Category Archives: Questions for Jeanne

#314 The Soul’s Journey Begins Randomly

Tom asks Jeanne a question today.

Dear Jeanne,
My question today is actually a question about a question… maybe THE question. I sometimes wonder, like I think everyone does at one time or another, what was before the beginning? I don’t really ask expecting an answer to that question as much as I wonder whether it actually is a valid question, or is it an example of the limits of human understanding. If it is a meaningful question, I wonder whether it’s perhaps the one question that remains unanswerable regardless of the level of evolution attained. Considering this question leaves me with an uncertainty about everything, since it seems to tear away any solid foundation that seems so necessary in order to move forward with purpose in life. Most of the time I put this out of my mind and just ignore that question as unanswerable, as I think everyone else does also. Thank you for the good work you all do. I look forward to your guidance each day, and my weekly appointment with Chuck. Perhaps this question just proves that therapy is where I belong!

My Dear Tom, you assume that there is a beginning, a foundation upon which all life first sprang from, a birthing place, a fountain of life, yet is this concept so difficult to perceive because in the reality of infinity is there no beginning and no ending. There is no threat of non-existence. Is that a concept you can grasp hold of and take into your knowing? Is that an idea that you can hold in your hand and look at, feel, and understand as attainable, your evolutionary potential as endless possibility?

If that is a concept that you are capable of looking forward to, so must you also be able to conceive of the time before you began your human experiences because it was the same endless field of energetic possibility that you now work so hard at achieving.

Does the word infinity scare you and leave you feeling ungrounded? I do not mean to bring you to a place of uncertainty or fear, but to introduce infinity as a place of joy, of rejuvenation, of eternal life and energy, and the ultimate place of life’s mysteries revealed in the utter experience of it, of your energetic self.

The time before your cycle of lives was, however, a time of incompletion and unfulfillment, an embryonic state of pure energy, as yet uneducated, and untested. Yet was it an energetic bundle of all knowing and understanding of the concepts waiting to be experienced, experimented with, and tested.

Time before time, as you know it, was whole in one sense, yet was your being incomplete in the sense of training and utilizing the skills available in order to continue evolving beyond that metaphoric state of energy. As an unevolved energy being are you full of potential, existing in infinite possibility, pure energy with no connection yet to evolutionary growth, and unavailable to proceed until the soul’s journey begins.

What sparks the soul journey? (Asks Jan)

The soul’s journey begins randomly, as energy is the factor and the catalyst. Position, possibility, synchronicity, and the availability of your energetic composition are all factors, but the biggest factor is very simple, you are simply in the right place at the right time to begin that new beginning, the long evolutionary journey to higher consciousness. You contain it (higher consciousness) within your energetic state. This is true for all, but it is undeveloped, untapped, and quietly awaiting release from its embryonic state. The soul’s journey releases the potential of this unlimited resource. (The image I received during this explanation was much like a gumball machine, or a lottery machine, with balls of energy bouncing around, eager to go down the chute leading to new life.)

Your first birth upon that Earth signals your first attempt at capturing the truth of energy, of all knowing, of infinite and evolutionary growth, and potential for moving forward. Your subsequent births offer the opportunity for this process to culminate. Yet as you now experience, so does it require a lot of work to stay focused on a path of discovery and truth of infinity, and what it truly means to be an evolutionary being.

By the time you have achieved the state of awareness that you now exhibit, so have you lived many lives, gained much knowledge about life upon that Earth, and gotten to a place of acceptance of life as a continuous journey. This is a very good place to be in, Tom. For you are questing, yet are you also trusting that you are on a journey that is meaningful and has ultimate purpose. And that, My Dear, is very exciting and should provide you with the comfort of knowing that you have been doing a good job, and have come far in your journey.

Do not feel lost by the concept of endlessness, of infinity having no beginning and no end, of time existing only as you journey upon that Earth, for those are not concepts easily recognizable as grounding for the journey being taken upon that plane. You should feel grounded. You should feel a sense of place, and of beginning, in order to track your progress and define your life. But ultimately will you experience your energy body, your ethereal self in that infinite nothingness, and be perfectly satisfied with that state, for it will fit your energy body, just as the confines of Earth’s time and space fit your physical body now, as you take your journey.

