells.

Then may come more serious brushes with the impersonal: deep disappointment, neglect, loss, or downright abuse. Some of these encounters are brushes with pure evil, a cold predatory energy that mercilessly feasts upon innocence, completely smashing our shells of safety.

Under these crushing blows, and for pure survival, our innocence fragments and takes refuge deep within, seeking protection in the body. This is a wise strategy for survival, but a major freeze to the challenge of giving and receiving love.

Strangely though, it is the shattering of our secure personal world that pushes us into the non-personal dimension of reality. This shattering mimics all shamanic journeys, where ritualized woundings push the initiate beyond the personal into the infinite. These may be journeys beyond the body, or some form of dissociated experience. In traumatic experiences we dissociate to protect our precious innocence.

The resulting fragmentation, caused by dissociation, may be necessary to maintain for decades, as we plunge into life with our lost innocence buried beneath causes, careers, and relationships of discontent. We might even convince ourselves of our unique ability not to ever need love in this life.

Eventually, however, our triggers and seasons of discontent overwhelm us, as we are ushered to awaken to the fullness of our journeys already taken, as well as the need for completion in our continued journey. Thus we begin the recapitulation journey where we reconstruct and relive the full truth of our lives.

Recapitulation restores our connection to our lost innocence, as it is freed from old beliefs, confusions, and blame. The adult self, that we have accrued through our other journeys, is the traveling companion that helps our innocence withstand the full truth as it emerges during our recapitulation.

Our innocence matures through this process and is now challenged to reenter life from this new mature, knowing place. Here, innocence sheds its earliest illusions and needs for personal protection. Rejections, endings, and woundings no longer result in dissociation and a retreat from life as innocence has moved beyond the personal and embraces the full impersonality of life; the shamanic initiation complete.

From here, we are poised for fulfillment in this life. We can know that we have loved before; that we have completed many lives; and that we will leave this life and go into new life where everything will be different. We can love with total openness in human form, without needing to possess or hold onto anything. At this point, our innocence is open to experiencing the relativity of our personal life and equally open to the journey in infinity. Perhaps even open enough to experience that infinity now!

If you wish to correspond, please feel free to post a comment below. And don’t forget to check out our facebook page at: Riverwalker Press on facebook.

Until we meet again,

A Note About Notes, etc. on Facebook

Dear Readers and Fellow Journeyers,

We will now be using our business page on facebook as a sort of daily commentary board posting quotes, thoughts, and anything else that might strike us as interesting or noteworthy. We feel it is a much more accessible and appropriate site for such postings than the website. Today, for instance, Chuck posted a note about the energy of revolution and what happened in Wisconsin yesterday. We invite you to check in daily to see where the energy takes us.

You do not need to have a personal facebook account in order to access our business page. It’s a little different from a regular profile page as you do not need to be invited in either. It is open to all. You may leave comments, start discussions, offer links, post pictures, videos, etc., as if it were your own page. We welcome this kind of interaction and hope to stimulate some interesting activity in keeping with the mission of Riverwalker Press regarding awareness, intent, inner work, shamanism, spirituality, channeling, etc., and general awakenings regarding all worlds.

Please feel free to become a part of this interactive intent that our business page offers. The only thing we ask it that no personal advertisements be posted. And we will keep a keen watch over everything that is posted and should something offensive arise it will be deleted.

Look for more updates regarding this facebook connection and other new things on the website as we continue to work on it over the weekend.

Thanks for being a part of this intent to keep connecting and interconnecting, and for spreading messages of meaning.

Here is the link: Riverwalker Press on facebook An icon will soon appear on the website itself, after a little redesign is done, to make getting there a little easier.

Most Fondly,
Jan and Chuck