Category Archives: Messages from Jeanne

—Channeled by Jan Ketchel

Our Messages from Jeanne category began as a platform to bring our channeled messages to a wider audience. The earliest messages were written missives, so if you go back in the files you will find hundreds of written messages. Later we went to an audio format so more recent messages are spoken. To search by theme or special interest, use the search button in the navigation bar. Our hopes are that all of the messages, no matter the format, offer helpful guidance in navigating the waters of life.

#124 Do Not Hesitate

Dear Jeanne,
Do you have a word of guidance for us today?

Do not hesitate to embrace the new you who does seek evolutionary growth. Although my words may push at you, urging growth, be also cognizant of the fact that you have stayed a part of my mission now for a long time, by your own choice. Yes, I urge growth, but this participation has not been imposed upon you, nor are you forced to adhere to any rules or regulations I might suggest. All in all is your participation voluntary, yet do I still urge you to grow and dare yourself, and hesitation on your part is less appealing than openhearted work on the self.

When you hesitate, you hold yourself back in momentary stagnancy that also has the possibility of holding you stuck. Remaining stuck in one place, with your wheels spinning results in nothing more than wasted energy, similar to the phenomenon of worrying that also is such a challenging aspect of your humanness.

I urge today that you kick yourself forward now, for if you hesitate for too long will the next wave of oblivion crash upon you and bury you under its force. I urge swimming now, action, progress, with renewed energy and focus to move you further along, out of reach of the wave of oblivion that soon must come crashing down. Do you wish to be buried under it and waste a lot of energy just trying to keep your head above water? Or do you wish to take advantage of the energy and expertise now being offered, and swiftly move forward into a new phase of life and growth far removed from the stormy waves that are building now, soon to come with devastation and smothering decisiveness upon the unsuspecting shores?

Keep focused on growth and evolutionary flow and you will do well with all that now builds and soon arrives to shake up your world and the greater world. But you do not need to be caught, but instead use your tools of growth and the momentum of self awareness and growth to push you now forward a little bit more so that you are, though not out of harm’s way, at least a good distance from the devastating energy that is undoubtedly pending. Not only will your energy flow serve you well in the coming months, but your awareness of greater function, meaning, and purpose in this life will enable you to choose to keep going no matter what seeks to interrupt your life, and the life of the world as you now know it.

I do not mean to promote darkness, but I do intend that growth continue, no matter what impending darkness looms. But it is your choice, hesitate or move forward? I offer you all this knowledge that it may serve you to continually seek your spirit connection and your new highest self, for your highest good.

#123 Continue the Work on the Self

Dear Jeanne,
Any message for us today?

Continue your activity of dissecting the self. Continue scrutinizing, questioning, and digging into the activities, acts, deeds, and thoughts of the self. Dissect your mind, dissect your dreams, and dissect your every action, until you have figured out why, why, why you function as you now do. Once you understand your deepest issues and resolve your “now” existence, as well as your past existence in recapitulation, then can you move on, grow, and have potential to evolve.

Continue the work on the self. View the self as separate, but also view the self as an entity in the world, surrounded by others, who must learn to function in a multicultural, multifaceted, and multi-thinking society, a society that encompasses the whole world. How do you fit into first your own little world, and then how do you fit into the world at large? Does your ego drive you, or does your spirit drive you? Are your thoughts of growth also thoughts of universal love and compassion, and growth on an evolutionary level? Are you playing a game of life, or are you actually life itself? Where do you fit in now, and where do you wish to be as you grow and change? Imagine yourself as wholeness, as part of the universal whole, and keep that intent uppermost in your thoughts as you seek to grow. With pure intent and good work will your imagined future self soon be the you of now. Future self will await as long as necessary. Your job is to do the work as you navigate life, as you learn to flow, and become easy in your dealings with others, as you begin to feel your true energy as it flows with all energy. Seek your river of calm within yourself. Seek destiny of your spirit self in all energy and you will do well today and all days.

#122 Facilitators

Dear Jeanne,
Any guidance today?

Continue your reprieve or go on to your next challenge. No one can make the decision for you, though circumstances, or the necessity of continued movement in a desired direction may push you to act quickly and decisively for your own good and your own growth.

Though no one else can do the work for you, consider those in your life as facilitators. They aid and abet you on your journey, opening doors, and pointing out the possibilities that exist for your choosing. But even though you may have the best of facilitators, whether well intentioned or petty tyrants, always is the decision to act your choice.

Facilitators may present the facts to you, the blatant truth, or they may present you with a lie in order for you to discover the real truth underneath. How does your facilitator work with you? You think you have no facilitators? Well, my dears, think again! Everyone you come in contact with is a facilitator of some sort, but those of magnitude are the ones closest to us, and regularly part of our lives. No matter what our relationship with others, whether strained or flowing, is there opportunity for confrontation, meaning to be abstracted, and growth to be confronted. Do you choose now to continue your reprieve, or are you ready for your next challenge? Who grants you this choice? You do, of course, but also the energy of the day, and the facilitators who appear to you today to nudge you along.

What will your choice be? Make the decision that is truly right, aligned with your mature spirit self who is on this journey of growth toward wholeness. This is the aspect of the self who should be making the decisions. All other aspects must be questioned, rifled through for ulterior motives, and held accountable for all sabotage attempts, and confronted. See yourself clearly now as many facilitators rolled into one. You too are your greatest facilitator if you remain aware, and continue your hard work on the self. Though you may look to others to push you, though you may look to blame others, though you may wish to blame your own big baby ego for the missteps you take none of that is truly acceptable. Take on fully the job of facilitator now and facilitate you growth yourself. It’s time!

