Category Archives: Messages from Jeanne

—Channeled by Jan Ketchel

Our Messages from Jeanne category began as a platform to bring our channeled messages to a wider audience. The earliest messages were written missives, so if you go back in the files you will find hundreds of written messages. Later we went to an audio format so more recent messages are spoken. To search by theme or special interest, use the search button in the navigation bar. Our hopes are that all of the messages, no matter the format, offer helpful guidance in navigating the waters of life.

#119 Struggle Away!

Dear Jeanne,
Do you have a word of guidance for us today?

To struggle is allowed, necessary, and aids you in your growth. Though you may wish for quick enlightenment, rejuvenation, and the honor of graduation to spiritual warrior so must you slow down your enthusiasm to a calm working pace. No one said that work on the self would be easy. No one said that work on the self would be a quick process. Oh no, work on the self is a lifelong process!

As you struggle, remind yourselves that this is your focused path, that you have accepted this journey, and that in order to reap the benefits of every aspect of this journey must every moment count, and have importance, and even be lived fully. Accept every aspect of your journey, especially the moments of deepest struggle. For in those moments do you learn the most about yourself. In your struggles are the barest necessities of your physical self exposed, while at the same time the characteristics of your spirit self are equally felt.

In time of struggle and frustration are you being put to the test, your outer ego and your inner spirit self both vying for leadership. Who will win? Who will take command? Will the ego win out? Will you descend into old habits of negative comfort? Or will you ascend to a new level of discomfort that will actually lift you above and beyond the habits you now allow to reside so close to you.

Lift up your head and look away from the old self now as you struggle. Look upward toward the new self you have envisioned and strive for. Grant yourself permission to step up a tier, ascend a step toward this inner vision. You won’t be disappointed, and your time of struggle will soon sink into the misty past, no longer gripping at you, no longer seeking to distract you from your new path.

Today, grant yourself permission to struggle, for it is necessary, but do not get caught there. Win out over the past, over the ego, and over the distractions that seek to dissuade you from your new life. Stay focused. Stay calm. Remain steady and balanced. You can do this because there is nothing else that really matters in life. Nothing at all.

If you do not allow the self to evolve, what else is there to do with that life? Nothing. This I do know for sure. Trust me on this statement. Nothing else matters except evolution of the inner spirit self to a new view of life that is far removed from the old vision. Seek this new vision of the self; reach for it, and over time is there no doubt that you will achieve it. You all are fully capable. Go now, and test your strength. Struggle away!

#118 Convergence Continues

Dear Jeanne,
Yesterday you suggested the word convergence, and personally I experienced and saw convergence happening on many levels. What can we expect today?

Today is a day of utter calm as the next wave approaches. Convergence will continue to be the word of operation for a time to come, but intermittently will calm or turmoil intercede. Waves of ocean water have a tendency to overwhelm, but then pull back, momentarily, leaving a calm in their wake until the next wave builds and approaches. During stormy weather, the waves crash upon the shore in unending pounding with little relief between them. Life and time of convergence have similar characteristics. So do not expect this day of utter calm to last long. In each life will it be experienced differently depending upon which shore you stand upon. For some, will the moments of calm be brief, for others will they give time for reserve of energy. But all must be prepared for the next wave of energetic convergence coming, whether quickly, or slowly viewed far upon the horizon.

Look now for the synchronicities in your life to lead you to the proper shore, to the proper place of work, the place where you will best attack, not only your own inner work, but best withstand the assault of convergence in your own life. I do not mean to imply that convergence will be violent, or anger bearing, for that is not my meaning. Convergence though, may knock you over with clarity, with its truth, and with its meaning in your life. You may feel knocked over, bowled over, or have your feet pulled out from under you as you fully experience the totality of the coming convergence in your life.

So prepare, during moments of calm, for that which inevitably will approach to knock you off your feet, or simply offer you clear inner knowing, and perfect vision that will lead you to making good and proper decisions, and allow you to grow and to progress in your life. All of this is good for today. Do not look for darkness, nor light coming for you during this time of convergence, simply remain open to change, and that will be good. Convergence offers opportunities for change, for growth, and even for abrupt course change. Be prepared, be thoughtful in your decision making now, but stay on your path, and you will weather well this continued time of convergence.

#117 Convergence

Dear Jeanne,
What’s the word for today?

The word for today is convergence, the meeting of all themes, of all knowledge, and of all possibility. Look now within your own self-study for convergence, for that moment when the meaning of your life becomes brilliantly clear, and your knowledge of self is attuned to now. Your moment of such clarity will grant you insight, perhaps only in the blink of an eye, that will allow you to know and understand what your true purpose is. Even this small, quick, blink of insight will give you all that you need to know and fuel your future work.

Look now for convergence, not only within the self, but in all that is around you as well. There is an energy of convergence in all aspects of life about to take place. This will have great impact upon the world, the individual, and energetic flow as a whole. Your participation in your own recapitulation is an important point, for during this time of convergence will it become clear to you how the work you do on the self is being reflected on many levels. As you reach convergence, so is there similar energetic convergence elsewhere in the world, and in the universe. This is not coincidence. This is the flow of energy being utilized and allowed to function, as it should. As you allow yourself access to universal energy so do you become part of the whole, part of the grand scheme of things so to speak. And this, my dears, is valuable insight. For as you become aware that you are indeed part of the whole so do you gain more knowledge of energy, of energetic flow, and convergence, and how all things are connected, at every level. Even your own life is connected to that which is happening in the heavenly bodies, the planets, the energy of magnetic pull, and the flow of power that exists in thought, action, word, and the deeds of every person upon that earth.

But, awareness is the only thing that will grant you this insight. And awareness of self is what you are working on so diligently now. For even as you read my messages so are you tapping in to the energy that will inevitably converge. And when it does, so must you know that it is the same energy that pushes you to work on your own inner knowing, and requests such focus, and diligent work from you so that your life, your past, your present and your future may one day soon converge in a moment of clear insight. And then, my dears, will your way be set clearly before you, the truths revealed, and all explanation clarified so that you may be granted knowledge of how to proceed from now. Then will the choice be yours, whether to take the new path, or stay upon the old.

Good luck. Do not harbor fear for that moment of convergence, it is not only necessary, but life giving. When you reach this point in your own life will your knowing guide you, but it is up to you, the human being, to choose the path. What will you do?

#116 Participation

Dear Jeanne,
What message do you have for us today?

A short message today, to keep you upon your path, is what I offer. Difficulties arise, struggles ensue, old habits of rejection of the self will also become apparent, but these things must not hold you from your truth. Though frustration, and perhaps even boredom with confronting the old self once again, may factor in to your recapitulation do not allow these minor infractions to impinge upon your progress.

I expect bravery from you as you enter into the new habit of recapitulation, but I also expect that, from your new adult place of understanding, you will go easy on yourself, doing what you can handle, not overdoing so that you get caught there, and removing yourself quickly when the time is right. Then, you step back in to now, fully aware and centering, before pondering the meaning of your encounter with your past self.

This is all meaningful. Do not doubt that whatever you encounter on your journey into recapitulation is extremely valid and valuable for you. Even though you may not clearly understand, or even acknowledge, that you have learned anything new so will it later become apparent that you are changing daily as you make your way.

A journey is not a happy-go-lucky event at every step, but it is a meaningful event at every step. Your participation is all that is required. So, today, I continue to urge your participation in your growth to spirit, and spiritual, awareness. Even though you may doubt or reject my urgings, so do I ask that you go along with me for a while before you dismiss me entirely.

As you participate, question everything you encounter, but question it differently. Recapitulation is about not only seeking clarity, but also it is about gaining a new perspective on the self, the self as a journeyer who knows that every aspect of the past was meaningful and got you to now, to where you are now. So, piece together the puzzle of yourself now, knowing that a whole clear picture will emerge as you find each piece, place it correctly, and see your journey clearly emerge as meaningful and, even more than that, as truly meant to be exactly what it was and continues to be. But, all of this requires your participation in the process of recapitulation and growth. The reward for such hard work will be a new lightness, a new ease in life, but best of all, a new complete understanding of the self as journeyer; and you will look forward to life ahead of you with enthusiasm and readiness for adventure in a totally new way. Life is meaningful at every step of the way, but with your participation will life be much more fulfilling and satisfying, and joyous too!

#115 Recapitulation

Dear Jeanne,
Do you have a short message for us today?

Do not harbor guilt. Do not impose upon the self feelings of guilt, resentment, or regret for the past; the past is done. As you recapitulate, seek instead clarity and truth of vision, and in your investigations be truth-seeking. Do not allow the old habits to guide you to old hideouts of safety, but allow your new emerging self to clearly bring you to a new vision and a new center of calm as you go through the process of discovery of the truth of the self.

This process that I urge upon you is so necessary, though I know it is difficult to weather as you review your past, the past you had closed the door on, for good, you thought. Go now, one final time, into your past, and gather, with clear vision, clear thinking, and clear understanding, all the truths that reside there in the shadows. Expect your past to be different from your memory of it, and you will go into it with the proper attitude. Go into it caught by the old ideas and you may not be open to receive the truth. Turn down the covers you have hidden under, open the doors you have closed, push aside the veils that have closed behind your every step and have a new look as you remain firmly grounded in now, in the new you, mature and ready to proceed on life’s journey. But, you must face the fact that in order to proceed must all past secrets be clearly revealed, all bundles of this life’s past upon that earth be sorted through so that you may proceed unburdened. For there will be no progress if you are forced to continue carrying the burdensome past. Recapitulate, then learn the art of detachment in order to free yourself further. But, recapitulation is truly enough work for now.

Do not overload your system with too much at once. I have been teaching you calm steadiness for a reason. Go about your life, and your recapitulation, with slow, calm steadiness and your progress will proceed at the right pace, with enough time to assimilate, digest, and be truly done with it. Otherwise is there the possibility of that old big baby waking up and getting in on the act, and that would be a disaster. Keep the big entitled baby asleep, quietly napping at all costs, and your process will go smoothly. If the big baby wakes up, pat it gently back to sleep, your adult firmly in control and needing quiet contemplative calm in order for the work of the true self to take place.

This is a lot for today. Recapitulation is the word, but also the most important step to take as you progress to true spirithood. Keep working, ask for help when you need it, and be guided by the signs in your life. I cannot stress this enough, my friends. Be calm and steady as you go. Slow down, find your rhythm, and proceed into your past fully engaging the terms of recapitulation as I have defined. Good Luck!