Soulbyte for Friday August 2, 2019

You have been preparing for this moment, for this day, for this time your entire life. Everything has led you here to now, to this moment on your journey. Knowing that, know also that you are well prepared for it and all that it entails. You have the strength, the courage, and the fortitude it takes to get through any challenge. The entire universe is behind you, supporting you, cheering you on, letting you know that you are loved and cherished and that every step of your journey has been planned and prepared for you to learn and grow. Hold yourself accountable, knowing that you are important, that your progress matters, and yet that you also are in charge, as much as any other force in your life, because ultimately you are responsible for where you go next and how far you go with what you have been gifted. With that awareness, take your next step. And with loving kindness and compassion for yourself, journey on.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

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