Tag Archives: cyclical nature

Soulbyte for Monday December 4, 2023

-Artwork © 2023 Jan Ketchel

Cycles of change are so apparent in nature, as the seasons change, as day turns to night, as the moon and sun rise and set, as autumn turns to winter. Change eventually comes, bringing first much needed respite then much needed new growth and new life. The human being also goes through natural cycles of change while in human form, most dramatically seen in the the small babe changing to an adult over the span of two decades. Change makes way for what is to naturally come. Concentrate on that, prepare for what is to naturally come so that there is no shock when the next big change arrives, when the next natural step in life appears. Be ready.

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Tuesday October 13, 2020

Do not get discouraged but remain heart centered in all you think, do, and say. There is no need to despair for all is in the predicted unfolding, in the flow of natural events. Just as nature experiences cycles, a natural unfolding, so do the events taking place in the lives of all of you experience cycles of change. That’s what’s happening now. You are in a cycle of great change. Steady hearts will keep the equilibrium no matter the nature of events. Remain centered in a calm and loving heart.

Sending you love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne