Tag Archives: fulfillment

Soulbyte for Friday July 12, 2019

Don’t be so hard on yourself, but do step up to the task that is your life. No one said it would be easy. Life is for learning, after all, and the lessons of each life must be encountered until they are grasped and assimilated. It can take years to learn something, especially if one is resistant. The key is to become conscious of what you are supposed to be learning in your present life. Forget about past lives. What is the most important issue now, the core thing that drives you and matters most to you? Find it in your heart and as you seek your path of heart, for it will not let you go until you acknowledge it and attend to it. Your path of heart is your true path, the one that pulls you back again and again. You make it harder on yourself when you resist it, but it will not ease up until you finally acquiesce to the truth of it. Only then will you find the ease you seek, in alignment with your heart’s truth. And only then will your dreams come true, for a path of heart is the path of dream fulfillment.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Wednesday October 10, 2018

Without regret begin this day. Without judgment take a step in a new direction, more determined and intent than ever before to make a difference in your own life. Why are you there except for this reason, except to make a difference to yourself? You are there to fulfill something special about yourself. Perhaps it’s something you are not aware of yet, or perhaps it’s something you do habitually that has followed you through many lifetimes. Look at the bigger picture of your soul’s journey, spanning many lifetimes, and find out what it is that you are there on Earth to fulfill this time around. It has something to do with your life alone, with your personal issues, with what bugs you the most. Discover this secret about yourself and solve your biggest mystery. Why are you there? What you find out might really surprise you. It might be something very obvious, but surely it will make complete sense. And then you can get down to the rest of your life and fulfill it in a new way, freed of old baggage from all your lifetimes. Now that would really be fulfilling!

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Monday September 3, 2018

With persistence comes success, the honed ability to achieve a goal, the outcome that leads to a perception of having achieved the ultimate challenge. And yet with success comes also the next challenge, a new goal to achieve, new skills to hone. For life calls always for movement, for change, for the bar to be raised ever higher, the mind to expand, the body to keep astride of the heart’s desire for expansion and the soul’s need for something more. That something more is the source of life’s yearning for experience and the accumulation of energy that is everlasting, the soul’s intent to eternally grow and evolve. Live life in this  manner, with persistence, from the heart, so that fulfillment of something greater than material accumulation becomes the goal and so that your soul rejoices in every day’s decisions and achievements. As you take your daily journey, let each step be as important as the next, filled with joy that you are fully available to walk this day in a new direction. With love, kindness, and compassion as your motivation, carry on.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Thursday August 16, 2018

Hold yourself accountable for decisions, for choices, for your life as an adult. Though your child self may still wallow in confusion, abandonment, loss, disappointment, and resentment, it is up to you to guide it to completion and fulfillment, to teach it how the world works and why, and to be its parent and teacher so that even you, the mature adult, may feel the fulfillment of all that you know, all that you seek, and all that you truly desire. With these two parts of yourself fully explored and united, find what you seek. It’s not about what someone else owes you, but fully owning and appreciating the value of your own life as the magical journey that it truly is, from beginning to end, and beyond!

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

A Message for Humanity from Jeanne: Pay Tribute To Your Self


Embrace life as it is…We do!
– Photo by Jan Ketchel

In this week’s audio channeling we are encouraged to get in alignment with the greater healing and life fulfilling possibilities for us all, especially on a personal level. Embrace life and it will embrace you. Give it a try this week and see what happens!

And may we all experience a wonderful and fulfilling week!