Tag Archives: memories

A Message for Humanity from Jeanne: This Is Your Life

Trying to remember is like trying to see in the fog…
– Photo by Jan Ketchel

Here is our channeled audio message for this week, in which we are all invited to get on board with who we are and what we need to learn when the time is right. It’s always the right time for something! It’s how we learn and grow.

Offered with gratitude and love.


Soulbyte for Wednesday September 12, 2018

Let your memories show you what you have already done and need not do again. Let them be reminders of what once was but is no longer. Let them show you how to let them go and turn in a new direction. Old or new, memories are lessons, come to teach you how to evolve by noting the truth of them and moving on, taking the energy stuck in them and reusing it anew. Some memories may be as old as creation, yours but not yours, placed upon you simply because you exist. Some may be carried over from past lives, some more recent. Wherever your memories come from find the lessons they carry, accept them, and move on into new vigorous life. In this manner will you be free.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne