A MEssage for Humanity From Jeanne: The Lessons of this Lifetime

Each day is another day to learn something special…
– Photo by Jan Ketchel

In our audio channeling this week we are invited to ponder our current life as something special, as a stay in Earth School where we are being taught the lessons we need to fulfill our spiritual/soul journey. We are here to learn something special too. Ah life! It might not be what you think it is!

Have a wonderful week!

Soulbyte For Monday February 4, 2019

Wait patiently and clarity will come. Sometimes it is not the time to act. Sometimes it is best to wait patiently, especially in times of deep conflict or indecision. Rather than act harshly, in despair, or out of malice, the best course of action might be patient waiting. Soon clarity will come, or at the very least a new course of action will show itself to be far better than first reactions. This may now be a time of patient waiting if all is to right itself again. Be patient, within and without.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Friday February 1, 2019

Let your love shine so that you leave behind you the essence of something great, a filament of light and love in the atmosphere of Earth School. Without ego, let your love shine naturally by letting it burn through all the barriers and blockages that now keep you from fully expressing the light of love. Your pain is only love trying to escape from the confines of your dense physical body. Release it wherever it is stuck and let your love be free to do its good work outside of you, beyond you. You are a being of love, but only if you let your love go. It is in you but does not truly belong to you. You are love’s conduit, a carrier of the flame of love. It’s your true mission on Earth, to let your love go. Love is not personal. It belongs to everyone. Let it go. Let your love go.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne