Soulbyte for Wednesday July 17, 2024

-Artwork © 2024 Jan Ketchel

When you monitor your thoughts and make a concerted effort to think more positively, prosperously, and successfully, things begin to happen to reflect your new thinking. Soon you notice that a change in thought patterns results in a change in reality. If how you think really does have the power to create life in a new way, why not change your thinking? If thought alone has that much power, imagine what a consistently changed pattern of thinking can do, if every thought was newly formed to be more positive, hopeful and open. If you do truly create your own reality by the way you think, by what you concentrate on, it stands to reason that by changing your thinking you can also change your life. When change is desired begin first by changing your thoughts. See what happens!

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

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