#121 A Day of Reprive

Dear Jeanne,
Do you have some words of guidance for humanity today?

Today is a day of reprieve. Sit awhile and contemplate the idea that there is no other greater force in your life right now than the pursuit of your own spirit development. But, before spirit development can really take off must you fully understand all that you have done and all that now attempts to teach you as you travel. A day of reprieve means that you give yourself permission to move on into greater adjustment, into further work on the self, freed of all that has so far progressed, happened, and taught you.

Your life is not bound by the past. You are not bound by the deeds or events of your past. Allow yourself the knowledge that this day of freedom from your past, all connections to old ideas of the self, is a time of necessary growth. To allow the self a day of reprieve is to acknowledge, truthfully, that you are a journeyer, a true traveler of spirit. As a true traveler must you be able to forgive the self, and forgive the past, not with retribution or need of compensation, but simply as a method of freeing the self in order to move on.

True freedom means release from all that has held you back. Your old ideas of the self hold you more firmly stuck than the truth of your past. Release yourself first from these old ideas. Release yourself further from visions, and thoughts, played over and over again throughout your life that have kept you tethered to a past that is finished, done a long time ago.

In recapitulation, do you find a new vision of the self. But, during recapitulation must you also free the self completely from the old images in order to truly move on. Do this now during a day of reprieve. Or take two or three days, if you need it, to seek fulfillment of this task. Allow yourself the freedom of release from judgments, false notions, but most of all allow yourself time for the truth of the self, inner knowing, to come forward now and meet you on the playing field of recapitulation. A day of reprieve means to give yourself a day of rest from your old ideas of the self once and for all. Grant yourself freedom from that which keeps you stuck so that you may proceed in your recapitulation. In other words, stop blaming yourself, and stop blaming others, for your life and where you are now. There is no blame allowed if you are a spirit warrior. There is only work on the self. So, get over it, do the work, and move on to continued growth.

I ask that you be strong, brave warriors. I ask that you unflinchingly go back into your past in your practice of recapitulation, not to suffer, but to learn the truth, and free yourself of the images and the lies, and move on, the veils parted, with clarity, so that your progress may be, not only swift, but your vision clear and direct as you follow your knowing, your inner knowing.

So, this day of reprieve, I suggest, is a day of forgiveness, a day of truth, a day of truce with the old self who is reluctant, or caught, or being a big baby. Forgive the self, release the self, accept the journey you are on, and then, let’s keep going. You have so much to do and accomplish in this life. What are you waiting for? Don’t you want to grow into a free spirit, a human being with a true spirit connection, and not only the entire world at your fingertips, but all of infinity too?

Come on, we’re waiting for you to catch up, reach out your hand, and learn so much more. But, if you remain stuck you will miss the energy that is now here to aid you. And that would not be good. Come on, keep going!

#120 Abstraction

Dear Jeanne,
Do you have a word of guidance for us today?

Abstraction is the word for today. The true essence of life lies in understanding abstraction in terms of distortion from the ordinary, as well as removal from the known. By this I mean, that to understand energy, your own and that of the world, must you remove it from its container, the human body, and experience it in true uncontained, and unshaped form. You must abstract it from its considered form and feel it as abstract energy, without form and uncontained.

When encountering the self in such form is there possibility to grasp the greater meaning of life, but also learn the first step in detachment, which is, loss of ego and self-attention. To remove the energetic body outside of the human encasement is to feel and experience the true essence of life. Once this is experienced, the encasement, the human body, can be understood as a mere cocoon in which the life force is enclosed and seeking evolution and eventual escape from. Energy encapsulated in the human body does not need the human body in order to survive, but the human body does need that energy in order to exist. So, which do you think is most valuable? Which aspect of the self deserves the most attention? And which aspect of the self will continue to live on? Not that human encasement that you so desire perfection of, but only the inner spirit energy, which you so often neglect.

The human body requires good care in order for your spirit potential to mature and grow. Do not, by any means, neglect the human body, but do understand this concept of abstraction that I introduce to you today. As you begin to understand the deeper meaning of your own life realize also that in experiencing the abstraction of your spirit energy both from your human form, as separate, and then as free and capable of abstraction in its own energetic content, then do you begin to understand the greater meaning in all things. As you seek wholeness now within yourself, as you seek completion in healing, in spirit growth, and in human life remind yourself constantly that your own life energy is connected to all other life energy.

Visualize your energy as abstract form, simply energetic waves, and all other energy as the same thing, and you will begin to visualize the greater flow of energy world wide, in the cosmos, and in all infinity; eternal, all encompassing, all loving, and all complete; whole, complete, done in such a way that has been sought by many. Many thinkers, seerers, prophets, fanatics, and non-fanatics alike have sought this energy connection, calling it many things. But I like to call it the total abstraction of life energy from the human realm to the realm of all energy; the true flow of life, and the true purpose in all things, to eventually join in energetic abstraction with all life force, all energy, and all notions of completion, merged finally.

But, for today, remain in your body contemplating your next step toward experiencing your own energy as your first step toward learning the art of detachment. I have given you a very abstract synopsis on the greater meaning of energy to get you interested in discovering your fuller self beyond just your body, but I also know that you must return to your body often in order to complete your journey upon that earth. So check in to it, check in to your body, but seek experience of your energy body as well, so that you will achieve clarity in knowing what is meant by energy and your own energy body, separate from your human form. Once this is clearly understood will you be able to disengage from the ego state, little by little, as the reality of true purpose becomes clearer.

Return to encasement in your human form, and abstract your energetic force from that human form in order to practice these two aspects of the self in actuality. Abstraction, study what it really means.