Tag Archives: take a leap

Soulbyte for Monday January 15, 2024

-Artwork © 2024 Jan Ketchel

Look before you leap is an oft-repeated phrase. But, in truth, sometimes you just have to leap; you just have to trust. That’s what that oft-repeated phrase fails to consider, that sometimes faith is more important and necessary than that which you perceive. Perceptions can be difficult to properly explain or discern, but faith means that a door has just opened and it asks you to step through. It asks you to have faith, to believe that all will be well.

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Friday August 16, 2019

What are you waiting for? How many times are you going to keep telling yourself the same old lies? When are you going to stand up to the old ways and say no? You make think you have things right, but that may not be true. Question your assumptions. Maybe you never got yourself right to begin with. Maybe the path you’ve been pursuing isn’t the right path after all. Take another look from a different perspective. Be vulnerable, and open yourself to another viewpoint, another possibility, another answer. There’s no time like now to make a change. Dare yourself to turn in a new direction, be open, and see what happens. Drop your fear, for that is your greatest crutch, and trust that something good will happen now, for there is plenty of good going around. Why not tap into it and allow yourself a taste of it? Let goodness reign within yourself, even as you wish it to be a fact of life outside of yourself. As you wish goodness for others, wish it for yourself. The idea is not that farfetched. Make a wish, set an intent, be open, and see what happens. Nothing is certain, but you can certainly give it a try!

Sending you love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne