Category Archives: Messages from Jeanne

—Channeled by Jan Ketchel

Our Messages from Jeanne category began as a platform to bring our channeled messages to a wider audience. The earliest messages were written missives, so if you go back in the files you will find hundreds of written messages. Later we went to an audio format so more recent messages are spoken. To search by theme or special interest, use the search button in the navigation bar. Our hopes are that all of the messages, no matter the format, offer helpful guidance in navigating the waters of life.

#94 Uncover Now Your Inner Potential

Dear Jeanne,
Do you have a brief message for today?

Uncover now your inner potential. Do not leave it hidden and unused any longer. Now is the time to tap into this unlimited asset that many do not even understand. But that does not matter. Understanding will come at a later date, for now just allow it to guide you. See were it takes you, then follow it willingly and readily, for it will guide you correctly. You will need to practice detachment from the pulls of the world, and the ego, and the big baby inside you that seek to distract and keep you in a state of ungrowth. But your choice now is growth, so what are you waiting for? Your inner potential wants discovering, and wants usage, and desires that you learn this aspect of the self, your full spirit potential, your inner truth, and your inner knowing. Allow these aspects of the self to guide you and you will do well. Believe me, everything will be fine if you dare to follow your truth, though the road may, at times, seem rough. But in reality will the road be rough anyway, but it is up to you how you choose to ride that rocky road. Do you choose to go with spirit, unlimited, and eager, or do you choose to go with reluctance, and your big baby dragging along, fretful, and annoying. Come on, you travelers. Let’s go!

#93 The Agent of Change

Dear Jeanne,
Do you have a word of guidance for today?

Look now continually forward even as you are drawn by old ways and old habits. Stay focused on change and growth, not simply because I suggest it, but because of the underlying truth of the need for it. It is not enough to speak of change, that does not move you any place but keeps you standing still. To speak only, without action, is the work of the habitual stuckness. Seek now the agent of change in your own life. Where will you find it, and how will it be most helpful to you? As I said the other day, dare yourself a little, and then dare yourself a little more. This is the only way to enact the change that is so badly needed now. If each of you upon that earth make the decision and take the necessary action for change, then do you, each individually, become an agent of change. And you will have impact, first in your own life as you elect a new life, and then in the world at large, as your own movement will affect all that is around you, and this will have wider repercussions as it spreads. Your place now is already determined, but your sincere participation and firm action is necessary. Take firm action today in some fashion, whether large or small, and become your own agent of change. You will not regret this, for it will open new doors and bring you further along your path.

Seek always your calmness, and remain in balance, even as you dare yourself to boldly go forward. As I have suggested, your focus must remain outward in that world, and outward as well in your inner world. Your goals will collide eventually as your inner journey and your outer journey converge, eventually, as one. This you will welcome, and this will allow you to understand the greater meaning of life, a life of wholeness, a life of direction, and a life of spirit evolution. So, do not hesitate now. Continue on your forward journey with firmness, calmness, and balance, and top that off with daily changes now, and you will do well.

#92 Look Towards the Horizon

Dear Jeanne,
Do you have a word of guidance for us today?

Look towards the horizon now where all that awaits your gaze is sitting in stillness. Look forward at all times. Do not get drawn in by the undertow, or capsized by the strong currents in the river of life. Watch always your placement of foot as you take your steps now into new life. Be free, but be cautious. Be reasonable yet also be able to go with the flow of life as it is presented to you. Do not harbor fear, for it does but hold you back. Fight it off as you keep your gaze always forward and your feet steady upon your path. I do not, at this time, recommend too much daring, just a little will do as you get a feel for what change can mean in your life. Are you electing change? Then must you go for it with conscious thoughtfulness and with your knowingness firmly planted and working at all times. Do not seek abandon. That is not what I mean by change. Change must be meaningful, or you will lose yourself in the undertow of energy that seeks out those who are not proceeding as mature and reasonable adults. Know your direction at all times. If you feel lost, then stop a moment, and find your calm center, and listen for inner direction. This is all you need to guide you. Your direction is laid out, now you just need to recognize it. Good luck!

#91 Construction

Dear Jeanne,
Do you have a word of guidance for today?

Construction is the meaningful word I give to you today as you continue your journeys upon that earth. Construct now your own true self. Do not dabble any longer. Do not hesitate or wait. Do not find fault with the self, or others, but simply flow now into new life. This is what the energy and the times are telling you now, that it is time to fully let go of the old and flow now fully into the new you.

Your old patterns and habits are now deconstructing, either on their own, or with the help of the universe. There is no ability to maintain that which has fallen into such disrepair, or has simply lost its power in your life. It is time now to construct anew. Time now to challenge the self to accept that change is necessary and begin to enact it in your own life, fully conscious of what you are doing, knowing that this is what you must do, you want to do, and you shall do for the self because it is right to do this for the self. It is right to seek a new place. For even as you seek newness, so does the world around you say that it is time for change. The entire world is in disrepair. Do you not see this all around you? Do you not see the reflection of this disrepair in your own life? Do you not understand that the habits of the past no longer work in that deconstructing world? Time to go fully and consciously forward into newness now. I challenge each and every one of you to make a move toward newness today. Do something, no matter how small, to change your life. Do it now, today, and then see what happens. You will not be disappointed. The universe awaits your energetic participation in the construction of a new world, the world at large, and your own worlds, both outer and inner. Do you accept my challenge for change? Okay! Go for it!

#90 Seek Calm Clarity Today

Dear Jeanne,
Do you have a word of guidance for us today?

Avoid the pitfalls of old habits. Avoid the fears of old lives. Do not allow the self to be so deeply affected by the ways of old, but instead look forward to newness now. Circumstances do not need to be so dire; only if you choose to make them so will they captivate you and pull you down into old ways. Find yourself on a new path now, with new desires and new expectations, focused on growth. Your way will be clear if you allow it to be so. Do not jump to conclusions that will confuse or delay growth. Clear the mind, sit back, and contemplate reality, and in that moment of quiet calm will clarity reign. This is what you seek today: calm and clarity, for they must now be both your inner central knowing self and your guide as well. How can you expect to function properly if you do not first achieve calmness, then seek clarity? Only with these two new techniques in your life will you have success in gaining evolutionary growth. Evolutionary growth requires a certain detachment from all that seeks to inhibit you and catch you up in old habits, or even just old habits of thought. Centering and balancing are necessary. Calm down today. Take time to sit quietly and reflect on your situation, and then act from calm reasonableness rather than heightened anxiety. Calm awareness rules the day. You will find that this is so. Seek it in your own life and allow it to guide you properly. This is good for now.