Tag Archives: heart centered knowing

Soulbyte for Friday May 14, 2021

Sometimes it’s just not the right time. Sometimes the stars are just not aligned, your timing is off, or the Universe simply says, no, not yet. In such cases, pause, wait patiently. A day, a week, a month might be needed for things to line up so that you will have smooth sailing. On the other hand, sometimes it’s right to push ahead and through any difficulties. Sometimes a headstrong attitude and approach will bring success. Knowing when it’s time to wait and when it’s time to push ahead is the trick. And the only way to find out which is right is to sit for a moment or two in inner silence and ask your heart to speak to you of right action. Then you will know what to do, for the heart knows everything.

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Wednesday January 30, 2019

Keep a calm and steady heart. No matter the storm that approaches, no matter the turmoil that brews, no matter the worry that seeks a home. Do not become infected. Keep your heart strong, your mind at ease, and your nervous system calm. Breathe into your heart and steady yourself, for in the long run this time too shall pass and in the end all will be well again. This you already know at a very deep level. Pay attention to that deeper knowing, count on it, and you can weather through any storm. Keep a calm heart.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Friday January 18, 2019

You are not to blame for another’s difficulties, nor for the journey they must take through life. Focus on your own journey and learn what it is teaching you: how to be lovingly detached, how to be compassionately healthy, how to be kind to others but not to lose yourself nor wallow in what cannot be undone. Face yourself each day and get right within yourself, and without blame take responsibility for what you think, what you need, and what you want. It’s your journey. Take it forward now with loving kindness, compassion, and with a humble and grateful heart. Trust also that all journeys through life are full of the most important lessons for each person to learn, your own no more or less important than that of another. Let yourself be free now to carry on without blame, no matter what life throws at you. But do strive to perfect your own SOUL’s intent, even as you realize you cannot perfect that of another—that’s their job. But your own job is clearer now: to live and learn and grow every day, without blame.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Wednesday August 22, 2018

All will be well. As things continue to shift, and as you make the changes that are now necessary in your life, project ahead to a time when all will be well. Imagine what that will look like and know that indeed all will be well. Use this mantra to anchor in your heart’s intent and knowing that you are on the path to change and that as you progress, one step at a time, each day is part of the journey and that on this day too all will be well. You’re all set, for all is as it should be for this day’s journey. All will be well today. All will be well.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Wednesday June 27, 2018

Without blame or shame walk your path, intent upon fulfilling your personal journey of change and evolution. Others may not understand you, why you are the way you are, or agree with your choices, or find your personal desires to their liking, but if you are truly following your heart’s intent there is no need to pause. Keep going, letting your heart lead, your spirit inspire, and your inner knowing guide you. For there is no shame in fulfilling your spirit’s intent by walking your path of heart. If it truly is the only path for you, walk it with your head high and your heart full of love for yourself and carry on doing your best to fulfill your spirit’s intentions without regret and without shame, for if your heart is truly getting it right then everything else will fall into place.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne