Trends may come and trends may go but love doesn’t go out of fashion. It never has and it never will. Just love. It’s as simple as that!
-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne
Trends may come and trends may go but love doesn’t go out of fashion. It never has and it never will. Just love. It’s as simple as that!
-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne
Learn to love yourself even as you share your love with others. Even as you give of yourself don’t forget to nurture and sustain yourself. Respect yourself and keep yourself honed to what you truly need and desire, for if you do not take care of yourself how can you fully function as healing energy in a world that is so badly in need of loving energy? Give generously but also give to yourself that you may be fully available to spread the good word that love is all you need, love is all you need!
-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne
Get your love energy going, the energy of your heart for all beings, the energy that permeates all structures, that scales all walls, that lies down upon the hard-hearted and softens them, that flows with all other energy and brings it alive, communicating that love is the answer. Let love stir in you and then send it on its way to others, even to those you do not know and never will, and it will return to you a hundredfold. Be loving. It’s all that’s really needed. Love is the answer.
-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne
After all the giving comes retreat, pulling inward, taking time for rejuvenation. After expansion naturally comes a time of retraction. It is only in taking care of the self properly that you will have energy to give again when the time comes. Constant giving with no self care leads to exhaustion and resentment. Keep your loving heart open, flowing and glowing, but turn inward to care of the self now. Do whatever is needed in whatever way is right for you. There are no rules except the natural rules of constant change and evolution. After a time of giving to others it’s time to give to the self. It’s only natural.
-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne
Let your heart be open to receive so that you may know the joy of its power of reception, so that you may know what it feels like to another being when you give and they receive. Learn to receive so that your giving may be truly heartfelt, for how can you truly expect another to receive what you give if you do not allow yourself to receive. Open your heart to receive graciously and then give graciously so that others may receive with an equally open heart. In this practice find the beauty and the power of your giving and receiving heart.
-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne