Soulbyte for Wednesday May 29, 2019

Moderation and balance are necessary. Their opposites, excess and imbalance, result in chaos, illness, and loss. Allow limitation into your life, in all areas, in order to achieve moderation and balance and so that chaos, illness, and loss may reduce, and so that your own negative impact upon your body and your life may be limited and balance maintained. In so doing, your negative impact upon the planet will reduce as well, for it is time for all humans to think beyond themselves, for there are other humans and other living creatures that are impacted by how the human being lives. All must take responsibility by doing their part to save the planet. Keep moderation and balance in your mind and in your actions, at all times. Limit yourself and limit your negative impact upon the planet and upon all other living beings. For this reason alone, limitation is good. Act personally and you also act globally.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

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