#540 Opt For Progress

Jeanne Marie Ketchel
Channeled by Jan Ketchel

Dear Jeanne,
Do you have a message for us today?

Opt for progress, allowing shift to happen naturally, as it will, but notice also all the signs pointing to change and the alignment of issues, which have long been prepared and given attention. All is in place now. The final push must come from within. This is the moment of decision and choice to move forward, in a new direction, though the consequences of such a move may present you with more than a few new issues to tackle. But, I must say, this is how progress happens, and this is how fear is overcome, by pushing forward despite the fact that there will be consequences and challenges.

All change carries with it the energy of disruption, and within such energy are the true momentum and the true reason for pushing forward. Frustration and discord will continue to build until you make your move. These are the signs of your own discontent rumbling beneath the surface, urging you to go forth with your plans and with your daring new engagements in life. To allow such energy to guide you now will refuel your inner determination and your latent energy of desire for change. In merging with such energy of change you will find that you will not lack for the means to continue as you make your choices and decisions.

Whether you are now faced with a small choice, a small step, that will open many new doors or a large step that may throw you immediately into a new life, so must you dare the self to trust that each step will be the right one. Once you have pushed through your discord your way must be free of regrets and sadness, as you fully acknowledge that there is no other path for you to take.

Today is a day of choice making, with plenty of energy building beneath and behind to accompany you forward as you determine your future. This energy is present so that change upon that earth may move things in a new direction, for all concerned.

Are you ready?

#539 Learn to Read the Energy of the Universe

Jeanne Marie Ketchel
Channeled by Jan Ketchel

Dear Jeanne,
Do you have some guidance for us today?

Allow the energy to guide you, but do not simply acquiesce to its flow. Use it to release you from your old patterns and habits. Become aware of its power and its presence, but do not give up your own abilities to read the energy and utilize it for where you are now in your life.

I do not suggest that you ever give up your own conscious decision-making, but always remain grounded in who you are, where you are, and what you have before you. However, I do stress learning to read the energy of the universe and understanding the interconnectedness of all things, so that you may base your decisions on the knowledge that energy truly is available to be utilized, finding that it may actually help in your decision making process.

I suggest keeping an open mind about how energy can be useful. Maintain awareness of the interconnectedness of all things so that your decisions do not appear to be made in a vacuum. Be aware that they are, in fact, greatly affected by outer energy and impacting on outer energy. You are not alone in your struggles, My Dears. Consider the fact that every choice you make has a whole host of ripple effects. How can you say that you feel alone and are burdened with the woes of the world on your shoulders, if every step, action, and choice you make impacts the entire world around you?

Perhaps the idea of interconnectedness may further aid you if you realize that every choice and decision you make will flow outward and forward into the currents of energy and, if you let them go, they will continue flowing, carried forth by the energy, shifting, changing, and merging, always in flux. Do you see what I mean by this image? Every choice you make, once made, is already released, at the moment of decision, and immediately impacts, but also immediately changes. Upon release from your furrowed and wondering brow, each decision is set free, sent on its journey into the energy.

As your actions, your utterances, your decisions to change are sent outward from your mental and physical body, your personal energy flows with them and thus begins to engage the outer energy, begins the process of interconnecting with all other energy, and begins its own journey. Once you make a decision to do, or to change, or to act upon something that is necessary and meaningful, you have, in essence, released a part of the self into the interconnected web of all energy, allowing for change to further happen. As long as you hold back, hold on, or refuse to change, your own energy will have to bear the tension of your reluctance to access the greater interconnected energy, and you may suffer for a long time in great discomfort, whether physical, mental, or emotional, until you allow the self to finally let go, in a conscious decision to allow the energy of the self to join the greater energy outside of you.

In releasing into the interconnectedness of all energy, by simply setting an intent, by asking for guidance, by making a decision, by allowing the self to let go of some long-held belief, or by trusting that the energy is available, you open the door to not only joining the interconnected energy, which allows for the natural flow of change to happen, but you also open the self to receiving much energy in return.

To constantly release into the interconnected web of all energy is a very trusting proposition, and I know it is difficult to let go of control and attendance to the personal world you inhabit. And although I do not advise a giving-in kind of letting go, as I said, (although that may also be necessary at times, which I will address another time) I do advise an intelligent and thoughtful allowing of beginning to test the energy of interconnectedness in small increments.

Allow the self to see what happens today, as you release some aspect of the self that is creating tension or conflict into the universe. Release it with the intent of allowing it to go with the flow, keeping the door of release open now, rather than simply closing it up again. In keeping that tiny door open, you may receive the energy that has been waiting for you for a long time.

Do not be afraid, My Dear Ones. Your energy is waiting to more fully join its partner energy in the greater universe, from whence it came, and to which it will, one day, fully release again.

#538 Chuck’s Place: Self-Love

Welcome to Chuck’s Place, where Chuck Ketchel expresses his thoughts, insights, and experiences!

From the perspective of quantum physics, Einstein gave us the gift of interconnectedness: at the deepest level everything is an interconnected sea of energy. Our interpretation of energy in this universe has constructed a world of discrete, separate objects, a feat of sheer magic from the shamans point of view, but, in reality, our world is but a uniform interpretation of energy, only one of endless possibilities.

The by-product of this interpretation of separateness is the ego: a discrete entity, self-contained, alone, disconnected, ever-seeking to discover its value, its purpose, and how it fits in. The other by-product and enforcer of separateness is judgment: constantly seeking differences to distinguish self from other. The alienated ego, burdened with its judgments, is severely challenged in any real attempt to find value and love for itself. The shamans suggest suspending judgment as a resolution to this dilemma. From this place of non-judgment everything about ourselves is accepted, everything is equal, everything has its place in an interconnected, interdependent field of energy. Every weakness, every strength, every feeling, every mood, every need, every attitude is equal, all part of the whole. All is accepted, all is loved.

Turning our awareness outside the self, Christ suggested loving our neighbor as our self. Here we suspend all judgments as we turn our attention beyond the self. Christ opens the path to self-love by turning our attention to the world through accepting all, loving all. Both the shamans and Christ open the pathway back to the field of energetic interconnectedness through the practice of love without boundaries.

Self love carried to its natural conclusion requires love and acceptance of everything. Following this path we find our way home to our true energetic reality, one field of interconnected, interdependent wholeness. The ego disappears as we retain our awareness with universal love. Of course, awareness does allow for choice. Loving acceptance should not be mistaken for impotent acquiescence to evil, even though evil needs to be lovingly accepted. Evolutionary advancement requires that we align ourselves with right action, though we must continue to lovingly accept ourselves in all our wrong actions. Our current evolutionary path is truth. This is achieved through constant self-love.

Should anyone wish to write, I can be reached at: chuck@riverwalkerpress.com

Until we meet again,

#537 A True Wanderer

Jeanne Marie Ketchel
Channeled by Jan Ketchel

Dear Jeanne,
Do you have a message for us today?

Why not allow the truth of yourselves as energy beings to reign more often? Why not acquiesce to your spirit selves more thoroughly? Why not accept the path of spirit that lies before you with its golden stones and wide doorways ready to receive you?

I ask all of you, My Faithful Readers, to consider yourselves as spiritual guides and progenitors of goodness. Accept your appointment with the spiritual self today. Sit a long while with your knowing and good self, who wishes only to guide you and show you the way to live your own life, so that you may be available as a guide for others.

To accept this spiritual self more fully you must desire change, but also enact change in your life. For how will you be able to fully accept and experience the spiritual true self if you are burdened with the fears and woes of the current self?

I speak today of allowing the present self to more fully trust that the journey you are on is the perfect one for you. Question the knowing inner self as to why you must once again live this life and play out the repetition of issues? Your next question must be: What am I missing that I have not understood? Then ask the spirit self to guide you to clarity so that your next step on your journey may be an unburdening one.

With truth comes greater connection to spirit so that trust may further reign, becoming a worthy partner as you travel, replacing the fear that now accompanies most of you through life. Do not be afraid, My Dear Ones, to trust your spirit self whose only desire is to have you more fully aware of your powers as a true wanderer in that world.

A true wanderer allows the universe, the interconnectedness of all things, to be a guiding force. A true wanderer acknowledges that a journey on that earth is meant as an evolutionary step. A true wanderer allows for moments of inner silence in order to access the energy that is surrounding, guiding, and showing the way forward. A true wanderer trusts the journey, sheds the cloak of fear, and proceeds forward with a knowing heart, ready for anything, but fully aware of the powers within to meet the energy of change that awaits at every step.

A true wanderer gets up every day eager for new adventures and new experiences. With such eagerness comes reciprocal resonant eagerness of spirit and with such desire for spirit comes the true work of the true wanderer as a teacher and guide to others upon that earth, so that true evolution may become the last step taken upon that earth, when the time comes.

A true wanderer sheds not only his fear as he goes on his daily adventure, but he also sheds his ego, his self-importance, and his attachment to the so-called needs of that world. A true wanderer will find that his spirit will be enough to carry him forth, offering enough, feeding and tending enough, and finding enough to more than survive. A true wanderer, when fully connected to spirit self, will discover an endless journey of service to others, full of loving compassion, without needing anything in return, for his giving, his guiding, and his teaching, will offer everything he needs. A true wanderer is love, energy, and truth in action.

I leave you today with your own process, My Dear Ones, offering you this small guidance in an effort to aid you as your journey unfolds, asking you to trust the self as a true wanderer who knows that there is safety only in energy, that there is truth only in energy, and that there is evolution only in energy. Energy encompasses all things. Keep that in mind! Everything is energy.

#536 A Moment of Significance

Jeanne Marie Ketchel
Channeled by Jan Ketchel

Dear Jeanne,
What guidance do you have for us today?

Do not compromise your integrity or your adherence to a spiritual path and a spiritual discipline no matter what comes to thwart you. Do not lose sight of the gifts that abound and the efforts made on your behalf by those of us who guide you. For the combination of your spiritual desires and our efforts is a mighty pairing.

I do not mean to imply in this missive that you do not need to work hard at staying upon your path, for even though you may be guided, it is your job to stay awake and alert to how you are being guided, when it is necessary and appropriate to ask for assistance, and when it is more appropriate for you to tackle the issues of life alone, based on what you have learned about the self and others. Our efforts on your behalf are always focused on helping you achieve a higher level of spiritual awareness, an awareness of the self as an energetic being connected to all things.

Today, I suggest that you take some time to contemplate the position you are in; taking note of how significant this moment in your life is, as are all moments. However, most moments are glossed over while you go about your busy lives. This time upon that earth is a time of great significance, conflict, and disturbance, that you may feel both innerly and outerly. You may not quite understand why you are being presented with the dilemmas that have become apparent to you, but, if you take a moment to go into quiet meditation, clarity may emerge from the fog that now swirls up from your feet. As calmness comes upon you, allow the fog of confusion and disturbance to dissipate, and know that each moment of disharmony and discord is alerting you to a significant aspect of the self that needs attention.

Why am I feeling this way? This question may lead you deeper into self-conflict and self-disturbance. Do not be afraid to confront your deepest issues. They may be related to the issues of the child self, who is alerting you to the fact that tenderness lies at the core of your inner self, a wound that has, as of yet, not been attended to. Issues of the child self are often at the root of conflict.

Be kind to the self as you explore the inner child self. Use your adult abilities, your loving, compassionate, spiritual adult self to tend to the lost and innocent child within who seeks attention. Find what you need for this child self within this adult self. Do not turn the child out into the world looking for compensation or attention, for that is not where it belongs. It belongs inside you, where wholeness awaits, as you bear the tension of it, and allow it to tell you its worries, its woes and fears, and its dreams.

The child self must be attended to in a most gracious, a most contemplative, and a most appreciative manner, for this is the root of who you are, the person you set out to be, and the person you must reconnect with in order to recapture your innocence. Once you reconnect with your innocent child self, and reconcile the confusion that persists, you will achieve not only a steadier balance but your access to the wonder of connection to those of us who guide will be accessible, and then the mighty pairing that I speak of will become a reality.

Trust your inner work. It is really all you need to do in order to ride these difficult times, these distracting moments of insecurity and unsureness. Stay upon your path toward spiritual understanding of the self as connected to all things. It is the only way to go!