Tag Archives: consciousness

Soulbyte for Monday July 17, 2017

Do you really need so much? Keep yourself modest all of your days and discover what really matters. Matters of the heart, matters of the body, matters of the mind are perhaps more important than matters of desire or greed. In modesty find balance, in excess none at all. In modesty find your feet on the ground and take a breath of fresh air knowing that what you seek is within you, not far nor impossible to achieve but right there ready to greet you. In modesty know yourself and others as beings of the Great Mother and find all that you need at your fingertips. In modesty work hard, live fully, and learn as much as you can so that you may take your place upon that Great Earth aware of who you are and conscious of all that is offered. In modesty live a good and fulfilling life, fully aware that modesty offers quite a lot indeed!

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Chuck’s Place: What Can I Do?

Like all animals, humans sense the danger of our time. The collective diagnosis for our species at this moment in time is Acute Stress Disorder. Regardless of how relaxed our persona may appear, just beneath the surface lies a hair-trigger anticipatory fear. The world is indeed an extremely unstable place right now.

What power do we have?

  1. See the self as a hologram of the entire world. Balancing the self contributes to balancing the whole world.
  2. Accept that humans had to dream the dream we are living in right now. All options had to be tested. The current hypothesis: Can we really destroy ourselves? Answer the question individually. If you come to the conclusion that yes, it’s possible, but that Russian Roulette is of no interest to you, move on to a heart-centered vision instead.
  3. Accept that everyone and everything you hate are you at some level. Find the hated in the self and love it. Thank the hated tyrants for illuminating the inner ones.
  4. Thoughts have power. Thoughts are in the air we breathe. Think truthful, loving thoughts. Send them to the world in warm exhalation.
  5. Embrace life. Our time in human form is limited. Keep the focus on the magic. Restore the innocence of childhood to the threatened adult self; it’s the only way to truly live.
  6. Be in the Tao. Be with what is in detached calm. You know how to ride the vibration of change. Everyone rode that vibration into this life and will ride it again on the exit. No matter what happens consciousness can observe and flow into new life. Ask body and spirit to get calmer and walk beside the river of life together, knowing that you can handle everything that comes—even the shocks—by moving deeper into calm acquiescence to the flow of change. Trust the Tao.

Peace and Love,


Soulbyte for Friday April 28, 2017

Real change involves sacrifice. Something must give for something new to take. Something must go for something new to come. Room must be made for something new. With every sacrifice comes a new opportunity. But real change lasts only as long as the intent lasts, only as long as you remain conscious that: “I am changing, I am a changing being.” Staying constantly conscious of the changing process, of each sacrifice and each opening into which something new may step, is the key. Staying conscious is itself a constant sacrifice of all that comes to interrupt the process, and yet such sacrifice is the redemptive process, for it is the opening that is needed for change to step in and takes its place. You can’t have one without the other. Change, you have to give in order to get!

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

A Message for Humanity from Jeanne: Become Conscious


A moment of calmness…
– Photo by Jan Ketchel

Seeking something? Not sure what? In today’s channeled message a new goal is offered. Why not become more conscious? It sure can’t hurt and it might actually be just what you need!

Have a great week and be safe in the snow tomorrow!

Soulbyte for Friday March 10, 2017

Something is a habit when it is done repeatedly in an unconscious manner. To break a habit requires nerves of steel, not to avoid the habit but to remain conscious of all that you are doing. To remain conscious is warrior training of the highest level. To slip out of consciousness is to lose awareness of what you are doing and thus habits ensue. With nerves of steel remain conscious and aware of all that you do, and then see what happens. That is the warrior’s way.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne