A Correction and Appreciation for the Feedback to The Book of Us

Please note that a correction has been made to The Book of Us where several paragraphs of text were inadvertently omitted on page 30 of the actual print version of the book (pages 44 and 45 in the pdf file).

In addition, we wish to express out deepest gratitude to all who have e-mailed, sharing the profound impact this book is having on their lives. We invite all to send their honest reactions upon reading The Book of Us, and greatly appreciate being advised of any grammatical, editorial, or technical mishaps you might notice.

Chuck Ketchel and Jan Ketchel

#193 Each Day Do You Embark on Yet Another New Journey

Dear Readers of Jeanne’s Messages,

Please see the News and Notes posting Introducing: The Book of Us, posted on November 20, 2007. This message from us will give you some insight into the process that we went through in making our decision to publish the story of Chuck and Jeanne’s thirty-year relationship and Jeanne’s continued journey in infinity. We offer you all the opportunity to read The Book of Us, posted on our website as a free download. Thank you again for your participation in this amazing journey. Please pass on the news of this publication to those with whom you feel it may resonate. Here is today’s message. The next message will be on Monday, November 26th.

Dear Jeanne,
Today feels like a special day. The Book of Us is posted on the website now, to much affectionate response from some of your most dedicated readers, their messages touching us deeply. We have felt so intensely responsible for publishing it at the right time, when the energy was right, and we feel such grateful anticipation for being able to finally launch it as part of this amazing process we have embarked on with you. Tomorrow is Thanksgiving; so thank you from us for your continued guidance. Is there anything you would like to say today, on this special day, and in anticipation of tomorrow, the day of Thanksgiving?

Each day do you embark on yet another new journey. Each day holds within its nucleus the opportunity for change and for growth. This is what is being offered through these messages, the opportunity to learn about something new, or to view the ordinary in an extraordinary way.

My life as Jeanne Marie Ketchel is yet to be explored by many, but as it is read will it be judged both softly and with a brittleness that will confront many personal insights and issues of choice. Do not judge me too harshly, for I made the choices that suited my deepest issues and challenges. I chose to take an unconventional road, the hidden path through the jungle, with many dangers, but also with so many opportunities hidden along the way. To choose the jungle over the pristine path of medical procedure as practiced now, especially in the United States, was not really all that difficult. There are no cures for any diseases upon that earth; there are only cures of the inner spirit. There are no opportunities that are totally right if the inner spirit does not truly find resonance.

My own path held so many valuable jewels, diamonds along the path that would have left me an unfulfilled and unevolved being had I not proceeded as I did. I chose the way of spirit, and I succeeded in the ultimate cure, and the final healing of my soul’s journey through many millennia, achieving awareness at the crucial moment, able to attire myself with clarity in order to maintain my place in that time of transition.

The ultimate challenge is to evolve, and that may not include a cure for the human body, but only a healing cure for the energy body. That became my greatest challenge, to emerge from that human life with my energetic awareness in tact, and thus achieve the total healing of my long and arduous journeys through the many life times I had spent upon that earth.

If you are inclined to study my life in this context will you perhaps understand that this clarity of purpose, though it was not always clear to me, did eventually become my focus as I detached more and more from that life in human form and re-attached my energy to what was to come. My preparation was well done, if I do say so myself.

I wish upon all of you the courage, the energy, the conviction, and the daring to continue the journey of your spirit, at all costs, no matter the consequences, holding on always to that inner knowing, whether with clarity or with a veiled, unclear sense of rightness; stay always upon that path and you will achieve your own life’s goal. For all have a goal for that life now being lived. I wish for all to discover what that goal is, to be enabled the opportunity, with that discovery, to take it beyond that life, and work toward discovering the challenges and goals of the next life. I urge you all to ask always for clarity, for the veils of disguise and distortion to be lifted so that you may always know the path that is right for your own taking.

I humbly place my life before you, documented with openness and truth. Speaking in my stead, these two generous companions have given us all the opportunity to continue this mission of awakening and growth. May you learn what it means to make choices, to be aware, to navigate life, and to consciously protect your right to choose, no matter what the circumstances.

On this eve of the great day of Thanksgiving that so many of you will be celebrating, I choose to continue the path that has always been right, not only for Jeanne Marie Ketchel, but for all of humanity, the path of evolutionary growth far beyond the confines of that earthly reality. Give thanks for the journeys you all take, for the choices you all make. Look with compassion and love upon all journeyers, and accept your own place in that life you now live as meaningful, evolutionary, and totally acceptable. Do not waver from your knowing of right spirit-centered direction, staying committed to that inner you who points out the path even though the day may be clouded over, fogged in, and the air barely breathable. So does your inner guide know, instinctively, how to proceed.

Trust this inner knowing, and invite now upon your self and your families, near and far, the ability to not only listen to this voice of right knowing, but to follow its guidance. May the world change as a result of your efforts. Happy Thanksgiving!

Introducing: The Book of Us

In July 2006, Jan and I submitted our book proposal for The Book of Us to several publishers. We were extremely careful; selecting only those whose mission statements resonated with our own. In addition, we chose only publishers who accepted direct submissions from authors, wishing to bypass the middleman process of an agent. From its inception, we trusted the energy and value of the book to stand on its own and find its place, going against conventional practices and the energy of the times.

Over the past year, we have received many polite form letter rejections, and some heartfelt, personally written notes of encouragement to: “find a place for this very worthy book,” and this “fascinating story.” Presently, there remain three publishers who have been considering the book for over a year. On September 25th of this year, I had the very strong feeling that it was time to publish the book on our own. Jan and I had let only a handful of people read excerpts from the book, though many others have asked me about its publishing status on and off over the past year, anxious to read it. It suddenly dawned on me that we were holding back valuable information, while waiting for someone else to decide the fate of our book. I simply couldn’t justify that. If this book can help people now, I thought, it should be made available. In my characteristic fashion I proposed to Jan, “Let’s just do it ourselves!” Also, in characteristic fashion, I asked Jan to ask Jeanne for feedback, and she challenged me to question the I Ching, our two most faithful guides. Following, are the synchronistic commentaries from these two voices of infinity. First, Jan notes some interesting synchronistic experiences of her own before posing her question, while I was in another room asking the I Ching for guidance.

Dear Jeanne,
I have a question to ask you. Today, and yesterday, Chuck has been posing the question of whether or not we should publish The Book of Us ourselves, in E-Book format, and offer it for free on our website. I have been a little bothered by, what I call, his impatience, preferring to sit and wait. But I realized this morning, with clear insight, that my patience and ability to sit and wait is partially fear. I am still often afraid of public exposure, preferring to remain private, though I push it aside and keep going forward.

Today, as I walked Spunky down a tractor path in a field, I posed the question to you. “All right,” I said. “Just give me one sign so I’ll know if it’s time, now, for us to publish The Book of Us ourselves.” Then I waited, looking around, wanting a concrete sign, a blatant, apparent sign: A tattered old book in the grass, a slip of paper with the word “yes” on it, or straw on the path spelling out “Yes” or “No.” Then I thought, “Oh, she’ll make me work for it, as usual.” When I turned and started walking back, two butterflies, one white, and one yellow, flew out of the field in front of me, doing a lovely dance, back and forth in the pathway, and I thought, “Oh, The Book of Us.” Then a third, a yellow butterfly, joined them for a while, dancing with them, then flew off again. And I thought, “That’s Jeanne, that’s The Book of Us,” and I took it to mean yes.

Now, we’ve been talking about what to do. I feel sad and a little empty, but I think those are my own feelings about ending this very private and intimate life we three have shared. Going public and publishing the book, exposing ourselves to public opinion, also scares me a little, but the ending of that wonderful time we’ve had together really saddens me. So, I wonder if you can comment, right now, as Chuck throws the I Ching to ask the same question. Is it time now, to publish The Book of Us, as an E-Book that people can download for free? Can you give us guidance on this question?

