Category Archives: Questions for Jeanne

#302 God Does Not Lie Waiting Buried in a Particle

Today a question is asked by a “Curious” Reader.

Dear Jeanne,
I’m very curious about the huge CERN particle accelerator that will finally be powered up in May after many years of engineering and construction in Switzerland. Various reports about this “underground nuclear cathedral,” as I’ve heard it called, are that it is expected to recreate the moments immediately following “the big bang,” it will open “many small black holes” in our atmosphere, and scientists hope it will reveal “the God Particle.” Do you have any insights as to the impact the activation of CERN will have on our energetic environment? Is CERN a “good thing,” i.e. is it possible it will accelerate our awakening, as some think? Or are we messing with the fabric of creation?

Is CERN anything to be conCERNed about?

Many thanks for any light you can shed,

My Dearest Curious Reader, I do not think that man will discover the “God Particle” by attempting to recreate “the big bang.” For God does not lie waiting buried in a particle of some foreign outer source, but the God Particle lies only within each being upon that Earth. I do like the term though, for particle denotes a tiny speck, and that is the seed within each of you that awaits discovery. It lies dormant, and such a thing as a grand awakening or a constant nurturing will stir it awake or allow it to grow.

I must also say that the scientific endeavors upon that Earth spent upon such delving is time wasted. Far better for the inventors, innovators, and brilliant scientific minds to spend their time and energy looking for solutions to mankind’s crises of environmental proportions that currently exists and has existed for centuries. To enter the Earth with such a proposal does not honor and protect that grand mother that is there to provide for all who reside upon her pleasant plains.

Far better would it be to experiment with what the Earth holds for sustaining life upon that planet, for that is only the place of beginning. Only when man accepts that idea, that it is merely a learning ground, will there be meaning in searching for answers to existence. Better to spend the time, money, and talent on discovering the veils, the hidden worlds, and the explorations of the energy body, than investigate as described, with the possibility of ruining many of Earth’s underground reserves in the event of catastrophe.

For all concerned, as you are My Dear Reader, do I advocate turning from such endeavors, and spending time and energy exploring what is truly hidden from your eyes and your knowledge, yet is so readily available within the self. The environmental groups have great concerns regarding this project you speak of, for it is an invasion of Mother Earth’s protective layers, and invites much dispute as it pertains to the impact it may have as it cranks up, spews out, and releases its gases. For no such environment could be instituted without need for cleansing and releasing of toxic substances. And where do you think such things will go? Deeper into the Earth, with unsafe results for the environment of such an underground facility, as well as the world above it. Over time will such a plant, planted deep within the Earth, suffer greatly for its attempts at discovering the mysteries of this world. In the end will this world’s mysteries impact it beyond repair. But until that time, will it attempt to become a center of scientific thought and process. Attempting not to prove the existence of God, but to disprove it; and not to prove the ideas of those in the ethereal know, but to disprove that as well. The only proof will be in that which they already have determined is not so.

True adventurers, true scientists do not need such elaborate schemes in order to understand energy and that, My Dear, is really what this CERN is about. For the understanding of energy, pure energy, as vibrational awareness in everything, constantly in motion, and constantly alive, viable, and perfectly felt by the human form under many varied circumstances, is a concept as yet too foreign for the vast bulk of scientific communities.

Your conCERN is well placed. But I do not propose that you spend too much time in worry or frustration about such a project, for it will and must run its course. At a later date will new ideas be proposed and tried out, experiments attempted, ideas disproved in the sacred environment of this “cathedral,” until it will no longer open its doors to true searches for the questions most people ask.

Most people want to know why? Why are we here? Why are we given this planet to live upon, and not some other? Why are we so fixated on our bodies? Why do we accept, so easily, the discourse of others? Why do we allow our spirits to be led astray, far from the inner true self? Why are we still so curious about life and what comes next when there are so many scientists giving us answers all the time? Do those scientists really provide us with answers to our questions?

Go into your own sacred cathedrals, My Readers. Look for your own seed particle, your God inside you. Who are you? Why are you there now, in this moment? Why are you reading these messages? Why are you so curious about what I have to offer? Do you think a grand scientist would read these words in quite the same way? Well, let me tell you, there are plenty of people waking up to the mysteries I speak of, even plenty of scientific minds. But I must say, I think they are concerned they will be dismissed as whacky scientists, not like true scientists who seek to disprove theories. The new scientist, even the one inside each of you, seeks to accept what he cannot deny, and that is experience of the concepts I speak of. And experience, experience not experiments, actually having experience of these ideas I present, is the only way to prove that you are energy.

Proceed now in your life having accepted my version of science, that everything is energy, and you will allow your self to be open to experiments that lead you to the kind of awareness that those scientific minds attempting to re-create long ago actions will never experience if they don’t begin to learn about themselves, what lies inside, and what the human body holds within, the energy body and all that it offers. The only cathedral worth exploring in is the one you reside in 24/7, your vehicle through life, comprised of every atom and seed of knowledge, wisdom, and awareness that you will ever need.

Thank you for this most interesting question. I am sorry to say that I do not trust this project on any level, except that it may open the door for many to begin thinking about what it means, this grand awakening that is so prevalently spoken of all over the globe, and maybe I’d better find out what it means. Now that would be a fine result to conclude from such an energetic attempt to discover something new. Because you already know, deep inside you, the answers to anything those scientific masters could ever ask. Just keep in mind that you are energy, everything is energy, and all energy is interconnected. Don’t separate anything, but instead piece it together, put it all together as a puzzle is pieced together. You’ll find your way, first to your self, and then to understanding everything around you.

Go exploring, My Friends. Everything awaits your discovery, and you don’t have to go anywhere or spend a penny to do it. It’s all inside you!

#301 Inside All of You Resides the One Who Knows

Today a question is asked by an anonymous reader.

Dear Jeanne,
Can you speak to us about the conditions in America? Gas and fuel prices are out of control and everything else is affected. Corporate greed, capitalistic greed has taken over, and there is such a negative overtone to the current political scene that everything feels almost hopeless. Our country isn’t doing enough on the environmental front either because innovation doesn’t necessarily fill the pockets of the rich, but as a result it feels like everything is going downhill, and deteriorating. Is there light at the end of the tunnel, so to speak? Or will this time of doom and gloom be the end of us as a civilization?

My Dear Readers and Journeyers, I have predicted in the past the demise of life as you know it, and now you see and feel the crumblings of a structure that is no longer viable, nor has it been for a long time. When I speak of learning love, compassion, and the appreciation of all life upon that planet, so do I include all aspects of humanity in that phase of learning. The United States has been in the forefront on many levels, but underneath lies the wiley monster of insatiable greed, seeking to gather the wealth that will eventually topple the tower it has constructed to store it in.

The tower is not a physical structure, but a structure within the framework of desire. Desire is destructive, and that is to be the culminating factor in the future of that great wide country that has so much to offer still. Is there a place of refuge from such desire? Well, the only place to go is innerly, to the place of inner calm, inner knowing, and act from there.

The great machinery that runs that country does so at great cost. The place of now is over-consumption in all walks of life, simply because it is available and has been easily marketed, and quickly lapped up. But there is no need for most of what Americans consider important. The marketing and easy availability of everything has created a country weak in infrastructure that is viable and practical, so there is too much reliance on being self-sufficient. But even that has not created true self-sufficiency, but an entitled reliance upon the ideas and products so readily available and offered.

Now as things shift, and negative ire arises, is there an opportunity to reduce the enormity of outward reaching, and expectations that the government will take care of everything, to the opportunity to wake up and become aware citizens of the world. Too long isolated, has that country been allowed to grow far beyond necessity, practicality, and propriety.

The rest of the world has watched in awe, but that awe has sunk to a level of shame for the countrymen of America. It is beginning to be noticed that little attempt is being made to participate in worldwide change, worldwide concepts of viable, sustainable living.

It is time for America to pull inward, to recreate smaller cities and towns, to pull back all that has gone outward, and return the skills and crafts to the people who desire to be true citizens of the world. Each and every American must see themselves as part of the bigger picture, and that picture is indeed equally bleak. But that does not mean throw in the towel, or give up because there is no correction to be made. Of course there is opportunity for correction, but it may not be what the consumer in all of you wants, but it is what the inner knowing spirit in all of you truly knows is right.