I do not believe that to ponder your very beginning will bring you to a place of shattered ideas, but instead this explanation may solidify your concept of the true energy self as an evolutionary being, with always a purpose of evolution to higher awareness as your catalyst. You are where you are now because you have worked hard to get there through these many journeys you have taken; evolved from infinite knowing, yet learning what that means as you progress; training to be able to utilize it in the life still to come.

For all of your journeys are training camps where you are offered the opportunity to learn and to hone the skills you learn during each journey. The trick is to stay connected to the fact that you hold within you all that you need to grow, to evolve, to connect, to perceive, and to become fully aware of all that exists, and all that pertains to evolving to a new level of existence. Do not be afraid of the journeys, either the beginning or the infinite potential ahead of you. Your energy knows what I mean by this. Now it’s up to you, in your human form, to accept that this is so, that infinity awaits. It always has and always will, and it is quite a lovely state of being, where unlimited potential awaits.

Keep up the good work. I hope I have satisfied you on this idea of beginning, and the true prospects of evolutionary growth. Keep learning!

#308 The Negative is Quite Present and Noticeable

Today, another Reader anonymously asks a question, about negative energy.

Dear Jeanne,
Can you speak about negative energy, about how it is outside of us, how we attract it to ourselves, and how we get caught by it? Can you also speak about what it does to us once we are caught by it, but also as we project it onto others? Thank you for your answers and insights, they are always very helpful. I look forward to your messages every day.

My Dearest Reader, I seek mostly to keep my students of awareness focused on positive energy in order to build up knowledge of how to use it and where it may take them as they grow and evolve in its bounty. Yet do I also discuss the power of negative energy as well, in order to teach awareness of it and the power it holds.

As I spoke of yesterday when discussing the situation in Burma, did I mention the power of positive and negative magnetic pulls. So is this equally true for energy within you and around you. You must maintain an even balance of awareness of, and intent of the positive and negative at all times in order to navigate smoothly through life. In order to understand the negative aspects of energy have I thus far wanted to familiarize you with your own positive strengths of knowing, clarity, and awareness of the energy that is around you. I have urged you to seek only resonant positive energy at this point for you must find out who you truly are, what your own energy is like, how it feels, and what it is asking of you in order to fully know the self in preparation for your recapitulation work. I also know that this direction has placed you in a precarious position because even though your intent and mine has been on acknowledging the positive and avoiding the negative, so is the negative quite present and noticeable.

So your question is perhaps synchronistically timely and necessary now, as the world is in such turmoil as a result of much energetic congruence of the negative and positive right now, a grand battle going on, as each seeks attention. Although I continue to urge you away from the negative in order to strengthen the positive aspects of the self, so will I address your question because you ask it now.

Negative entities and negative energies exist all around you, at all times. Your awareness of them may be keen, or it may be duller than you know, simply by your state of being at the time. Do not hold your self responsible for this. As I stated also yesterday, is there no blame here. Put your self in the position of a fairly well balanced individual who is quite aware, and apt to live life with open arms, ready to tackle anything that comes, prepared to live life to the fullest, yet also loving, compassionate, and caring. This person appears well balanced and living an evolutionary life, gliding along quite well. But then something doesn’t feel right. What is it? You all know the feeling, you wake up one morning and you just don’t feel like you fit into your body anymore. Nothing feels right, and your personality suffers as a result, even your attitude about your life may suffer doubt, despair, or hopelessness.

Well, My dears, this is a sign of negative energy affecting you. It may come on the heels of illness; it may seep in when you least expect it, or when you are simply enjoying everything about your life and your evolutionary path.

It exists all around you. Negative energy is present at all times. I suggest that you do not attract it to you by focusing on it, or harboring negative thoughts about your self, or others, or the world around you. Awareness that it exists, and that it seeks entry to luscious energy for feeding purposes, is all that is necessary to begin maintaining awareness of it. After that must you be alert to the signs of its approach. You may see it more easily in others. This is the case with many things, but if you notice it in others so is that a sign to be aware of it in your self. Question your self, regarding negative energies, to remain alert and unattached.

Even as I speak of balancing negative and positive energies in your own life, so do I mean this inside you as well as outside you. As you do your recapitulation, avoid falling into the traps presented, of negative thoughts, and negative traps that long ago transpired, and instead remain focused on the template of your journey. Seek to fill in all the missing pieces now, with a focus on changing your perspective on your self as you go through your recapitulation. Seek now to piece your life together as a warrior does, as a journey well taken, for purposes of learning all that you need to learn in order to grow, and evolve, and become who you are.

Do you feel that you ordinarily attract a great amount of negative energy? Then I suggest that you may not be attempting to do your recapitulation as I have suggested. For during that phase of growth do you relearn your journey thus far taken. You gain access to your past with your adult self firmly in charge, and you maintain this adult perspective as your positive balance. You must begin your recapitulation with your strong, stable, pragmatic, and spiritually centered adult at the helm. And you must always return to this adult self, no matter what you encounter as you recapitulate and regress into states of old memories, and behaviors; or thoughts, feelings, and emotions associated with the past. Always must your adult self firmly hold your hand, no matter what age you are and where you go as you revisit every aspect of your past.

Your own energy must be balanced so that you are aware of energy that does not belong to you. This is the resonance that I speak of so often. You must learn to dismiss, turn away from, and dispel any energies that do not resonate. And how do you do that? Well, first by training your awareness so that you are alert to your own energy. Then must you maintain awareness of what is going on outside of you. I know this is impossible to do at all times, but your strength is in knowing your own resonant energy; that is your gauge at all times.

Use your feelings to let you know what is approaching, and what is right, and what is not right energy to engage in. Why do you seek to attract all energy that is out there? You must all learn to shut down the open doors that you leave vulnerable to such energies. Such risky business is not appropriate, nor necessary.

Yes, you must be aware, but you do not need to reach out and attract all kinds of energies to you. You can’t handle them, nor is it possible for you to stay in balanced awareness if you do. For then is your awareness dulled by the onslaught of non-resonant energies circulating in your energy field, and actually draining you of your nurturance.

I recommend learning detachment from outside energies. Do not attach to anything that does not resonate with you. This may seem harsh to pronounce so blatantly because many times do we have people in our nearness who do not resonate, yet must we deal with them, and their energy, on a daily basis. But that is just the perfect example of what I mean when I suggest learning detachment. Those people are actually available to teach this badly needed attribute. They offer us the challenge to learn loving and compassionate detachment.

It is a long and often trying process, but it can be done. It involves allowing everyone to take their own journeys, make their own choices, and find the responsible adult inside themselves. Often this can be a heartbreaking ordeal as we watch our loved ones, even our own children, stumble and fall, and struggle through life, unable to get out of the holes they dig themselves into by the choices they make. Our place of detachment offers us the opportunity to allow for real growth, on both sides. For the detached adult must stand firmly in inner balance with the self, yet also aid where it is necessary, but still requiring the struggling one to accept the challenges also being offered.

All upon that Earth have the challenge to become aware and responsible adults fully prepared to deal with the negative energies in their own lives. These energies will come back over and over again, seeking sustenance and attention, until the adult self recognizes that they are foreign affairs, and not resonant, loving, energy beings offering aid and guidance, but in fact seeking only what they can gain. These energy drains are all around you.

In order to understand the negative forces in the world, this understanding of how your own energy feels is first and foremost the major focus, and must be established. Know who you are, and what your own energy feels like. Then whatever you attach to, focus on, project on, draw in, invite in, or simply fall into, must be assessed as to whether or not it feels right. Does it resonate? Then it perhaps may be good energy. Does it feel not quite right, a little itchy around the collar? A little tight in the toes? Does it drain your energy? Do you feel invigorated by its presence, or simply exhausted by it?

You must find ways to remove such non-resonant energy from you and from your life, either by practicing loving compassionate detachment, or simply by excising it from your nearness. And always keep in mind that there are attempts, at all times, to find ways in to your energy.

I did not even speak about other forms of energy beings that exist in all time and space. I focused mostly on the human form. I will address the other forms of evil in the world at another time. But you do not need to focus on them. Keep your self focused on your own positive growth. Ask for good in your life. Reject, do not accept, negatives and you will do pretty well with that positive/negative balance. Thank you for your provocative question. There will be more later, but that’s enough for now!

#307 There is No Blame in Burma

Today, a Reader asks a question about the cyclone in Myanmar.

Dear Jeanne,
Does the event of the cyclone in Myanmar, wreaking mass destruction and death beyond comprehension, have anything to do with the treatment of the protesting monks and the military action that is trying to gain power there?

My Dear Reader, synchronicities are always significant and meaningful, and should not be overlooked or disregarded. But there is no blame there in Burma. It is a situation that has to run its course, testing the beliefs of many and also the truths of the human condition.

Find not fault, but use your new awareness of the power of the journey to lead and direct all causes and all lives to a place of fulfillment. Do not judge nor determine what is right in this situation, for then do you expose your own disasters to criticism and judgment, for all have such hidden dilemmas that remain unaired and unresolved. I do not insist either that the cyclone that hit that territory was meant specifically for Burma, for it affected others as well, yet did it fall directly upon such a vulnerable land, in a vulnerable state of disrepair and despair. As you know, often are the poorest countries wrought with the greatest destruction offered by that planet’s forces of nature. Other more industrialized, and so-called civilized countries suffer in other manners, yet are no populations exempt from such powers of destruction.

In this time of great turmoil is such destruction an apt example of the coming changes, and it behooves the nations and people of that planet to pay attention to what has been wrought. I do not use the term, “the wrath of God,” as I know has been spoken. For there is no God of Wrath, nor is there a God of any such power. God is but inside each of you. You are God lying asleep, waiting to be accepted as fully loving and compassionate beings. If the Wrath of God did cause such devastation, so did man in his ignorance of God inside cause this.

It is synchronicity, meaningfully timely, that caused such a thing. Magnetic pulls upon that Earth do attract and reject energies of all sorts, both energies unseen and energies seen, such as this powerful storm.

Do not dismiss the acts of nature as mere punishment, for that is placing judgment where no judgment is needed. The world does not need more judging, but instead more loving, and more positive intent for all peoples and all nations to heal the wounds of fear and hatred that so badly fester.

Within the United States now does there fester many wounds needing attention. Underlying all nations’ disputes sits the energy capable of attracting devastation of the sort that struck this little country.

Energy determines the path. If energy is positive and in balance with the negative pulls, so is there possibility to ease past restraints and disputes to resolve issues in a forthcoming and righteous manner. Yet if unbalance occurs, such as overpowering negative energy, so is there apt to occur an event to upset the balance that is so undeniably precarious, and even wrong. In the case of Tibet was there an uneven balance of positive energy, and even that country could not hold back the explosive qualities of such long held down energy, positive though it was.

Eventually must energies escape, for they do not play by the rules imposed by man, but have their own agendas. For now, look upon the country of Burma, now called Myanmar, as a pot boiling and boiling because the fire, the heat beneath it was too hot; the energy unstoppable; and change was more necessary than you can imagine. Many outside of that land do not understand what truthfully was occurring there, and is still intending to be projected there.

There is little to be done with synchronistic events, except to hold them accountable for enacting change where change is needed. But what is the truth behind that event? There lies much hidden. And who is ready to hear the real truth? Who in Burma wants to hear the real truth? Who outside of that meager yet lovely land wants to understand the truth? Who in Tibet wants to hear the truth? Who in America wants to hear the truth?

The truth gets rejected, gets slashed down, ridiculed, feared, and run away from, for it hits the ears as blasphemy, and lies, and means of uprising. But the truth is true!

Be not afraid for those who lost their lives, many though the numbers may be. Find within the analysis of a journey, the purpose and reason for their demise. Find truth of a soul’s journey, truth of life upon that Earth, and devastation of this magnitude as the necessary vehicle to fulfillment.

That country held many spiritually fulfilled and fulfilling lives, as does the other small country of Tibet. There is a need now for evolution, and those spiritually strong countries do pave the way for knowledge of other worlds, other lives waiting to be lived, beyond this one. An evolutionary journey does not end upon this Earth you live upon, but only begins there. The spiritually evolved move on when the time is right, when the truth of their lives has been excavated and dealt with, in the manner not only of recapitulation, but in humble, simple living upon that Earth, each day lived and loved for what it brings.

Who can say that they have gotten to such a place of spiritual living within the self, and with the life you have chosen? Do not look upon those who lost their lives as victims, for they are evolutionary beings, now on another journey, just as you are.

The quiet ones live deeply spiritual lives, existing in harmony and simplicity upon that planet, seeking always to find their way by accepting what is given, and trusting that everything is meaningful.

So that, My Friends and Fine Traveling Companions, is the lesson of synchronicity; that everything is meaningful. And how do you propose to live your own meaningful existence? You know what to do, even as the people of Burma, Tibet, and other lands of abrupt change do also know what is most meaningful. But do you dare to live it? Do you dare to live the most meaningful life you can? The means is offered to you daily. Or do you wait for the synchronicities of life to knock you over the head?

I suggest that you be proactive, even as the monks did determine it was time to be proactive. But do it with your open-hearted means of engaging in the world first and foremost as your energetic components dictate. Leave the destructive qualities untouched. Balance your goodness with your strength of determination, rather than anger or fear. Use your powerful abilities to intend change in this new manner, rather than picking up the old sword of destruction.

Time does not wait, nor does it care; for in infinity is there no such thing as time. Do not wait for time to tell anything, or give any signal. Look only inward, and make changes only when it is right to do so; as the cyclone did, unfettered by time and man’s control, synchronistically presented. Do you see what was right? Or do you choose to stay caught in judgments? I challenge you all to think differently now. This day, and your lives call for it.

Thank you, My Dear Reader, for your question. Though politics is not always the means to enlightenment so can it occur to enact great change that eventually will lead to understanding what is truly important. The evolution of the world, the changes now occurring, are pushing toward true evolution of spirit. Watch the synchronicities of this. It happens all the time.

#306 True Prayer is One of the Most Powerful Actions

Today, Richard asks a question about the power of prayer.

Dear Jeanne,
Please help me understand “the power of prayer.” What is its importance? Is there intervention from other realms, i.e. angelic? And what is the highest form of prayer?
Thank you,

My Dearest Richard, true prayer, from the unbiased heart center is one of the most powerful actions not only available to mankind, but also readily acceptable, for it lingers in the naves of churches, long held as the most powerful of interactions with God, saints, and angels. As your question implies, do I sense doubt about its efficacy. Yet must I ascertain that prayer is but an energetic component of thought released and circulating upon the energy that is available all around you, at all times.

But let me get back to my first point, prayer must come from pure innocent heart centered intent. From the giver to the receiver must there be equal acceptance of it for it to have the greatest affect. For prayer, like any other healing medium, will not have impact if the recipient is fighting against it in any manner.

A sick person, lying upon a bed of ebbing life, may not be able to circumvent the intent of prayer, no matter what the original belief of that ill person may be. Strength to resist and to continue fighting a losing battle however, generally hold beneath such resistance a weaker need to be loved, taken care of, respected, appreciated, and nurtured for the self alone, and this is the aspect of the individual that must be prayed to and energetically shifted, not the stubborn battling aspect of the individual.

So in order for prayer to truly have affect, must the instigator, who elects to pray for the redemption of another, be able to see beyond the surface presentation; find the inner innocent child, found in all who reside upon that Earth; and seek energetic contact with this pure energetic being, shed of all the trappings of the world that have resulted in its neediness or its desire for intervention.

Energy is the most powerful component for intent to ride upon in that realm. Energy is available all around you, in everyone you meet, and interconnecting everyone who resides there, and beyond. So your question, regarding the importance of prayer, is answered by the importance of energy. If you can pause a moment and feel your own energy, your own vibratory energy, then also know that every other being upon that planet has similar vibratory energy. Energy reacts to energy. The intent of your energy, and every movement and action you take affects other energy in your nearness, and beyond if you push your intent far beyond your own vibratory field. Normally your vibratory field sits pretty close to you, but action and reaction caused by love, stress, anger, compassion, judgments, or any other thoughts or inner turmoil, as well as outer physical movement, causes a stirring in your energy field. This movement, this shaking up, then reverberates out into all energy fields around you. And just as a pebble thrown into a pond does cause ripples, affecting all the water in that pond, so does your own energy react to and cause reaction in the energy around you.

If that is so, then does it stand to reason that anything you do, whether physical, mental, or emotional will have impact. However, if your reason has a hard time accepting this, then I would hesitate to suggest that you rely solely on the power of prayer. For just as the recipient must be able to receive, so must the sender be able to send. That is why prayer groups often have greater impact than individuals. Group power, where a balance can be maintained between energetic fields of intent and still put out quite a good charge of positive energy, may have greater impact.

But that does not mean either that an individual, pure and open of heart, may not have equal impact. For as you know, the power of personal intent is very great, and most acceptable as an action of change. And that is the important aspect of prayer, that it can and should be used for change, for that is what is most needed. Even prayer spoken daily, with no specific intent, does have impact, if you remain aware of energy as being all inclusive, all encompassing, and all important. Life would cease if energy ceased upon that Earth, but while human beings reside there is there no fear of that happening.

You seek to know if there is intervention from other realms? Why My Dear Richard, am I not from another realm? Do I not intervene and interact with energetic beings, such as your self, on a daily basis? Do we not have an energetic conversation quite often that offers insight, and the keys to change and to growth?

Specifically you ask about angelic intervention. I assume you mean the idea of angels hovering about, with wings, awaiting your messages to be delivered? But those ideas reside in energy only, not as the pictures you may have seen, as beings robed and feathered, for such images were created by man in order to understand the vast and often incomprehensible reality of infinity. Think energetic intervention, and then will you perhaps be far more able to accept that yes, there are many, many, many forms of energy beings, ready and willing to intervene and aid in growth.

But on the other side of that aid, and that assistance to offer evolutionary possibility, is the ability of the recipient to choose. And the power of choice is left solely up to the individual. Even as insight is offered and awareness sparked, even as the power of energetic intent (prayer, love, etc.) is offered and felt, so is it left up to the individual to choose action or not.

Oftentimes acceptance requires acquiescence, and that is often the most difficult aspect of life upon that earth to relinquish to. To truly be open and available to all energetic offerings is it necessary to allow the controlling human side to turn away, and allow the inner spirit side to emerge and fully accept what is being offered. For without the inner self being available will there be little opportunity for growth and change.

So, do you see, My Dear Richard and All My Readers, that prayer, intent of purity energetically sent from you to another has quite a journey to make? It must be purely given, yet also purely accepted. Do not judge others for their power to give or receive, for the inner spirit lies deeply hidden and may not be revealed nor easily detected. But know it lies there, perhaps only privately and secretly tended; and nurtured in safety; and in times when most appropriate or most necessary. Do not also judge the stubborn, or the seemingly lost ones for their struggles, for they struggle not more or less than anyone else, though they may struggle more outwardly, leaving the biggest trail, while others struggle quietly, without revealing that lost aspect of themselves to the world. There are many means by which people seek to appear powerful and strong, yet are they all but innocents inside, waiting to be acknowledged and acceptable to themselves. And that is what you must seek to remember; that you and every one you meet is simply learning and struggling to accept themselves.

The highest form of prayer is total pure love and compassion, open hearted intent, free of judgments, of sadness, of empathy, of sympathy, of attachment, of weariness, of despair, of anger, of strength, of power of any sort. Purity is absence of everything; yet is it the presence of purely unadulterated, untampered, unrestricted innocent love, and with that do you open the doors to true compassion. And that, My Dears, will flow out of you like the sunlight pouring out upon the Earth as it rises each morning, higher and higher, lighting the world for you to see your way.

Thank you for your question, My Dear Reader Richard. I do find this quite a nice subject to discuss, for it fits so nicely in to all that I seek to teach about. It encompasses quite a lot of the truth of energy and the journeys you are all on, learning what it means to be human, but also learning what powers you truly have because you are also energy. And that is what everything is all about, energy!

#303 It is a Natural Phenomenon

Pat asks a question today.

Dear Jeanne,
I have recently experienced the vibratory states mentioned in an earlier question and have now discovered that I can go out of my body, am reading books on the subject, and experimenting. Can you comment on how best to use these states to resolve persistent questions recurring in this life, in order to further our soul’s evolution?
Thank you,

My Dear Pat, such exploration and study as you challenge your self with is of utmost importance as you prepare your soul’s continued journey. As you know, to evolve beyond the confines of that Earth plane and the physical body, must you understand the importance of the energy body as it is presented to you during that life. Although many do not have a concept of it, so is it the inner you, who emerges when you most need its help, and during dreaming as well. As you experience your self during waking time may achieving a sense of this aspect of the self remain unattainable. But I can guarantee that all of you dream and have had experiences of your energy self during this nightly state.

Perhaps as children was it a much more common occurrence, but that does not mean it must remain lost in childhood. For as children do you accept what occurs, with little question, and your ability to have experiences is thus far greater, and the resulting experience quite phenomenal. But as you age and develop a sense of place in the world, do you take on a lot of other stuff that covers, conceals your openness to accept this innate ability to go out of your body.

It is a natural phenomenon, though many choose to judge it as mere fantasy. But anyone who has experienced it knows the truth of it, and once beyond the first concerns of bodily sensation realizes that it can be quite a tool. This is what you have determined and this is a very good question regarding your life now and that very free state of body vibration that allows for exploration in other lands.

Do not look on it just as a dream state. Do not look on it as simply going to sleep, or having dreams, for it is much more than that. In fact, as you enter this energetic state of being, so do you have the ability to train your self to be aware of this state of being and yes, actually use it to solve issues and questions that arise in your normal body state of being.

As Jeanne Marie Ketchel did I utilize this state, as I read my favorite author on the subject.* His guidance was most consequential in my development and understanding of the energy body. As you practice, you discover that this aspect of the self IS you. It is the whole of you, completely encompassed in energy, without the confines of the body. And from this place are you capable of doing anything that you determine.

So my advice to you Pat, as you do this work using your vibratory energy self, is to set up your agenda before you sleep. Write out your issues, your questions, your problems, and allow your attention to focus on one aspect at a time. Remove your judgments, and allow your self to remain open to possibility. In this manner of writing out your questions ahead of time, do you plant in your subconscious the issue most pertinent. Allow your self to then fall asleep with this issue uppermost in your thoughts, and remain fully open to allowing your self to have the experience of vibration.

Once you get beyond this state, which may at first shock you, so will you emerge on the other side of body awareness to spirit awareness. But it is important that you maintain alertness in this state, asking for help, for clarity, for answers. But you must remember that the answers may not come as you expect. You may receive guidance in a most peculiar form, an inquisitive form, and you may have to decipher the meaning of your dream/energy state experiences in a manner differently from your normal interpretation of life.

Dream awareness is essential. You may need to constantly wake up your energy self during your explorations. For you are going through veils that will appear over and over again, for they exist all around, no matter what world you enter. So clarity of vision will aid you always. Once you have gotten your clarity, then is it up to you to learn how to relate your experiences in dreaming to what is going on in your life.

This is the key, to always relate your dream awareness to you and your present life situation. Even if you meet others in your dreams, so are they meant to aid and abet you on your adventures. They may represent aspects of the self that you are totally unaware of in your normal every day state. Do not dismiss them as mere figments of imagination, for if they appear to you so are they meaningful beings, bringing insight, messages, and explanations that will aid you.

Often I felt I did not receive answers, especially as I asked about what to do to heal from cancer. But I know now I did get the answers I sought, though they were not what I wanted to hear, nor were they always as clear as I would have liked. I propose that the best method to achieve your goal of working on the issues of the self in dreaming, is to enter without judgments, allowing the self to begin the questing, the writing process totally free, detached, and open to the possibility that everything is possible. Remain also alert to the fact that gifts are constantly available, that whoever you meet, wherever you go, whatever you experience is meant to teach you.

Bring back what you learn into your life, not with fear, not with disgust, not with puzzlement, but allow it to be truth revealed, for that is what it is. Do not reattach to judgments of the self, or judgments you have learned over your lifetime, as you attempt to gain clarity of your experiences. At all times suspend judgment, and utilize your innocence to guide you. Use your inner spirit child, who so bravely allowed that experience to be undertaken, to aid you in the further exploration of the gift of knowledge, insight, and confrontation with aspects of the self that will appear in your dream states. Turn all aspects of the dream toward the self, as if looking in a mirror. Look into that dream mirror with purity of truth, and honesty of the self as your guides.

These aspects of the self: remaining nonjudgmental, allowing your innocence to be active, pushing aside doubt, fear, and what you may consider as proper dreaming, are helpful in your experimentation. Remain always aware that every encounter and aspect of the out of body experience belongs to you. So accept it, own it, and determine what it means with that in mind. For everything in your life, whether awake and in your body, or asleep and in your energy body, is meant to guide you and lead you on your journey.

Continue your explorations in your energy body. Do not get frustrated or afraid, but be patient with the self. You may discover that sometimes you are very clear sighted, and other times not so. But eventually will you discover that you can do it anytime, at will, awake or asleep, simply because you have trained your outer body to slumber down to a nice state of trance while you go off adventuring. And that is lots of fun. So don’t forget to have fun too!

*NOTE: Jeanne’s favorite author on the subject of out of body exploration is William Buhlman, and the book she refers to is called, Explorations Beyond the Body.