#360 Take a Ride on the Speeding Energy Train

Dear Jeanne,
Can you talk about the energy and what we can expect for the week ahead?

There is no need to fear this energy that has now left behind the boxed apparatus of confined vigilance. Now is the bursting out. The energetic easing of pressure is over soon, for this is a time of release and eventual smoothing out as a new reality is encountered. That is what you must all contend with now. In some way has your reality shifted and changed and it is up to each of you to follow through with where it seeks to lead you next.

It not only now becomes a guiding energy but also an allowing energy, giving you permission to follow, to allow the self to have new experiences based on what you have learned about the self during this recent energetic time.

The energy has had plenty of time to play with you and you with it. But now, as shift occurs once again, is it time to get serious and forcefully ascertain that the lessons you have learned are extremely valuable life-altering lessons to now be fully embraced and utilized for further growth.

If you do fully embrace your lessons, so can I guarantee that your progress now will escalate as the energy continues to flow at an exorbitant and excited pace. Now is it your time of choice making. This is a time of decision making, not a time to wait and see, but a time to act based on what you have recently learned about the self. Your presence upon that earth is not haphazard or random. You are energy that is necessary, vital, and meaningful for some purpose that only you will grasp when the time is right for you to do so.

This time of now is energetically aligned to enlighten, engage, and enervate you, offering you plenty of incentive to decide just what that purpose might be. Many of you are re-discovering who you are now during this time of energetic push. Many of you are discovering aspects of self that you did not even know existed. And many of you are finding out that you are more than just your body and your mind, but a whole other being, comprised of energy as well.

The aspect of self that is energy is capable of so much more than you can even imagine. And this is what you are about to learn and explore further as you step out of your blown apart house, your place of boxed in rattling energy. Flow now with it, as it continues to swirl you about, wishing for your participation; as it invites you to go along with it, not just for the ride, but for the reasons that it shows you, the possibilities it presents, and the sheer magic that it holds for you.

The energy of this great shift is now available for your growth. Do you elect to go further in your life than ever before? Do you elect to let go of your fears and ride the energy forward now? Do you trust your self to take a new journey on this energetic wave of change?

Come on, the energy feels great today! Position your self to be able to take advantage of it, of the outer energy, but also of your own trusting and eager inner energy because you want change, meaning, and purpose to be in your life. That is what is being offered, but you must make some decisions if you are to be actively involved in taking a ride on this speeding energy train. It is pulling into your nearness now. Are you going to hop on?

I’ll save you a seat. Don’t worry; we’ll be traveling in style, comfort, and safety, with plenty of powerful fuel, free fuel. So don’t hesitate because of lack of energy; that is not going to be a problem. The only thing you need to do is push aside your fears of change. Unburdened of fear are you freed to step lightly and easily forward into pure energy and experience what it means to ride this energetic wave of change.

#359 Compassion Rides the Tail of Right Action

Today, a Reader asks Jeanne for guidance.

Dear Jeanne,
Several times in my life I have fallen prey to manipulative people without realizing what was going on until it escalated and got to an extreme situation. Although now, after much work, I do recognize when someone is acting in a manipulative way, I have struggled with giving myself permission to act firmly, to say no or to simply not give in to their wants or desires. This causes much inner turmoil as I feel like I am being uncompassionate, but at the same time, I do not want or desire to be a victim or to be manipulated. Could you please clarify this? Thank you very much.

My Dear Reader, in the warrior’s way do you speak of separating self and issues of self from the situation at hand when you speak of compassion. It is important to have clarity when considering actions, for not all actions are appropriate if the big baby or the hurt baby or wounded child is present. In order to act as a warrior, must you be able to assess the self as well as the situation being encountered. And this must be done swiftly and decisively, for only in right action of truth will compassion be addressed as well.

Your own big baby is not compassionate, nor is your wounded child, or your maternal self. Compassion is the balance that is achieved in actions based in truth. I advise learning to assess situations thoroughly. Wake up to the fact of whether the situation is one of truth, honor, and rightness, or are you being manipulated? Those are the questions one must ask oneself.

In your own case, must you allow your self to forget the past, stay in the moment, release the self from past attachments, outcomes, and histories, and immediately stand in the truth of now. Only in remaining alert, aware, instinctively knowing the truth of your situation can you act correctly, quickly, and ruthlessly. That action is immediately balanced by the compassion of life itself moving in the right direction, energetically forcing truth to be reckoned with and offered to the recipient in clarity.

Compassion is two-fold. It is honest, and it is loving. It carries blatant truth at its core and yet does it ride on the energetic waves of love, for it delivers itself by means of direct intent. That is what you must know; that you might not feel the compassion in your argument, but you must know that it is energetically delivered.

Compassion is a gift, not given freely, but earned by doing the work of truth, of setting the intent to commit acts of right doing, right action, that will set the record straight, put the world on the right course and send a wave of new energy of truth forward.

Compassion is not always a gentle and kind action, but often brutal and resented, obvious and confrontational, straightforward and directly hitting at core issues. You mix up vulnerability with compassion. You confuse sensitivity with compassion. You deter the message of compassion by attaching to the misconstrued meaning of it.

Compassion does not get defined so easily, My Dear. All situations are different, thus compassion arrives in many guises. Your chore is to stand always in your personal truth, unswayed by your past or your negative thinking about the self, your misguided understanding of what compassion truly is. For compassion is, to put it plainly, neither love nor kindness, but a separate amorphous energy that is always delivered correctly if the message it rides on is truthful and right, in a timely moment when no other message will serve.

Compassion deserves respect, for it is not to be used recklessly, nor will it allow itself to be squandered. For if misused will it energetically backfire upon you and then must you contend with its misfired intent. That is why I say that you must, as a warrior, be quickly and decisively able to separate self (ego, baby, child, victim self, etc.) from the moment. You must, as a warrior, be able to assess quickly, with knowing clarity and knowing of right action. This process does not involve the head or a thinking process, but only an acting on truth process. The action must be taken in alignment with the truth at its core and then does compassion ride on its tail, delivered with the blow of truth.

Compassion is used in dire circumstances when no other attribute works, for it can withstand the rejection that is sure to come. But it can also accept the total surrender that also comes when right action and truth are received bravely and honestly. Do not doubt your firmness, your warrior actions, for when they are right they will land dead on and have affect. This is when compassion will become present and known as companion to right action.

To learn universal love and compassion are to learn the warrior’s way: to be available energetically to give and receive without attachment to self, able to purely give with no expectation of receiving, yet also be appropriately able to receive without expectation of giving in return. That is the true meaning of love and compassion, to be without expectation, but totally energetically available and free.

Thank you for your question. May you find this natural aspect of self. It does not come forth in your demeanor or your personality, or your sensitive feelings for even those who manipulate you. That is your work to center on, to free the self to become the warrior you truly carry inside, waiting for growth.

The warrior self has no ego, no thoughts or muddled thinking, but acts in rightness and in truth, always knowing. Compassion is energy riding its waves, flowing in natural accompaniment. That’s what you must keep in mind; it is a natural phenomenon. Compassion is natural. Truth is natural. Right action is a natural act. Manipulation is not. Does that help?

Remove ego self. Remove big baby self. Remove confused and bidding self. Act from knowing self.

#358 You Are Asked to Become a Warrior Now

Dear Jeanne,
What advice and guidance do you offer us today? What can you tell us about the energy you spoke of earlier this week? What is happening with it now?

The energy must you remain aware of. For in spite of the fact that it sits boxed in and almost aggressively active, so is it positive energy, building its case for compliance and acquiescence on your parts. All who now reside upon that realm, and I do mean all, are being forced into a position, forced to take a stand, and subsequently will there be the final push to act upon the truths now being revealed and presented.

Do not turn away from what is being shown to you, either about your self or some other person or persons in your nearness. Do not cover your face and wish for things to disappear or return to complacent boredom, for that will not happen no matter how much you wish. This is a time of grand crux, and as with all cruxes, is there a crucifixion of sorts taking place. A keen observer will notice this happening on many levels, some quite subtle and others more blatantly obvious.

In your own lives now, My Dear Ones, is there a shift taking place. On some level are you aware of the dying of an old way of thinking, acting, reacting, living, conversing, participating, and whatever other aspect of life that needs expression. You are all being pushed to accept a new method of being, a new way of living, a new way of encountering life and even other worlds, known and unknown. There is a great push for your active participation and you will not get away with ignoring or pretending that you do not see what is going on.

This is a time of great awakening. While that energy remains boxed in for a while longer, so will you continue to encounter feelings and energetic bursts as the walls are come up against and the energy rebounds until it hits another wall of the box that is your life. This is very good energy. It is showing you what you must do, who you must deal with, what you must feel and discover about your self, even as you are clearly seeing what you must do with others and even what they must do for themselves.

This is a time of great clarity, observation, and decision making. But your decision making must now come from this boxed energy and not from your old walls. If you stay plastered to your walls, so will you simply fall down and get trampled by the energy when the time of bursting forth takes place. Do you want that to happen? Do you want to get trampled and stampeded upon? Do you want the old walls to cave in upon you and keep you buried when the energy is offering such amazing power and change?

It is up to you to now accept the powerful pushing that is shoving you here and there and tumbling you about in the box that is your life. You may feel that you are doing cartwheels or being tossed quite haphazardly about, but there is method in such madness and it is to wake you up to your own abilities to latch onto the powers of the universe now being offered.

Change is upon you now. A grand crux means destruction of the old and advancing forward, swiftly, to the new. It means that you don’t have a choice, as energetically will this shift be taking place no matter what you do to stop it. You can acquiesce and accept the most transformative energy to come in a long time and flow with it to great advantage, or you can elect to resist. Even with resistance will you be forced into a new situation in life as the old walls come tumbling down.

So I suggest that you accept that things are shifting and already have shifted. There is something new in your life, something you must deal with, confront, live out, play out, or simply flow with. That is what you are being presented with now, swift, vital change that requires your fullest attention and participation. You are asked to become a warrior now, to take full responsibility for self and act according to the New Rules of Life and Change.* Challenge your self to grow now with full knowledge that your confrontations, your changes, and your attentions are meaningfully growth-oriented and must be attended to for your progress to be fulfilling, right, and evolutionary.

In short: do not shirk from your duties to self and others, but acquiesce to the inevitable powerful changes that are here now to move you along on your personal journey. Life is full of adventures, you know. You are being confronted with the next big one right now. Don’t be afraid. It will take you to amazing places where you will meet the people who are your guides and your companions of growth, and you will be one more step along on that journey you now live, the possibilities long ago strung together. Your choices along the way have been leading you to the next door, the next adventure, the next moment of choice.

This is a lifelong journey of choice, and once again you are being pushed to make the choice that will catapult you forward so that all who are around you will know who you are, why you are here, and where you are going. Do you dare to know this too? Do you dare to take the adventure that you are being so forcefully pushed to take? You have no choice really. If you are an energetic being, of course you will choose to burst out of that box!

*NOTE: Here Jeanne is referring to the 10 Rules of Life and the 10 Steps of Change that are posted on this channeling website under Guidance in the sidebar.

#357 This is Energy That is Boxed In

Dear Jeanne,
Do you have guidance for humanity today?

I do not advise fighting against the energy, but instead suggest that you learn to acquiesce and flow, for the energy of now is pushing energy. It asks for compliance so that you may be shoved ahead to your next place of human encounter with life as meaningful and as real as it can get. This is now a time of volatile, swiftly turning energy that does not spiral upward, but instead shifts back and forth as if caught in a box with no escape as it comes up against walls at every turn. This is energy that is boxed in. Such energy’s intensity affects you more significantly than energy that is free to do as it pleases.

This energy is internal energy; energy of home situations, inner situations, and energy of confrontation at every turn. It is energy that asks you to be truthful; that pushes for your awakening to the realities in your life and your situation that cause you to feel blocked, frustrated, or approached by the energy or frustrations of others.

Your attitude is significant now. Are you accepting and flowing with what is being presented to you now? Or are you resistant and refusing of the bare truths exposed by such confined energy? There is no place for such energy to hide, nor is there covering for the truths revealed either. Do you elect to see them clearly? Do you elect to accept both this energy of learning and the lessons it exposes to you? Do you elect to take full responsibility for what is being presented? Do you choose to satisfy your spirit’s need to accept the truth, in spite of your own desire to run and hide? Don’t you see how small that box is? There is no hiding from boxed-in energy. There is only acquiescence to the fact that it is here, it is inevitably affecting you, and there is no recourse except to look at the truths now being revealed.

This is a time of great self-discovery. This is a time of curtains ripped wide open and wide-eyed viewpoints being exposed. This is a time of confrontation with innocence gone, truths underlying it exposed, reality knocking you over the head. This energy may be affecting you quite noticeably in some fashion, whether outside of you, your world knocked about, turned upside down and now in a great jumbled mess, or inside you as you experience confusion, turmoil, and an inner world that must be considered as never before. The combination of both inner and outer world in confusion is also not uncommon during such volatile and shifting energy patterns.

This time of truth-revealing energy will stick around long enough for you to acquiesce. That is all it wants of you; that you accept the inevitability of life shifting now. Your part in it is to flow with it, in spite of feeling uncertain, afraid, or vaguely unsure of what it may mean.

It means that things change and that you are not allowed to control certain changes because if you did then you would never grow and advance, whether through life upon that earth or through the veils of your inner life either. I suggest My Dear Ones, that you center your selves in your heart center, and allow your inner sanctum to become your home base. Focus your thoughts on your own strong knowing inner self. This is your place of calm, though it may not feel too calm right now. It is also your place of excitement, your spirit’s knowing that you are on a path of adventure and it is eager for the unfolding adventure to come. That energy of now is adventuresome energy. As soon as the lid comes off that box it will be free to do what it will. That is what you must be ready for too, the freedom that comes after confinement and compaction of energy that is so strong and positive. Its release will be as equally shifting as it’s struggles within the box.

So this is what you must do now: confront your struggles by acquiescing to the inevitable process that is being laid out before you, the positive steps unfolding almost without your needing to do a thing. And then, once you accept that your life is indeed going in this direction, prepare for what comes next, with a simple mantra of acquiescence:

I am ready to flow and grow.
I am prepared to be fulfilled.
I am life and energy.
I am golden opportunity.
I am life itself.
I am energetically aligned.
I flow now. I allow myself to flow now.

#356 What To Do With The Big Baby

Today, a Reader asks Jeanne for guidance.

Dear Jeanne,
The message on July 28th also rings true for me, as I learn to detach from the old fears that served to protect me at one time, but need to be put to rest so I can learn to trust the new journey that is ahead. As my spiritual self “cleans house” to get ready for a new beginning, my emotional, and especially, my physical body are taking quite a hit. I not only have “dust bunnies” under my bed…I have “dust monsters” that have been lurking about for a long time! How can I ease some of the pain that I am in now…I don’t want to undo my progress, but my physical body is in a turmoil, as my old ways of soothing my “big baby” are not working anymore. At times I feel like all the work I have been doing is worth it, and at times I question myself as to why I decided to “look under my bed”.

Thank you again for giving me a safe place to ask deep questions that have been with me for so long, but I have been afraid to ask.

Love & Light…D.A.D

My Dearest D.A.D., your question poses a most interesting and common dilemma, what to do with the big baby, especially as life changes and you no longer want to carry that big baby around anymore. Your question of soothing the big baby is actually the wrong question to ask. It is not proper to soothe that aspect of the self, but much better to put it to rest for a very long and even permanent nap. To continue soothing, looking for new methods of soothing, or trying to find a means of keeping the big baby quiet during times of stress, etc., are all things that must be contended with in the process of giving up the big baby.

As you now notice that you have this aspect of the self, so do you have one of the biggest challenges accomplished. The big baby does exist in all who reside upon that earth plane, yet have many of you dealt quite well with this aspect of the self. I suggest My Dear One, that you do not attempt to please your big baby with a pacifier, though this is what you will seek to do in order to attain some peace and quiet. This can be a very difficult step to take because if you aren’t allowed to soothe the big baby what are you supposed to do instead?

I do not suggest being cruel to your big baby self, but I do suggest that firmness and discipline with that aspect of the self are the first lessons to learn in detachment from this aspect of self. You are an adult, not a baby. Your mental capacity is exceptional; your ability to assess the self has been on a long and arduous journey that has now arrived at a place of shift and great change. You are doing excellent work, but you must attempt more fully to place the big baby self in the crib that waits for this cumbersome side of the self.

It is too late to be carrying a big baby around with you. It is too late at night for the big baby to stay up with you watching TV or reading. It is too early in the morning for the big baby to arise with you and enjoy your solitude. You are a mother, and now must you mother your self. This is the next step in learning how to rid your self of the annoying pestering of the big baby. Mother your self now, not the big baby. By this I mean, find your tenderness and your love for your evolving adult self. Offer gentleness to her, offer guidance to her, and allow her to take some much needed time for her self, the fully eager to blossom adult self.

This aspect of self must be regarded above all other aspects of self, respected and paid attention to. This is the seeking self, and this is the self you seek to know and travel forward with. You do not want to know about the big baby self. That aspect of self is predictable, annoyingly present too often, and is not conducive to a seeking life. You don’t need to know anything more about the big baby self. You are good at acknowledging that this side of self attempts to sabotage your progress and that is enough attention. The big baby does not need anything else. So don’t think you need to attend to it, because you absolutely do not. You need to detach from it. But you must not, as I said, detach by offering it a bribe or a treat. You must stand firmly in your truth of it, but move quickly away from it and plant your self immediately in your adult self, your adult frame of mind, you adult body, your adult desires, and your adult needs. You do not need to deny that you have needs, but you must distinguish between the big baby needs and the adult ones.

You must create a balance in your adult life between needs, desires, and responsibilities. It might not be a bad idea to write down the things that are most important to you, the adult. Cross off anything that the big baby writes down. Remain firmly attached to your mature, adult adventuresome spirit self as you make this list. It will do you good, and any other Readers, to do this in order to clear away any confusion about who has control over your needs and wants, and to allow you to focus your intent from the place of adult maturity and not big baby immaturity.

I stress that you must center your self before you begin this process of listing your life’s desires, your present and your future desires. Allow your truths to be written down totally freed of the interferences of the big baby self.

Once this is done, will you have a place to focus your attention when the big baby screams for attention. Pull out your list and regain your focus on the adult self. In this manner will you begin a process of detachment from the big baby self. Eventually will the big baby no longer bother you, not even a whimper, though it takes work to allow the big baby self to know that it is no longer invited to travel with you.

It is desirable to leave the big baby quietly asleep, its paraphernalia packed and placed beneath its crib, boxed away, no longer necessary, not desired, not even a glimpse. But you must take your thumb out of your mouth to start. Then one by one, every aspect that is the big baby self must be removed and packed away, no longer acceptable. This is a step-by-step process that can take years, but it must be done in order for progress to be made. It is the confrontation that must be gone through as you recapitulate too.

Everyone who does a full recapitulation will meet every aspect of the self during the work, and the big baby is one of those aspects that has to be and will be dealt with as the process unfolds. It is inevitable, but necessary for growth.

Do not focus on the big baby self, but allow your struggling adult self to consider it just another child in the family. Teach it what it means to grow up, be responsible, be in the world, and be ready to leave the nest, for that is what everyone must do in life, grow up and go out into the world.

So I urge you, My Dear Strong Seeker, to allow your mature adult self to have needs and desires, and acknowledge that fears are old habits that belong to the big baby. You do not need the big baby, so I can attest that you do not need your fears either. You do, however, need to allow your adult self to take on a new cloak of fearless daring, a new robe of safety in the world, because you are on a new journey, and you know that everything is meant for your learning progress. Find you new cloak, your new self-seeking cloak of desire for life, a real life in a world that is full of wonderful adventures.

Your physical body can handle it; you just have to accept the fact that it can. Your spirit is ready. Your old anxieties just need to be prodded over to the big baby crib and packed up there. Then see what happens. To clean house is a grand idea, just pack up a lot of old stuff as you clean and you will do well. But don’t forget to fully examine your big baby and your adult stuff before packing it away, and make sure you don’t mix them up. Keep them separate so only the big baby items get packed up and not the adult things.

Then set your intent firmly on that list of adult desires and manifest them in your life by allowing them to become your new truths of self. Carry them in your presence at all times and allow them to lead you to the new you. That is where your future lies, in acknowledging your truths.