Attempt now change in your own lives, to shift from the unaware, unknowing style of consumer to the alert, clearly cognizant being you truly are. Inside all of you resides the one who knows, and that aspect of the self must emerge now, and stop accepting, and begin demanding true change.

Do not be afraid of change, for it will drive a hard bargain. Yet will it be a necessary force, as “the times they are a-changin’.” Are you prepared to simply sit in your seat, as the vehicle you are in is destroyed? Or will you stand up, and fight to get out? The fighters, the ones who are alert, clear thinking individuals will survive the great destruction that is happening all around you, through one dismantling of life as you know it after another.

Do your part by asking for and demanding change. This is not a joke, nor is it up to the government, for the government will not change unless you make it do so. The time is now. Shift from viewing it as a negative time, and see it as a positive time of great sweeping change. And then participate in it. Get out of your darkness and accept the fact that if you want light, you might have to go create it in a new manner, because when you go to turn on the switch you may not like what happens.

This is a time of opportunity for great inventions and innovations to emerge and become the proper means of change and growth. Be a part of the success of shift and change on a worldwide level by demanding first that your own environment change, your country change, and become aware of the truth of every action being proposed and taken. Lift the dark veils; don’t be afraid to accept that things are definitely being done wrong. And then look for clarity of thought, right action, and truth in every deed.

Good Luck, you Evolutionary Beings. Your enlightenment may aid you if you keep in mind the intent of evolution on this spiritual level. Seek inner change, and you will discover the means to outer change that may affect the way all beings perceive life. Spread the word of evolutionary growth, and keep that in mind as you figure out the most proper way to proceed upon the Earth, and how to get out of the muddle now perpetrated upon that planet. And don’t think your actions don’t count; of course they do! Be good Citizens of the World now, but be good Evolutionary Beings as well. That is how change can have the greatest affect.

#300 Life is Often Ready to Move Onward

Today’s question is asked by an anonymous reader.

Dear Jeanne,
Many years ago I had several miscarriages and at the time suffered greatly with feelings of loss, grief, and sadness. The question of why was constantly on my mind. In the following years, I would repeat the dates over and over in my mind, as I never wanted to forget them, but time moved on and eventually those dates were forgotten, but in my heart, we have remained connected. Recently, several women I know have had miscarriages, and now that I have awareness of life as an evolutionary journey, and recognize that we are all energy, the question of why has returned, but in a different way now. Perhaps you could explain this. Also, are we still connected to these energy spirits? Are they involved in our life in other ways? Do they continue their journey with other parents?
Thank you for your help, guidance and love.

My Dear Reader, yes, you are all energy beings, comprised of spirit first, and by that I mean the intent of the spirit in all of you to grow, evolve, and pursue life on another level. Your experiences of miscarriage are not unusual, nor are they meant to sadden or confuse you, but are meant to enlighten you to the energy of life, the life you live and the possibilities that lie in wait. Such brief excursions into life upon that planet, in the body of a woman that will not see the result of such growth, is purely for energetic gain on the part of the evolving being that does not reside very long upon that plane, and for the woman as well.

The final evolutionary means by which to evolve is one example of meaning for such a being, who simply slips in for a reason of growth and completion, while others slip into that realm for beginnings of new life connected to the mother or maternal candidate as well. Perhaps the necessity lies with you, the Reader, the Journeyer, now aware of evolutionary life, and perhaps it was this awareness that you were being presented with. As energy, as spirit intent to grow, were you perhaps sparked again and again with this knowledge to wake you up, and teach you to notice your own energy that continued onward; perhaps recharged each time in order to continue your journey, gifted with knowledge of life as energy, but also given energy as a result of your lessons.

I do not advocate getting too stuck in questioning the meaning of what such silent energy is presenting to you. For you could remain attached to sadness, with the possibility of remaining unfulfilled as a result of your attachment to ideas of loss. But luckily you were able to forget, and to move on, perhaps none the wiser, yet still directed to search for meaning in everything, and that aspect is good.

It is time to accept the energetic fact that life is not necessarily meant to be fulfilled upon that Earth realm, but is often ready to move onward. That being said, must you determine your place now. Find meaning in your past experiences as related to your ability to evolve, and find a true path of growth as an energy being. That has come to be your focus, so look always at the events in your life in this manner, sad though they may be, and full of suffering, agony, and grief. All events in a lifetime are meaningful aspects of growth, and should not be dismissed, nor denied as aspects of such growth.

You ask if you remain connected to this energy that once grew inside you? Such energy resides in you, buried in the timeframe of your life, and what was being presented to you at the time. This is an aspect of recapitulation that all must go through, both the women involved, and the men involved. What did it truly mean in your life at the time? As you recapitulate these events, remain in now; and gauge how your own evolutionary path took the route it did, for reasons of growth. If you have discovered the meaning of energy, of choice, and of a true path through life that leads to wholeness and fulfillment, so is it possible to accept everything along the way as having the utmost of meaning for your life.

Many such sparks of energetic miscarriage offer momentary energetic attunement to the mother, the human body offering her own energy while also receiving energy. In other cases is it more long term. You must discover your own evolutionary connection to every event in your own life to discover the true meaning for your own miscarriages. Often is it, as I said, a necessary aspect for the spirit energy that dips in and quickly leaves, with thanks for the energy you gave it to succeed, even as it gave you a gift of experience in return.

All souls must fulfill their energetic time upon the Earth, the realm of reason, with lessons to be learned about awareness, clarity of vision, and the discovery of life as energy connected to spirit intent. Each lifetime lived upon that Earth is an aspect of learning what it means to be spirit energy, leading eventually to completion of time upon that Earth; and eventually joining with your soul group is achieved. In the context of all life as energy, but also in the context of your own life now being lived, must you recapitulate in order to fully learn and understand what each event in your life meant, what each energy being you encountered in your life meant for this life’s growth. And with such knowledge, oriented toward such growth, and focused on life as a journey toward fulfillment of spirit intent, must you determine who you are, why you are here, why you had the experiences you had, fully understanding every aspect of the self, so that your life upon this Earth may be completed.

I can only answer certain questions, offering possibilities, but as always do I stress the inner work that must be done. That is your greatest chore upon that Earth; to understand why you personally have been presented with the challenges and the experiences at the times throughout your life when you were most vulnerable to being impacted by them. What does everything in your life mean to you on this journey you now take? That is what each of you, man, woman, and child must find out. And then you will understand everything in the context of your life thus far lived, and the life still to be experienced; for that awaits, still hidden from you, but there nonetheless.

Perhaps you have had glimpses of it? But it will stay an illusion, hidden in the veils, until you gain clarity on the meaning, the purpose, and the evolutionary potential of your life as it is now being presented to you. Good Luck, All You Journeyers! There are many questions that may be confusing you, as to why you had to have the experiences you did. The simple answer is that you needed them in order to evolve. But the complex answer is in that tiny word: why. Why, indeed? That, My Dears, is for each of you to find out.

#298 You Have Chosen to Live the Warrior’s Path

Today, a Warrior (Jeanne’s term) asks a question.

Dear Jeanne,
My question is, what in my evolutionary path would choose incest and molestation as a path to enlightenment? I have moved past many of the obstacles that these experiences presented and am proud of my success. I have been able to be present and offer comfort to other children, now adults, as they struggle with a similar past. I have used this experience to inspire me in my creative work. I have learned the power and purpose of forgiveness. Those experiences have blessed me in many ways. There is one last place that still holds the memories of that time and those experiences, and that place is my body. It holds many memories of the effects of this past, and I am challenged by how to let this go, and transform those places in my body that still remember and react.
Thank you.

My Dearest Reader, you have chosen to live the warrior’s path. Your journey began before your experiences presented themselves in this life. Your souls’ choices have given you the opportunity to far exceed expectations for growth. It sounds like your path has been one of extreme ability to conquer and move on.

The choice to elect such a path is the opportunity for a great leap forward, an evolutionary leap. The opportunity to transcend all the trappings of that world, and to be given the gift of knowing at an early age, is deeply hidden behind those experiences. Inside your body remain still many of those experiences, as yet unrecapitulated. And this is the next step you must take in order to complete your journey. For without total recapitulation, acceptance, and acquiescence to the facts of your journey thus far taken, will you remain unfulfilled.

To seek physical release is perhaps the most difficult aspect of the recapitulation process, for the body holds memory without words, without thoughts, and without purpose, except as reaction, and as reminder that your work is not done. Completion of the inner work must involve all that is hidden, ingrained, and automatic, the long lasting effects of your early childhood trauma.

But awareness of the memories, as tied to the physical body, must also be released. Have you moved past your memories with true recapitulation? Or have you left them behind, suitcases littering the path behind you, dusty and unopened? This is the challenge the body presents, and it does so when you least expect it because it knows that you are so guarded and aware in normal circumstances. Your body is telling you that you are not done yet. It is telling you that it still holds, deeply hidden, in quiet pockets, remnants of your past. Release of all memory; emptying of all pockets; scraping, and digging, and rinsing clean of all old discarded memories must be done in order for this process to be complete.

Can you accept your journey as a gift? Can you accept your self as a child warrior, steadily and forcefully marching into life with a mission to grow? Your earliest years, and your youth was peppered with the challenges of a lifetime, yet are such early beginnings full of lessons and abilities. You were deep in training from a young age. When most other children are being loved, protected, and nurtured, you were being presented with the tools of an evolutionary being. Have you not been given the opportunity to live a spiritual life, full of deep inner knowing of this aspect of your self?

Your treasures of this training lie deep in the folds and sinews of your body. Your enlightenment remains guarded and unfulfilled as you protect still the inner child. Yet does that inner child know that all your experiences where meaningful aspects of a journey well-taken for completion to become a reality. Do you choose to continue toward completion now, with that inner child in the forefront, safely past the years of trauma, yet stronger and more fiercely aware? Does that inner child not require release from your body, along with the pain that remains to remind you that it still waits for the work to be done?

I do not talk of rescue. I do not speak of coddling the big baby inside you. I speak only of understanding such a journey, horrific as it is, as an evolutionary one. What young child would choose such a journey? None would, of course; but your spirit chose it for evolutionary purposes, and that is what your spirit still intends. Pay attention to the experiences now as lessons in detachment, as tools of awareness, as well-planned examinations that enabled you to learn many skills that others struggle to understand long into adulthood. I speak of the abilities that such trauma presents in the form of out of body experience, clarity of knowing, and the ability to perceive and be aware in a heightened manner. Heightened awareness is one of the most important aspects of an evolutionary being, and I can guarantee that you learned this at an early age.

So My Dear Reader, you did choose such a journey. You did experience such early trauma, disappointment, and devastation for reasons of evolutionary growth; and it is a very good choice to have made, for such a journey is chock-full of good teachings. Your teachers were hell-bent on making you learn your lessons, aiding you in your growth. Did you do a good job as you struggled and grew? Your adulthood would speak volumes of praise for a journey well-taken. But in order to complete it, and continue your evolutionary journey, must you find out what your body still holds for you to discover. Take your innocent child self with you now, on a new exploration. Allow that child, the one who so bravely took that journey, to lead you back to where you need to go. Allow that warrior child to show you how it learned the lessons being taught, what they meant then, and what they mean now as you accept your path as a truly evolutionary one.

This child self knows everything. Not one iota of experience is forgotten, or misplaced; nor is that child traumatized. It is simply waiting for you, the adult, to understand that every aspect of your life thus far lived has been, and continues to be, preparation for learning what it means to be an evolutionary being, but most importantly an energy being.

March onward now. Put that child self upon your shoulders, and re-discover your innocence, but also your warrior child self. And the two of you take the recapitulation journey now, with a new perspective firmly in your knowing. And find your body, so that together you may live in it, a whole being, merged in the physical, and then will you have greater access to your whole energy being as well.

You are learning what it means to be an energy being. That is what your entire life is about, your story incomplete until you merge fully with your child self in full recapitulation and knowing of self in this manner. Your body is your vehicle through this life. It desires full participation and release, and it will continue to tell you this until you take care of what it is trying to alert you to. It asks for completion of that early journey in order to be released forward to new life, still to come. For the body desires life too, and that is what it is asking for. Give it life!

#297 The Solo Journey Into The Self

Today, a Journeyer asks a question.

