Soulbyte for Tuesday May 16, 2017

It is often said that moderation in all things is good. And yet how can life be lived in complete moderation when life itself is extreme? The ups an downs, the joys and sorrows must be experienced for life to be fulfilling. A life fulfilled is a life that has experienced everything, and yet there is wisdom in acting with awareness rather than unawareness, with consciousness rather than unconsciousness, with knowledge rather than lack of knowledge. There is wisdom in learning how to live to the fullest while also learning that true fulfillment comes in bearing the tension of all that life gives and all that life takes. Too much of a good thing can be as bad as too much of a bad thing. That which gives can also take. That which nurtures can also kill, but that which poisons can also heal in the right amounts. Let moderation take its rightful place, even as life unfolds at its rightful pace, bringing its extremes. A wise heart knows that where the heart leads, that’s the fulfilling path. Even in all of life’s extremes, the heart knows.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

A Message for Humanity from Jeanne: In the Moment


From dawn’s first light, be in the moment…
– Photo by Jan Ketchel

Here is our weekly audio channeled message suggesting that it is high time to get focused on now, staying in the moment, in the life we are in, and reaping the benefits of all that this life affords. You never know, it may just be the most important life ever!

Have a lovely week!

Soulbyte for Monday May 15, 2017

Sometimes the truth is not what you keep telling yourself, but what truly is. That which once was, that which could be, that which should be or would be, if only, is not the truth. It is only an idea, a figment of desire and not what truly is. Can you acquiesce to what truly is? Can you accept the truth? Be honest. Begin with the truth. Begin with what truly is, right now. Acceptance of the truth is step one in beginning a journey of change. Ready?

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Friday May 12, 2017

Never say never. The human mind does not know what the spirit is capable of. The mind is like a scientist, but the spirit is like an explorer. One investigates what is, the other seeks what is not. One studies what is right before the eyes, the other looks through what is right before the eyes and into the beyond. The mind only goes so far, the spirit is infinite. The mind says, Never! The spirit says, Never say never! The mind says, Unbelievable! The spirit knows when it has had a believable experience. The mind says, Can’t! The spirit says, Everything is possible!

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Thursday May 11, 2017

What will I learn today? What steps will I take? What lessons await? Life is an odd mixture of discipline and freedom, of tension and release, of stoicism and the ability to let go. Let each day’s unfolding guide you. Remain aware that extremes are natural, and yet also be aware that discipline should have a touch of softness, that freedom must have an undercurrent of keen awareness if you are to remain cognizant of life’s lessons. For it is not good to so lose touch with the self that one becomes but a cork floating aimlessly upon the great ocean, tossed here and there. Remain open and eager yet aware, at the ready for life yet relaxed enough to let life guide you onward into its flow of energy. Every day offers lessons. What will today bring? Get ready to be part of it all, with awareness at the ready!

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne