Comment on Message #191 by Jan

Today, Jeanne asks us to really take time to change the way we think about ourselves, and the world we live in. She asks that we become proactive in changing our world by actually using new words, allowing for a distinct change in perspective. If confronted with anger, rather than staying caught in anger accept it as an opportunity to challenge the world you are in and the reason for the feelings of anger. What is the deeper issue that you are being asked, by your inner you, to confront? The anger is merely the tool to accessing it. If being confronted with great change in your life, rather than be consumed by old patterns of victimhood or depression, change your perception of your situation to one of growth, and the opportunity to, instead, be firmly planted on a new path with a new set of rules and intentions. By removing our old sets of behaviors we open the door to be able to allow our intent to really work for us because we now know that we want to live life differently, but awareness is the key. If we are aware that we are caught in an old habit, we can shift out of it simply by applying new words to the situation. “I’m not stuck, I’m being challenged to grow. How do I choose to grow? Am I choosing to be on a new path of evolutionary change, utilizing my new tools, or am I going to remain using the old words about my self?” Jeanne is urging us all to partake in this time of change by really taking control of the way we think, perceive, and experience life. We can have a different experience simply by changing our perceptions, our perspectives, and our words.

#191 Reality Is, In Fact, Many Realities

Dear Jeanne,
What is the message for today, to start this new week?

Unearth now those long unused tools of wisdom and knowing that lie hidden deep inside. Together with your newly honed tools of awareness, and your hard work on balancing the inner and outer self, may your efforts reap rewards. Find now, today, your balance for the week ahead. Set your intentions of calmness and steadiness, sobriety, and energetic vigor in order to remain firmly upon your path of growth.

With your intent to grow and evolve uppermost on your weekly agenda, do not deny that which comes to serve you in this endeavor. There is little you need to fixate upon or force, simply remain alert and aware, and find your equilibrium daily in order to have access to your inner knowing. With this inner knowing slowly emerging in your every day life, will you discover that there is so much more to that which you perceive as reality.

Seek now to notice that which is different. As you have grown and evolved, so is more made available to your knowing. There is much that exists simultaneously in your world that you may be unaware of, or unaccepting of, until you have begun to experience it; learning to accept it as, definitely, part of reality; and by accepting with open heart, and without rationalization interfering, are you allowing your world to change, and to become a different one.

Allow this perception of reality as different to become part of your weekly intent. With awareness that energy can allow for anything to happen, do you open the door to furthering your learning of how reality works. For reality is, in fact, many realities, not just the one you have been taught to perceive. When you are a baby, you are taught what everything is called. What if you had been taught that a “chair” was called “lamp”, and “up” was “down?” What if your earliest teachings had been opposite? In such a case, you would live in a totally different world, and your childhood would have been one of confusion, as everyone around you perceived the world differently. Well consider yourself, now, that child who is perceiving the world differently. The worlds are all mixed up because no one else speaks quite in the same manner as you, and your attempts to communicate do not resonate with even a glimpse of recognition.

This new world you live in invites a new way of using your mind, your brain, your trained thinking, asking you to suspend all that you have ever learned, turn it upside down, and begin to use new words to describe your life and your experiences. Begin to make your new words your common language. Allow these new words to be spoken so that they become commonplace, and the world begins to shift as a result of your efforts to disrupt the status quo.

But this process must begin within, and you must be committed to a path of true growth in order to speak new words of change. In order to really change your world, must your new words be thoroughly understood and practiced, so that you become not only aware of your new and changing outer world, but, most importantly, that your inner world keep up with your perceptions of outer reality and access your greatest inner truths. This process of changing your world must extend to your inner world as well. Your old truths are but old words of description of the self, but your awareness is seeking to alert you to the fact that new words about the self exist, ready for your choosing, and when applied will they have the great advantage of allowing new doors to open, so that your view and perception of the inner you may also change.

Allow now for your awareness and perceptions of your outer world and your inner world to be given new meaning. Rename your surroundings, both outer and inner, and see what happens as you apply words of growth and awareness to all that you encounter. Your world will change because it will have new labels and new meanings that will be evolutionary.

Apply today your intent in this new direction of change as you contemplate the new direction that your path will take. Allow this new direction to aid you. See the world differently, perceive yourself differently, and open the door to allow for change and a different experience of life. With this new outlook will your mind clear, your head detach from the old you, and your inner you find resonance in clarity and truth. Apply your new words today, and find a new you, unearthed from the old habits and perceptions, and ready to grow. This is good! Trust your self, and trust all that you perceive now; it is meant to aid you. Accept and trust, and perceive differently now. I dare you, my friends, to take this opportunity to grow!

#190 Repair and Prepare

Dear Jeanne,
Do you have a message of guidance for us today, and for the weekend ahead?

Repair and prepare now your solitary vessel of the self for sailing into the calmer waters that lie ahead. Under new conditions, make use of your time to fix what needs fixing, and be ready for what later lies ahead. Do not anticipate disaster, but be ready for anything and everything. Place your self firmly in command and be aware, at all times, of your place upon the great waters of life. The sea does react to energy differently from a small pond, or even a large lake. A stream carries different properties than a river, and so is it within each of you that the properties of your own resident energy vary and need attending to differently.

Recognize who you are now. Discover the vessel you call your own, and the energetic flow you have chosen as your method of movement and fuel. Find your self full of acceptance for this total package of the self, right now, and determine what you need to complete your preparations for the next part of your journey.

With this time of contemplation and preparation do you give your self the gift of acceptance, recognition, and awareness of where you now find your self, and what the meaning of your life is now. With much learning already behind you, may you proceed now, with quite a nice bit of awareness to steady and aid you as you go. Your companions upon your journey must now be chosen for their worthiness and ability to make the journey with you. Alert your self, first, to the fact that you expect such worthiness and ability to be your own strengths, and your own awareness to continually be utilized. Do not fall asleep at the wheel of your vessel! Do not allow your attention to your course to waver or falter. Do not abide by the rules of old, or of others, but abide by your own new rules.

Choosing, first, the new self to board the vessel as you prepare for the coming month, and reasserting the rules of life and of awareness are essential steps. Remind your self that this journey that you now take through life is of importance, utmost importance, not only for you, but for the greater world and even beyond that earth realm, for you have potential and possibility to evolve now, in infinity. Your journey now has shifted, from one of earth-living to one of infinite life as an evolutionary being. The choice in how you view your journey is up to you. Once you have declined or accepted a new view of your self and your reason for being, then is it up to you to decide where you next point your bow.

So, this is why I suggest that your companionship in life is as important as your inner work and the preparation of your sailing vessel. Your companions must be worthy, hardworking individuals, with equivalent interests in growth. Your ship must vibrate with resonant energy; hum with resonant partnership; and function at a new growth-oriented level so that explorations and adventures may be undertaken, with everyone on board ready and willing to take on the tasks necessary, in order to make each leg of the journey a successful growing process.

If no resonance exists with another, is it far better to prepare for solitary sailing. Your boat will find other boats to sail upon the waters beside, fulfillingly and happily corralled with other vessels equally full of desires for life and adventure out upon the greater waters of life. Find a rivulet to start out from and see where your vessel next ends up. There are so many energetic rivulets that lead in so many directions. Take time now to prepare, to contemplate, and to determine the best course for your self to take, utilizing all your skills, of knowing and awareness, to reach your own inner truth.

From this place of deepest truth, clearly spoken or only vaguely heard, begin the process of seeking that resonance, the place from which to launch. For now, soon, will it be time to set out upon the waters of your choice and go on a new adventure, backed by the winds of growth and change, ready to assist you and drive your vessel upon its chosen course.

But there is still plenty of time to prepare now, before this great opportunity for change and clarity arrives. It will come. Be ready for it. That is where your energy should be placed now, in preparation, contemplation, and making significant choices for your own future. This is good for today.

#189 Practice Detachment

Dear Jeanne,
Do you have a note of guidance for us today?

Become your firmly planted self now upon this intentional path of growth. Do not let the clouds on the horizon interfere with your walking. Do not allow the shadows of darkness or doubt to interrupt your seeing. Do not allow the rumblings on the distant horizon to bar you from understanding your correct knowing. Though disturbances and doubt may sneak in to your territory, do not allow them to become bigger obstacles than they indeed are, for they are but blips of energetic disturbance that need not become yours. Allow them to remain as but stones along your path. Allow them to sit with their own heaviness, rather than pick them up and carry them with you.

Use your knowledge of detachment to aid you now as you venture further, seeking your energetic resonance, keeping your focus forward, and your knowing alert. Abide by the rules of energetic life as you have been learning, and remain your centered and bravely daring new spirit self.

This is what the energy of now requires, and asks of you: That you feel it, that you use it, that you desire it for the proper reasons of spirit growth, and that you utilize it for only that which is truly right. Remain centered and viable, remain focused and alert, remain within the standards you have set for your self as you make this journey now in a new way, with your focus on wholeness, and your attitude positive, and looking now always for resonance.

Meet your expectations with this resonance as your radar. Allow your new self that you are working so hard to accept and allow passage into new life, to read the signs before you. Practice detachment, for this is what I speak of today, learning once again what it means, when it is appropriate, and how it will affect you and your growth process as you perfect your abilities in achieving it.

Today, remain aware. Do not let the energy sabotage your good intentions or your progress thus far made. Pick your self up, and walk the path you have chosen, knowing again the rightness of your choice, and see where this next step leads you. And if you do in fact need to take a new path, then choose your new direction with all of your new tools and rules as your compass and your groundbreaking shovel, forging your way now with every step dug right, and every focus on getting it done properly. You have much to aid you. Good Luck!

#188 Abide by the Rules of Change & Accept and Detach

Dear Jeanne,
Do you have a message for all of humanity today?

Change is now in the winds of energy, though at times is this but a subtle scent. Keep your nose up and sniffing, seeking always to follow the proper path and to abide by the rules of change.

What are they?

These are: the rule of alertness at all times, the rule of resonance, and the rule of self-discipline in sticking to your path, as well as the rule of daring. Always remain daring in your spirit search and research, and you will find the other rules naturally become necessary.

As I speak today of change, so do not forget that I spoke yesterday of self-acceptance and the ability to trust the self-image, both inside and outside, as necessary for now. With this You are you traveling, and your way will be easier and clearer as you learn the compromise of acceptance. This compromise is not a negative acceptance of faults or problems, but a positive one of acceptance and simultaneous detachment. And this detachment is not either a negative attitude, but a very positive one, for in detachment is there acceptance of now.

With this acceptance of the self, and the balancing act of detachment from the self, is it possible to progress with a freer spirit self, and a freer physical self. Accept and detach, and in so doing allow your self the possibility of laying aside burdens that do not necessarily belong to you, but have been placed there by others’ ideas and others’ proclamations. For are you truly willing to carry upon your shoulders the judgments of others? Are you willing to bear the confining attitudes of beauty and disfigurement that have been determined by outside forces that, quite frankly, have nothing to do with your own personal growth and evolution? Have you become trapped by the processes of outside influences seeking to keep your attention on them, and their rules, rather than on your self and your own process of growth and nurturance?

So, as I spoke of yesterday, is it most beneficial to engage in the process of self-acceptance; then take that one step further: to detach this newly accepted self from the confines of a capitalistic society net that entraps and keeps you caged in doubt, despair, and disagreeable attitudes about the self that are unacceptable for the journey you are now on.

Continue today this unburdening process, as you find your heart-centered spirit beauty, your inner purity and innocence, and allow this to become strong enough to push off your shoulders the burdens that you carry that do but weigh you down, and deny you full access to your energetic self. Underneath all of that will you find you own true and pure energy, and this is what you seek to nurture and enjoy, without limit and without confinement.

Access this energy, now, as the winds of energetic change continue to blow. Keep your nose up, your back straight, your feet firmly planted upon your path, and your mind free of those burdens of old. Follow now the new signs, with the new rules of energetic travel; and allow your true self to accept your other true self, and travel on now with lightness, joy, and that ever-necessary daring that I speak of. See what happens next! You may be surprised!