Tag Archives: autonomy

Soulbyte for Thursday October 31, 2019

Let there be moments of gratitude simply for the reason that you can stop the world for a moment and give thanks. Let there be moments of silence and stillness, simply to grant yourself their beauty. Let there be moments of unbiased joy simply for the feel of it, happiness for happiness’ sake. Take time to stop for a moment, breathe, and shift your world into positive experiences simply because you have it within your power to do so. As an autonomous being use your autonomy more often to change your world, from dark to light, from powerless to powerful, from lonely to loving, one moment at a time.

Sending you love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

A Message for Humanity from Jeanne: Reach Inward & Reach Outward


You won’t know where the road of life is going until you take it…
– Photo by Jan Ketchel

Today’s channeling reminds us that we are more than we normally perceive, that we have much at our fingertips to use to guide us through life, especially as we make decisions and choices that are transformative.

Wishing everyone a wonderful day as we begin another week on the magical journey that is this life we all share!