Category Archives: Questions for Jeanne

#290 Detachment Must be Achieved in Order to Evolve

Today, Alissa asks a question.

Dear Jeanne,
In a recent message, you talked about our future groups and projects that we will be connected to after this world. Can you talk about this a little further? Does the group consist of family or friends? Is size a factor? Do the groups and projects evolve and change? Is it connected to our career paths here on earth? Thank You.

Be aware, My Dearest Alissa, that talk of soul groups and future life is meant to entice you to live the life you now have, to its fullest potential. For without that completion will none of this talk of soul groups have much importance. But I will acquiesce to this greatest of curiosities for you and my many Readers who consider the future, though it may still be many lifetimes away. I do encourage a brief acceptance of the fact of future continuous, unbroken life; energetic life that will lead on into places not so far removed from what you experience now, but yes, quite different too. For as energy, with fuller knowledge of being energy and nothing else, is there a greater awareness overall, and thus is it possible to truly understand and accept the ideas of soul groups.

I must continue also by saying that the concept will be better understood if you have already begun to accept that detachment must be achieved in order to evolve to this point of shift to a new reality. So keep that in mind. Understand and seek to accept the things I am going to lay out before you with detachment, as I described the other day, uppermost in your mind. For otherwise may you not quite like my descriptions if you remain too attached to people of that world. For in truth, are many who you are now connected to not at all meant to accompany you on your journey.

Find your own calm and balanced center now as you read my missive regarding soul groups. Do not think of these groups as cozy little families, for they are vast thousands upon thousands of energy beings with like-resonance, with like-intent, and with like-compassion for the journey and the process they have embarked on. These characteristics have accompanied each one of us, in our energetic component, for all eternity, and will continue to do so. We have all gotten beyond the confines of Earth.

Am I connected now to family and friends? Yes, I recognize some from past lives, but not as I knew them then, for all are we different now, not connected to human form, or personality, or ego selves as we once were. We are but energy. And the question, though of concern to you now will not be in your evolving future, for your energy body does not need such attachment. In a state of pure energy is there love and appreciation, but most of all connection to all other beings. So no one is special, nor closer to you, nor is there emotional need or desire for such.

So to continue, a soul group is a massive group of energy, but energy of love, compassion, and wholeness, existing in all time, all space, and continually learning, and teaching, and evolving further together. Our collective mission, in my group, is of awakening the inner potential in all of you. You ask if size is a factor? Group size is not necessarily a factor, except as we are energetically intense, and aligned, and focused, so does that matter. Strength of awareness and intent matter, but I don’t conceive of size in perhaps the way you mean. Size is mostly measured energetically. You see?

Do the groups and projects evolve and change, you ask? There is constant change, for that is life, that is energy. Within my soul group has there been constant evolution. I joined this group quite unaware of what I must do, and had to learn a great deal in the beginning to get up to where I am now. I have teachers and I also teach others within the group. My inner “personality,” that once comprised who I was through many life times, has continued to be my strength in this life, and it has been quite an asset. So perhaps that can answer your last question, about whether your career path on Earth is preparing you for what you will do next.

In actuality, and in my most clear voice, I must say that your “career” is not so much the factor, but your evolved self is the greatest factor. Your inner abilities, which you are learning to hone, are your most necessary abilities. These inner aspects of the self may have no connection to the career upon that Earth. For what is it that is fulfilling in that life, truly fulfilling? The inner work! Doing the inner work will lead you to discover your greatest assets. And these inner assets, which you have carried over from one life to the next, are your trademark strengths.

You are all different. You all vibrate at a unique rate. You all reside in unique states of “knowing,” “seeing,” and growth. Yet are you all beings comprised of energy, intent, and the core will to evolve, and that is what you must remain focused on as you do the inner work.

Your soul group connection is pre-destined, but your choices in making the journey to that group are yours alone, and have always been. There are many roads to take, and many choices to make in your journey, and although we await your completion, so do we guide and aid you as you learn what it truly means to become an energetic being and join your awaiting companions.

To become an energetic being first requires detachment; learning to leave the ego behind and evolve to a being who is flowing and able to trust every aspect of the journey; able to make choices that are evolutionary; able to confront all challenges as necessary; and able to truly accept the self as fallible, as lost, as sweetly tender and unaware, so that the connection to original innocence is rediscovered, and from that place of utter knowing of self begin again your journey to connection with your evolutionary self.

You will see that it is quite lovely in this place of loving compassion, but it does require complete detachment from the things of that world, including those you love the most. Whether or not you will meet them again is uncertain, for all must make the evolutionary journey alone. Do you choose to go it alone? That is the question you must all ask your selves. Am I ready to evolve alone, and take my true journey, the inner journey that will lead to my ultimate energy journey? That is the way to discover your future, your connection to your soul group, and your true career.

I hope this has answered your curious mind as it wonders so much about the future. I do continually advise to use your energy now for learning about the self. Then will you be able to answer your own questions, and you will find your connections awaiting you. And it may not be where you now think you will go. For who are you really? That is what you must find out, My Dear Alissa. Who are you?

#289 A Situation of Resistance to Recapitulation

Today, Debbie asks a question.

Dear Jeanne,
Thank you so much for all of your help and guidance. Your messages have resonated within me from the very beginning, guiding me daily, helping me with the process of recapitulation and enabling me to stay on my path. The greatest difficulty I am having now is accepting a traumatic situation that happened in my childhood. I know I need to wrestle this resistance down, but it seems at times, when I am close to acceptance, the resistance returns again very strong. I have struggled greatly with this on a constant basis. It gets very frustrating. What am I missing here?
Thank you for your continued help.

My dearest Debbie, your struggles are part of the plan, part of the process that will being you to wholeness, for without struggle would there be no growth, no evolution, no learning to take into your knowing, allowing for the resonance you feel as you read my messages.

Yes, this is a frustrating process, but it is essential in order to move on in life, with the principles of detachment firmly understood as you work on them daily. Your attachment to resistance may be your biggest threat to growth, and your biggest challenge. That is obvious from the struggles you have engaged in.

But more succinctly put, your issue is not really with the events that have held you so encompassed in resistance, but the awareness of truth that they present to you. This is a most universal aspect of recapitulation. For without the ability to trust the process, will truths revealed not be acceptable. Many choose to stay buried in the past, for it offers its own dark comforts, yet is this but a blind spot. For once released from that darkness, is there but light, and eagerness for life, that is revealed.

Energy awaits. Connection awaits. Growth, and continued learning of truths await; truth of self first; then truth of life upon that Earth; then truth of continued life beyond that Earth. But what have you been missing as you struggle against your strong resistance? You have been missing your self! And I mean this in more ways than one.

You have missed out on understanding and knowing the true potential of the self. As of yet have you not released that self from bondage, so you do not have a clear picture of the potential of the true self. Also have you not allowed the inner self to join you in the process of your recapitulation, but you have stayed focused on only one aspect of the self doing the work that is needed. This is a stumbling block that many encounter as they attempt the process of recapitulation. One or another aspect of the self chooses to go for it, to do the work, while another aspect says, No Way! Now the way to wholeness exists in bringing together the two parts of the self, or perhaps there are three or four parts, and asking, with full knowledge and commitment, for all parts to work together.

Resistance, still, at that notion? Fear? Desire to run? Need to protect? Unable to really withstand the truth, as it may assault your well-devised plan of survival? All of these questions may fit very well a situation of resistance to recapitulation. The first step must be an acceptance of life’s journey. Yes, this is my journey, mine alone, and without judgment must I take it again in order to learn every aspect of truth that lies within my knowing, my body, my emotions, and my deepest feelings. Then must the outer self and the inner self join together in the process of sifting through the file drawers. Those file drawers may be meticulously organized, or they may be in a shambles with no focal point from which to begin, but that does not matter. The two selves (or more, as I have said) must begin a process of detachment from everything, and by this I mean everything, in order to begin a process of truth seeking.

The challenge that a recapitulating individual encounters next is resistance to accepting the truths that arise, for the long-held files of life, as they appear continually, drop in front of the eyes begging to be re-instated as true fact. Yet is detachment the process of total rejection of all old ideas, and even old truths, so that new clean and clear truths may take their place.

A desire for truth must be acceptable, which also requires a desire for change. Are you desiring of change? Are you allowing change to happen? If you are well on the way to recapitulating the entirety of your life, then have you already acquiesced to change. But I suspect that resistance holds another truth: that you have not truly gotten to the bottom of your recapitulation. When resistance appears so does it indicate that a truth is seeking breakthrough.

I cannot stress enough to you, Debbie, and to all My Readers who seek growth and connection, that the most important aspect of this journey is to trust every sign that is presented. Do you suffer resistance? Well My Dears, that is a sign that it is time again to study what it is that you have not accepted about the self.

Allow your inner child to always be present as you recapitulate. For the keys to total truth, innocence, and full recapitulation lie firmly in the grasp of that child. For has not that little one accompanied you on this journey? As I said yesterday, is not that child firmly embedded in who you are? Yet has that child been left behind in many ways, though she or he holds bitter truths, lovely truths and, best of all, the ultimate truth: that you are a being who is on a journey, seeking evolution, and truly able to connect with the world as yet unseen.

For you Debbie, and for all who struggle, do I entice you with this caveat: The world as you have known it does not exist, except to teach you, and to allow you the opportunity to expand your knowledge of what is reality, and what is truth. If that world does not truly exist, except in your inner self, so is it there for learning purposes only. And your challenge is to accept this idea, and learn the lessons of growth by doing your recapitulation, so that every lesson is fully learned, every truth revealed, every aspect of the journey utilized for evolutionary growth, so that all else that is reality may be revealed too. One revelation of truth will lead to another, and each one of you is presented daily with the opportunity to change your reality, by confronting the challenges that are presented.

You are not really missing much of anything, Debbie. Your clarity just needs to be honed, and your focus reassigned to a new reality, especially in light of the energy that is present to assist in this process. Stay focused on your path, as I continually say, but don’t forget to look at how much you have already accomplished, and how much your reality has already changed as a result of the work you are doing. All of You Readers must take some time now to contemplate that. Has your reality changed as you have done your work? Are you not aware now of your journey in a new manner? Do not get stuck in your old place of judgments and heady ideas of old. But stay the path of new truths, new realities, and new ideas revealed to you daily. Stay connected, and stay in tune with that lovely resonance that is you!

#288 The Ultimate in Detachment

Today Chuck asks a follow up question to yesterday’s request for comments regarding his perception of the meaning of detachment.

Dear Jeanne,
Thank you for yesterday’s clarifying response to my “question”. (Statement?!) I am particularly drawn to your focus on assimilation as fundamental to detachment. Detachment has such a harsh connotation for many, who put it in the context of “tough love,” as practiced toward an addict. Can you speak more on how detachment is the core of compassion, and all true love? Thank you.

Yes, I can speak on this. It is a process that one must learn in order to truly evolve. For you and I did have to learn this as I was asked to leave you, perhaps too early for our liking. We both were asked to detach, and depart from all that we had experienced, and all that we had yet to do together. With regret perhaps, at our early ending, did we determine not to become focused on the loss, but instead on the possibilities that awaited us as we departed company, and I went off in one direction, and you in another. We experienced the ultimate in detachment. Yet are we not detached at all, for connection remains strong and viable.

Even as one must grow up and become an adult, leaving the child form behind as the physical body does grow and change, so inside does the child still exist in buried innocence, not lost, but merely in changing form and shape. The physical body is quite a good example of detachment and assimilation. For is not every aspect of you the same, yet different, even after many years of growth and maturity? Are not the core aspects of Chuck but the same, though many aspects have receded into memory, and into past aspects that are no longer necessary?

As maturity and growth happen, as change takes place, is it possible to move constantly onward without remaining attached, first to the child’s body, as it inevitably changes, and then to the inner workings, the emotions, feelings, and memories that are held within that changing form.

As change happens, so does detachment become a necessity, or you would not become an adult, but merely remain a child in a man’s body. Now, if you do the work of the inner self diligently, and cognitively, so are you aware that it is not proper, for evolutionary purposes, to leave the inner self stuck in childhood either. Each evolving being must recapitulate, and detach from the old emotions, feelings, and memories of the self, as held by that child self. In this process of change, which is what the process of detachment is, must one assimilate every aspect of the self into the now matured physical and mental self. Carrying around your past, unrecapitulated, is not conducive to true detachment and assimilation. To truly render the inner child free of all that it has carried, allowing it freedom from the past, past ideas, past determinants, and past fears, so must the work of the inner self be directed at love of self, forgiveness, while at the same time re-experiencing the problems that hold one incomplete, from the perspective of an evolving being who is aware. To be aware, and in this position, is to understand that until the inner child is freed of the judgments of the past, will there be an incompletion of the process of detachment, and thus assimilation of the self will also be incomplete.

To focus this on the self is perhaps the best means to understanding these two concepts. For the work on the inner self is the “toughest love” of all! If you can resolve, and solve the riddles of the inner self that you have carried around inside you all these years, then can you begin to understand true compassionate love. For as I said yesterday, the ultimate act of detachment is to truly love and accept the self.

When confronted with this proposal: that you love and accept the self totally, what does that feel like? Can you do this? Are you able to truly forgive the self, for the journey thus far taken; and continue to remain open and eager for new adventures in life? Can you detach from your past, fully aware that it was necessary, but also fully loving of that child self, who so eagerly sent you on your journey? Are you aware that that child self holds within it all the love you need, and has been waiting for you to release it from the darkness it has resided in? As you learn self-love in this very basic and necessary way, fraught with all the buried truths, and the concealed untruths also deeply disguised, so will you begin to experience and understand what true love is, true compassion. And then, in the process of excavating the inner truths of the self, do you release the meaning of compassionate love that will become an aspect of the outer, mature, adult self, because it will reside in your core, where now lies still many confusions, judgments, and undisclosed lies, placed there by the perpetrators of good and evil in your life.

