#208 In Dreaming Are You But Awake in Another World

We continue to invite all of our readers to download The Book of Us, offered for free, on the Store page of this website. In addition, we wish to express out deepest gratitude to all who have e-mailed, sharing the profound impact this book is having on their lives. We invite you all to send your honest reactions upon reading The Book of Us, and greatly appreciate being advised of any grammatical, editorial, or technical mishaps you might notice.

Chuck Ketchel and Jan Ketchel

Here is the message for today:

Dear Jeanne,
Another weekend has arrived. What message do you have for us all today, and over the next few days?

Continue your awareness work. Continue the work of change. Continue to be aware of the energy, and continue to look for opportunities of growth and evolution. Be aware of the signs around you urging this upon you, even as you remain aware of the currents of energy that will continue to dance and play their game of taste and tease, inviting you, but also testing you, to be alert and aware.

Awareness remains the key issue as you progress through life. Train this ability to remain alert, even when you sleep. It is necessary to remain cognizant of your surroundings and the meaning of energy, whether in waking life or dreaming life. In dreaming are you but awake in another world, and it is your next step to begin training your awareness to remain keen in that world as well now. But this begins in your world of daily reality, as you understand the way veils hide truth and signs from you. For in dreaming-worlds are the veils also present, but your awareness is less available until you train it to wake up and participate in that life as well.

With this training and preparation well undertaken will you learn how to maintain awareness in all situations, and in all worlds. Maintaining awareness at all times, even in the moment of death, is the ultimate goal, for in so doing will you pass the evolutionary exam, and perhaps graduate into infinity. This keen training of your awareness, beginning now, is essential in order to maintain it at the time of separation from the physical world, as you exit, energetically, from your body.

Relying on your practice in waking life alone is not sufficient, for there are not enough circumstances in that physical world to challenge you. This may sound absurd because life presents a multitude of challenges, but to hone your awareness sufficiently must this be practiced in other worlds as well, where both the rules of energy and physical reality appear differently. In the world of concrete reality, the challenges greatly center around navigating through and beyond that concreteness, that life, and that world you know so well, which is both predictable and easily explained. But once you enter other worlds, where nothing is quite as you may suspect, is a new kind of awareness required in order to navigate.

This training of awareness in other worlds is easily mastered in your daily ritual of sleep and dreaming. Begin to be aware, as you enter dreamlands, that you are in another world. Remind yourself, before you go to sleep at night, that you are about to enter another world, and then remind yourself that awareness is key in this dreamworld. Ask your self to remain alert, awake in your dreamworld, aware of your surroundings. Veils exist in dreamworlds, as well as in your daily life, so it is essential to remove the veils so that clarity is gained.

Begin to expand your awareness now into other worlds. Take adventures into your imagination to begin honing your skills. Meditative adventures into the self offer the opportunity to explore your abilities beyond the concrete. Open your eyes, but do not look too hard with your physical eyes as you meditate and dream, but instead look with your inner eyes of knowing. In this way, will you begin to experience a new level of awareness. And this you can do with intent, on purpose, simply by daring your self to daydream, with the full knowledge that it is a highly valuable lesson in awareness training. Then apply the same techniques in your nighttime dreaming.

All of this requires innocent trust in your own abilities to go on an adventure, and this you must freely allow your self to do. It may seem slightly ridiculous, at first, if you are not a daydreaming person normally, but once you get the hang of it, will you find that it is quite pleasurable. But always maintain your innocent heart-centered intent, and the knowledge that this is awareness training that you are undertaking, and not self-gratification. In the beginning, may it be difficult to just allow your innocence to emerge and take you on a journey, but with time, and trust in your inner self, will you be able to achieve anything.

There are many guides and teachers of dreaming available to you. Look around as you begin, and ask for assistance. See who arrives to help you. Take your pets with you, for they very easily enter other worlds, and are highly aware of your energy shifts. Enter dreamworlds with your awareness though. Do not forget this most important aspect. Remind your self often to remain alert, to “see” with your inner knowing, and to “feel” with your heightened sense of awareness.

Who knows where you will go, and what you will meet? But don’t forget to bring back with you something from each adventure, and note it as important for your learning and your journey. Even if it is but a small token of your ability, so is it meaningful. “Everything is meaningful” in that life, and as I am fond of saying, “Everything is possible.” Use these two proclamations to aid you as you begin this next step in training your awareness. Happy dreaming!

#207 Your New Game of Life

We continue to invite all of our readers to download The Book of Us, offered for free, on the Store page of this website. In addition, we wish to express out deepest gratitude to all who have e-mailed, sharing the profound impact this book is having on their lives. We invite you all to send your honest reactions upon reading The Book of Us, and greatly appreciate being advised of any grammatical, editorial, or technical mishaps you might notice.

Chuck Ketchel and Jan Ketchel

Here is the message for today:

Dear Jeanne,
Do you have a message for us today?

Do not hold back now from the experiences that arrive, to not only teach you, but offer a grand opportunity to grow by giving you the knowledge of a world with the veils removed. Allow the veils to reveal truths and experiences that are meaningful. Then allow your self to accept these experiences, taking them in to your knowing, so that you may advance in an evolutionary manner.

Do not disregard what comes to you. Do not despise your abilities to see and be aware in a new manner. Do not turn away from your innocence, but fully embrace it now as you take a new step forward into your future.

Allow awareness to be your constant companion. Allow for sharpness of that awareness to point out to you what you should notice. Allow your noticings to be your new game of life, and play it well. This new game of awareness, alertness, and constant monitoring of the signs of truth and innocence are the experiences I speak of that are necessary for this new life you now engage.

Do not run and hide from your truths. Do not play hide-and-seek. That is not the game I speak of. This new game of life is a total embracing of all that is seen and unseen, all that is felt and experienced, and all that is constantly revealed to you, day by day, as you grow and evolve.

This new game of life is nothing to be afraid of, nothing to shirk from, nothing to push away, but it is everything now, and should be accepted as your new means of living and interpreting your life, your experiences, and your most inner knowings. Focus your attention today on the signs that are all around you. Pay heed to them. Allow your self to trust. Allow your self to experience. Allow your innocence to embrace you in this new game of life as an adventure full of surprises. Enjoy it!

Don’t be so afraid. If you don’t like how the game of life is proceeding, then throw the dice again today. Ask for change, ask for a new direction, ask for new life, ask for what you truly need to shift you in a new direction of growth. And then use your awareness in order to be alert to the signs alerting you to what you have asked for. What you ask for will manifest. That you can be certain of. So get ready for it. Even if you don’t think it has arrived, think again, and you will discover that it has indeed come to aid you on your journey. So watch out what you ask for!

#206 Look at Your Life With Your New Perspective as Your Telescope

We continue to invite all of our readers to download The Book of Us, offered for free, on the Store page of this website. In addition, we wish to express out deepest gratitude to all who have e-mailed, sharing the profound impact this book is having on their lives. We invite you all to send your honest reactions upon reading The Book of Us, and greatly appreciate being advised of any grammatical, editorial, or technical mishaps you might notice.

Chuck Ketchel and Jan Ketchel

Here is the message for today:

Dear Jeanne,
Do you have a message of guidance for us today? Even just a word or brief note?

Contemplate now your situation more deeply. You have weathered through quite a lot, a lifetime of trials and tests. Now have you learned a lot, but the trick is to fully understand what you have learned from your new place, your new perspective, and with your new tools of awareness.

So, do not sit and contemplate your life in the old sullen manner, but look at your life with your new perspective as your telescope. Develop a sense of awe and enlightenment, instead of your old ideas of regret and disappointment. Use your new seeing to reveal a new truth about your self, and your life thus far lived. From this new perspective lift the veils that hide your clarity, and allow for not only a new perspective on the past, but a new perspective on the future as well.

Remember, that all time is now. By this instruction I mean look at your past, your present, and your future, as if they were all now, with no distinction of space, but only see them as experiences that are meaningful NOW. With this new perspective in your telescope of seeing will you understand this concept of time. All time is now, so reconstruct your life anew now. Change your outlook, change your perceptions, change your conclusions, and you also change your self now. Do it now. And then do it again, and again, because every moment is now, and every moment is new and requires a new eagerness for life. Achieve this eagerness for the next moment of life by keeping your perspective in constant shift, your perceptions accepting of new ways of thinking about your self, and your clarity constantly honed so that you do not reveal anything but the truth as it stands NOW.

All time is now. Every moment is new. Every moment of time requires you to shift your self, as quick as it does, in order to keep up with it. Be in the flow of time, be as flux, as a changer of shape, with each new moment asking constantly, where am I now? What does this mean from my new outlook, my new post, through my new telescope? Life is constantly changing. Keep up with it, and you will find that this concept, of all time as now, will become clearer. Experience it. Allow your self to experience time as flowing, never stagnant, never stuck, never resident, but always nomadic, transitory, and seeking new experience.

This is you now, the new you, spirit, warrior, seeking new experience of the subtleties of life that are, indeed, more than subtle. Shift your perspective and you will understand that your life is full of magic moments, coming at you quickly, carrying energy and new life.

Hold your perspective in this new moment, right now, and experience the lightness and joy of it, and then decide how you want to continue to view your life. Are you a time traveler? Or, are you stuck in the illusion of time? I invite you all to experience the everything and the nothingness of time as it swiftly shifts, and shifts, and shifts, and shifts again, always changing, always a new perspective. Go and experience it, and then contemplate your life differently. This is good for today.

#205 Take on the Traits of a Warrior

Dear Jeanne,
What is your message for today?

A committed approach to utilizing the energy for personal growth requires change. There can be no growth if you do not commit, wholeheartedly, to change. This requires that your physical body also commit to change and desire a transformation. In order for any progress to be made, must the physical body align with the spirit. When I speak of falling back into old habits, you must admit that most of those old habits have to do with the physical aspects of the self, including bodily comforts of pleasure, pain, emotions, and such factors as feelings, all within the context of your physical form. To truly advance now, must a certain amount of self-discipline be applied to the process. As always, must this curtailing of the physical habits be well balanced. I do not ever instruct that you become a dictator to the self. That would be absurd, and your progress delayed due to the inability to flow. But, I do ask that you take on the traits of a warrior, and this requires a discipline of conscious action leading to an impeccability of intent.

Impeccability requires conscious thought regarding the truth of every action taken and every decision made. To be a warrior spirit is to be aware of your own physical habits and behaviors, desires and traps, and to work hard at changing, so that you do not become slowed down in your growth by constantly having to deal with interruptions in your energy by that which seeks to over-consume. In over-consumption of your energy by the physical needs and desires do you lose valuable time, and progress is hampered.

Attach the word “warrior” to your daily intent regarding the growth and progress of the self. By taking on this intent of impeccability that is implied by a warrior spirit, your focus may begin to gain in sharpness. With your focus thus honed do you offer your self the gift of fewer distractions because you will be less drawn to giving away your energy, especially as you begin to experience it in new and useful ways, better suited to change. In order to transform must there be commitment to engage in such change, but this also requires focused intent in order for anything to really happen. You can construct a shiny new vehicle for your self, but it won’t go anywhere if you do not have the proper gas to feed it. That is intent, the new fuel that will send your vehicle out into new worlds of adventure.

Your warrior abilities are not in question. They lie waiting for your discovery of them. Find your focused path, clothe and feed your self with your intent, and then take action by doing all that is required, now, to enact change. Stop thinking and talking about it so much now, and do it! That’s all I have to say about it.

All right. Is there anything else you’d like to talk about today?

No. Stay focused on your path, adding intent, with conscious decision to change, to shift, to flow, to balance, and to become aligned with the energy as it disrupts life as you know it, urging change upon you all, and the planet earth as well. The energy seeks to wake you up. Don’t you feel it rattling you and shaking you out of your slumber? Time to get serious now. No more talking, just doing, with impeccability, with conscious focus, and with your inner warrior making your decisions now. Spirit + Warrior + Intent = Change. And change results in evolution, and this, in turn, opens the door to what lies all around you just waiting to be noticed. Aren’t you intrigued?

#204 Continue On

Dear Jeanne,
Do you have a message for us today?

Abide by the rules of behavior for a seeking life. Do not neglect the path so bravely sought and found. Do not fall to the wayside, or wallow in slovenly despair, but continually pick your self up. Continue on, in spite of what is taking place in the world around you. Remain aware, and urge awareness on others, teaching this new method of perceiving and taking guidance from the signs that are constantly offered to aid you.

For now, even as the entire world does suffer, as the energy turns the world akimbo, do not get thrown from your inner knowing of what is right. Even as you, as an individual, must be aware of energy, and act accordingly in order to have, not only safe passage through life, but also growth and evolutionary change, so must the world itself follow a similar principal and path. As the world, the very earth, does suffer from too many sitting beside their paths rather than doing the work of the self, so is it important that you do not contribute to such stagnancy.

Lift yourself daily from reverie of such stagnancy. Do not contemplate stopping or turning back. Do not become part of the problem, but remain focused on solving the riddles of your own life, and then proceeding onward and lifting your dilemmas from that of the earth you now reside upon. You are all responsible, and must remain so in order for true evolution to take place.

The earth cannot alone shift direction. Ironically, mankind is forcing a shift, and yet it may not be in the best interest of mankind, but rather a devastating clearing out, as Mother Nature turns beneath you, shaking you off as an animal does shake off a predator or a parasite. Do not waste your life wasting the life of the very earth who supports you on your journey. Do not waste your time needlessly upon that earth, but focus now more concisely on finding your true purpose.

Are you an earth watcher? Are you an energy seeker? Are you a seeker of your own truths? Are you really ready for change? Wake up now, and open your eyes, your ears, and your hearts to the truth of the energy that seeks now, constantly, to cause change. It is available to aid you, and to catapult you forward, but it is also constantly ready to grab you and take you back to old places no long habitable.

Find your balance in your life. Find your true purpose. Find your keen awareness awaiting your discovery, and make your way through the veils that hang across your path until you come to the wide open planes of no obstruction, no veils, where clarity is as crisp as fresh air, and your journey will become more focused. But this requires seeing now, even in the muck and mud of the energy that seeks your attention and your energy. Clear your eyes constantly, and use your intuitive heart-centered knowing to guide you.

Focus then on your place in the grand scheme of this great change. What is your role? Who are you really? Uncover your innocence. If you must go back to something, go back to that. Rediscover the innocent wanderer inside you, and invite that aspect of the self to join you. Reconnect with this important inner self, and then see what you see. Then will you understand clarity and awareness, and then will you be able to understand your mission in life. With your ego left behind, your purity in front, guiding you, may you rediscover all that you know, and all that you truly seek.

You have not lost anything; you just have not found it again. It does but hide inside you, waiting for the right moment to tap you on the shoulder and remind you that you are innocence, and you are pure, and you are energy just waiting to find resonance. Find resonance first within your self. Meet your desires within the context of your own energetic being, and then venture outward, finding your most suitable profession in a new, changed world. For as you change, so does the world change. This time of great upheaval is part of the energetic push for innocence to be born again, yours, the earth’s, and the innocence of knowing and understanding all worlds. Do not be part of the problem, but become the solution. Begin with your own life. This is my challenge to you today.