Do not worry about what you lose, but think instead about what you gain as you allow yourself to be swept up into positive energy that is now awakening, even as the dark energy swirls about with such disturbing rancor. Underneath the darkness is there new light, a new sun, seeking to rise; and that new sun brings new light, new seeing, clarity, and energy that the darkness keeps hidden. Yet is it there, awaiting discovery, even in the darkness.

I do not advocate running from the inevitable, nor do I advocate hiding from the truth underneath the darkness. The light will abide by the rules of good energy, and this you must focus on. On top of light is there yet more light as it radiates outward, into the universe. Find your place now more firmly in this mission as you go ahead with your plans to publish, for life cannot wait any longer for dilly-dallying. I dare say it is the way to go, though do not be surprised by the progress that others hope to gain from it. By this I mean, monetary. Stick to your mission, no gain, only what you absolutely need, and give the rest away where it is best used, though monitor it sharply, for sharks and hustlers abound, even in the world of light.

You have come far, yet must you push onward to continually progress the mission. Yes, do it so differently that there can be no dispute that these two people have goodness of purpose, and undeniable love for the journeys of all, in their hearts. No personal agenda exists, just the spreading of the mission, and the opportunity for evolutionary growth. That is what these two people seek to offer. This I applaud, along with their courage, and their conviction to remain always growing, and changing, and meeting the challenges that arise. This is you two, my dearest Chuck and Jan, that I speak of. For my part, I am not attached to the book unless it is read, for otherwise I do not exist! If no one knows about me, and my group, then how can I exist, or have impact? Pick up your pens and pencils of the future, and begin the process now. Tell my story, and yours too, and let’s get the show on the road, moving now at a faster pace.

What about waiting for another, legitimate publisher?

Legitimate? Who is more legitimate than you? Let others catch up, that will be their fate, yet do I risk saying they will never, for that is not the method. No gain. Go for it.

Jeanne Marie Ketchel channeled by Jan Ketchel
September 25, 2007

For my part, I threw Hexagram #64, the final reading in The Book of Changes, with special emphasis on the ruler of the hexagram, 6 in the fifth line. This closing, optimistic reading in the I Ching, the time of Before Completion, depicts a time of transition, from chaos to order, from winter darkness to spring light and life. The seeds of new life, long germinating in the darkness of the earth, are about to spring forth with new life. The ice over rivers is melting, and the I Ching draws attention to the plight of the fox, moving circumspectly over such precarious fragility, suggesting caution over unbridled enthusiasm. Nonetheless, the ruler in this case, gives unbridled support to the light of the superior man, taken here to mean the book. All has indeed been prepared for, and this true light is favorable for accomplishing this transition to new life.

The future of this hexagram turns into #6, Conflict. Indeed, the controversial nature of The Book of Us will undoubtedly lead to conflict on many levels, from the decisions Jeanne and I made with cancer, to the validity of channeling itself. We make no claims to absolute truth, or the absolute “way”. The book however, is deeply the truth of our experiences and our journey, and is intended to support, and further, the journeys of those with whom it resonates. Both commentaries from infinity were extremely similar, and supportive of our decision, hence we launch The Book of Us.

Chuck Ketchel
Red Hook, New York
November 19, 2007

#192 Take Life to a New Level Today

Dear Jeanne,
Do you have a message of guidance for today?

Sit now in quiet contemplation. Gather to you all your tools, your skills, your knowing that lies deep inside you, and allow your self permission to try living your life in a new manner with all of these possibilities as your new means of practice. Take life to a new level today by inculcating in your life all that you have been learning about awareness, recapitulation, energy, balance, and centeredness. Begin to utilize all of these skills. Allow your self access to your own doubt about what I speak of, and sneak past it now; leave it off to the side; and though you know it remains as your rational grounder, so do I dare you to leave it now, for a time, and allow your self to boldly trust your new tools and techniques. As you put aside your doubt, as you take time to sit in contemplation select one of your new tools or techniques and put it to work for you, and then see what happens.

Practice a new art today. Give your self permission to accept the possibility that everything is available, and with that trust and acceptance freeing you from your compliant, everyday self, put to the test some of your new skills. Even just sitting in quiet meditation, with empty mind, can bring you into a keener awareness of the self and your surroundings. Don’t be afraid to see where your own energy directs you, where it leads you, and what it may point out to you today as your next challenge. Be alert so that you do not miss your lesson of the day. But instead of waiting, why not institute a practice of opening to it, by putting aside doubt and heavy thinking to allow for open flow of energetic inquiry?

You may be surprised at what comes to greet you and to invite you in to investigate for meaning and significance. Your energy and your inner self are attuned to much more than your thinking mind will allow. Remove your thinking cap, and use your calm awareness as your guide. Look for feelings, sensations, images, and energetic vibrations to guide you to your daily issues. Do not attempt to force anything, but in calm repose allow your spirit to bring you to where you need to go. See where this takes you today, a few minutes of utter calm. Without your troubled mind, without your personal judgments of your self and others, without your concentration on your physical image, and without your normal outer distractions intruding, do you offer your self an opportunity to access your deeper self. See what arises to greet you from this place of deep detachment, and displacement from your normal outer self. You may be surprised at what comes up.

Then, once you return to your outer you, retain some of that calm centeredness and bring what you have learned forward with you into your day. As the day progresses may you discover what it truly means, and where your inner you suggests you go to investigate further. Is it a deeply seated desire? Is it a sense of uncomfortable memory? The return of an old behavior? Is it your energy body? Is it your future being revealed? Is it your restless spirit, urging you to wake up and see what is waiting for you? Is it your child self, urging you to rescue it from the past that lies so heavily buried? What challenges lie waiting for you?

Do not be afraid to attempt this endeavor of quiet contemplative emptiness in meditation. Even a light delving in to detached emptiness may yield results, but your awareness is key if you are to gain clarity, and truly know what is being offered to you. Whatever comes up is a gift. Keep that in mind. Even the most troubling of issues is a true gift, for without uncovering all that lies hidden will your growth and evolution remain elusive.

So for today, and every day for that matter, pay attention to your inner spirit self and its need to speak to you in utter calmness. No matter what is going on in your life, is it mandatory that you give your self time to sit in quiet contemplation. Accept what you receive from your moments of calm as highly necessary for your evolutionary growth. Your challenges may be disturbing to you, better left untouched, hidden, forgotten, but that is never the case. Everything must be picked through, for the hidden jewel that awaits. And when you are done, will you have a beautiful string of precious stones, polished, and prepared by your hard working self, a necklace of recapitulation, a beautiful memento of your daring, trusting self. Begin to find your first stone, your hidden jewel, by going in to utter calm retreat for a few minutes every day. See where this next step in your practice of awareness takes you. What comes up? Something always comes up, but will you pay attention?

Comment on Message #191 by Chuck

Jeanne’s message today reflects three points from the world of the ancient shamans. Her focus on the use of words to define one’s world is captured in the shaman’s view that the socialization process human beings are subjected to from the time of their birth and the uniformity of it among all people generates the world we live in. That world is a description, not an actual perception of reality. This description is very much constructed by our use of words. To perceive energy directly is the goal of the shamans, enabling direct access to alternate worlds.

It is critical to interrupt the flow of energy that generates our dominant description of the world, via a number of techniques, in order to experience a different world. The shamans used a technique entitled: not doing, to accomplish this interruption of energy flow. When Jeanne suggests using new words to define experiences, such an interruption of habitual flow of energy is accomplished, and one is freed to enter a different world. The shamans would call this, having an experience of being unfamiliar to oneself.

Finally, words are vehicles of intent. Words attract energy to construct the intent they embody. A new vocabulary constructs a new world in which to live, just as viable as the habitual world we commonly inhabit, which is indeed in need of evolutionary change.