Tag Archives: change

Soulbyte for Tuesday August 1, 2017

Time now to turn inward. Time to know the self. Time to study all the ways you work, all the things you believe about yourself and turn them around into something new. If you want change in your life that’s the place to begin, on the inside. Just be open and inviting to yourself, not too hard nor too soft but firm enough and gentle enough, as you explore who you really are. You might be surprised to discover that you are not at all who you think you are. Take that first step inward and anything is possible!

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Monday July 31, 2017

Things change. It is the way of all things. Nothing stays the same. Though you may seek to maintain the self in a certain way it is a losing battle, for life itself cannot sustain your intentions to remain unchanged. Life supports change. Get in alignment with that and let change and life be your guides, teaching you how to be flexible, how to age, how to accept life flowing through you, how to be in the flow of it all, gracious and grateful for all you have and all that life provides. Appreciate even the simplest and most subtle of changes, for they are the harbingers of more to come, the first hints that yes, change is natural, accept it. Let it be your guiding principle: all things change, even you. And that is good!

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Thursday July 27, 2017

In containment of self find the peace you seek. Relax your body and mind and be fully present with what is. Acknowledge the truth of where you are right now and with a measure of grace accept your faults and frailties as well as your strengths. Accept what truly is. From this place of truth know that you are essentially good, that you have your best interests at heart, and that you are fully capable of changing yourself into a more stable and balanced being. Breathe this certainty into the container of your body and tell yourself that you can do it. Life is always right there ready to take you by the hand and show you a new path. If you want change it’s up to you to take the first step. Life is waiting. Are you ready?

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

A Message for Humanity from Jeanne: A New Phase


Every phase has its beauty…
– Photo by Jan Ketchel

Here is this week’s audio channeled message, proposing that maybe it’s time to move on. Of course, deep contemplation of what that means is always par for the course. Action is good, but right action is better!

Have a great week!