Dear Jeanne,
You recently asked us if we were prepared to go alone, as that seems to be a choice that we need to make in deciding to evolve further. My dilemma is that now as I do more and more inner work, I realize the importance of learning detachment, especially for evolutionary growth, but as much as I try to understand detachment, it still seems to conflict with my long held desire to connect. How is it that we have chosen to live here in the physical form with our many needs and desires, in a culture that promotes relationships, when our true journey is a “solo” one? Could you please explain this further?
Thank you for your guidance,
A Journeyer

My Dear Journeyer, when I speak of your journey as being a solo one, I speak of the inner journey, for no one else can take that journey, nor can they fully grasp the meaningfulness of it. That is up to you to discover and grow from. A journey that is piggybacking upon that of another is not a truly fulfilled inner journey. I do not imply by my directive to “go it alone” that you are to sever all ties with others in your life, nor am I suggesting that you do not seek a truly resonant being to explore intimacy and relationship with on a greater, deeper, soul-fulfilling level. For all must live within the confines of that earthly existence and experience all aspects of what it offers in order to evolve. As I have spoken of often, balance is the key. Moderation, avoidance of excess, and denial of nothing that the physical self must undertake in order to complete the mission of that lifetime upon that Earth, are necessary.

But keep in mind, at all times, that in order to truly accomplish that lifetime mission, must you do the inner work. By doing the inner work will you eventually discover the meaning of your life. You will find your place there, in balance with all that is offered. You will succeed in being an ever-evolving being, if you truly do complete the inner tasks that are constantly being presented to you.

You must live there, in that physical form, in order to evolve. Earth is level one of existence. Do you enjoy your life there so much that you wish to return, with a new set of directives, a new set of challenges? If so, then that is your choice, and that is fine. Except that with such a backlog of souls awaiting entry, and so relatively few evolving, will you have to perhaps wait a long time to return.

Or, on the other hand, are you ready to move beyond that first level of awareness, beyond the veils of illusion, and discover what else exists in life, in true life? For your time upon that Earth is not a true life, as an energy being, until of course you discover this aspect of the self. Then is it a life that is truly worth living. That awareness of energy, of being an energy being, that many of you are achieving is filled with eagerness and awareness of the possibilities beyond the confines of Earth, confines that do not exist at other levels.

To achieve wholeness now is quite an opportunity, and it is what my mission is directed at. My group seeks to aid you in this growth to wholeness, through the confines of your Earthly existence, and teach you how to achieve awareness and clarity, so that as you pass beyond that level so can you choose evolution as your next solution, rather than return to life upon the Earth and do, once again, the confusing task of deciphering what is real and what is not real.

With the clarity you have thus far gained, are you not intrigued with the proposals I make to go on the solo journey into the self? This is the solo journey I speak of, and it is essential that you discover who you truly are in order to grow and evolve.

I can assure you that it is quite a wonderful choice to make. I am certainly enjoying my life as an energy being! This I offer to You Journeyers: Do not get lost in self-sorrow or self-pity, and do not stay lost in the veils imposed on you by the confines of Earth and those who are considered “in the know.” For there is much that they do not know about you, or anyone else for that matter.

This is a journey of experience, and as I said yesterday, experience will lead you where you need to go. Seek balance within your physical life upon that Earth, daring to live it to the fullest, doing what the spirit knows is right to do. And then, get balanced on the inside by doing your inner work, solving your inner puzzle. By so doing will you discover that your outer world will also neatly, and succinctly fall into place, a complete picture of an evolutionary being.

But you must drop your fears. You must be open to possibility, and you must truly desire to evolve for your solo journey to be truly embraced and accepted as a most important aspect of your time upon that Earth. Where do you stand My Fellow Travelers, ready to take the inner journey? We await your completion, and we await your calls for help along the way. You are only going into the self, looking for the true self, the one who elected to take that journey, the one who knows all. Do you dare go diving in to seek the truth? It will set you free from everything that now holds you captive. And a very nice evolutionary journey is in store for you. Don’t doubt it.

This is enough for today. Stop pondering so much, My Dear Ones, and do the work. With so many questions being asked all the time do you simply read, and read, and read and try to understand. But you will never truly understand until you take the journey, fully embracing your own experiences, and reliving them as truth of the self. Only then will you be aware of your future upon that Earth, and ready for your new self as a being comprised of energy, unlimited energy. That is what awaits!

Seek wholeness. Seek clarity now, in an evolutionary way, unafraid and daring your self to go inside and meet the real you who has been waiting, and waiting, and waiting for you to come back and discover who you truly are. Now that would be quite an encounter! Who are you really?