All of those perpetrators were your teachers. Yet is it up to you to complete your recapitulation now, with the knowledge they gave you that each one of you have, within, the tools to evolve, to love the self unequivocally, and with utter compassion. Once you begin to understand that self-compassion will result in a natural assimilation of your every action, thought, deed, and desire, so will you also begin to understand that detachment is the ultimate means to true love and compassion beyond the self.

To allow your own journey to be accepted, to truly love and honor the self for the journey taken, to assimilate that journey into your very body, as necessary and meaningful for your evolutionary growth; and finally, to love the self fully, with maturity and understanding of life as viewed from an evolutionary perspective, will bring out your compassion and love for all beings, who struggle just as much as you do, and perhaps even more so.

Do not forget that each person upon that Earth has a job to accomplish during that lifetime. Remove judgments from the journey of the self, and begin to find that judgments of others automatically shift into proper “seeing.” Proper seeing is understanding, respecting, and regarding each and every being as responsible for their own journey, their decisions, choices, and process of learning to love the self, assimilating the journey taken, and the journey presented, and achieving detachment from judgment, in order to open wide the floodgates of love and compassion that are just waiting to burst open, so that real change can happen upon that Earth.

True detachment, assimilation, love, and compassion are all about the same thing. They are the end results of truly doing the work on the self. So keep doing it! You will see what I mean as you continue the process. All of You Readers of My Messages, you must understand that this is not a selfish process, but a self-fulfilling process; one of wholeness and completion that may lead you to true growth.

I advise and encourage you to maintain your stability, to not back down from your confrontations with the self. They are presented to you every day, in your own disturbing encounters with fears, and with those you observe in others. You know what I mean. And you also know what to do!

Keep up the good work. I love you, Chuck, and all of You Grand Travelers, working so hard to achieve such love and detachment. You know it is possible. Please continue to dare your selves to achieve it. It is the ultimate reason and meaning for life and living. I hope you are satisfied with my response. But if not, I will continue to clarify.

#287 Total Detachment is Total Acceptance

Today’s question is posed by Chuck.

Dear Saleph,
I address you in this way to embrace the totality of who you are. If I stay attached to the Jeanne of this world, our 30 years of compatible, adventuresome love, I limit my encounters with infinity now. Infinite possibility requires me to “erase my personal history,” as Carlos [Castaneda] would say. That does not mean to disassociate, but instead to recapitulate the fullness of my life with you in all of its feelings and truths, and to detach from the illusion that we continue unchanged. My love deepens in my detachment, as I release the cherished illusions, and ride the ever-evolving wave of truth. Any comments? – Chuck

My Dearest Chuck, there is no end to love, for it continues unabated, unstoppable, and I continue to hold that love we once had, within the being I now am. You must not release that love, but hold it forever in your knowing in order to truly understand compassion. Yet must you also, as you say, “erase” our personal history together in order to evolve.

Detachment, love, compassion, and evolution are extremely necessary companions for an evolutionary existence, and these things, understood and practiced now, while you still remain the Chuck who did cherish his Jeanne, is extremely important. For though you address me in my entirety, so do I still hold the memory of us, as two compatible, growing souls upon that Earth.

This you must understand, that there is no erasure of love and memory, but instead an assimilation of them, with all other experiences, inside an energetic completion. In order to truly evolve, must all truths be revealed, assimilated, owned if you will, and then is there possibility of detachment.

Yet must I also be clear that detachment is not a forgetting or a separation, but an evolutionary act of encompassing every aspect of life, and inviting it in to your awareness, clearly understood, and allowed to coexist with all evolving aspects of the self. You take everything forward, even as you grow from it. Even as you find your self capable of moving on, so do you retain the memory of every aspect of the self, and the life thus far lived. But your challenge becomes one of total love and acceptance of all who you encountered along the way, whether parents, husbands, wives, children, grandparents, aunts and uncles, siblings, etc. All encounters in life are meaningful aspects of a journey. To detach and evolve requires admission of guilt, shame, and involvement in every aspect of life that you have partaken in. Acceptance of truths revealed will allow for ownership of every act and abruptly encountered interaction you have ever had. Detachment requires total acceptance, total familiarity revealed, as you recapitulate. And it also involves total love and compassion for all, even those you struggle the most with. Total detachment is total acceptance.

As you, My Dear Chuck, continue your recapitulation, do not forget all that we learned together, but allow those building blocks of our love and learning to be the structures upon which your life continues to grow. Yes detach from me, as Jeanne. Do not hold your self responsible for me or my journey, even though we traveled so closely linked for so many years. I did truly evolve beside you, though I determined a different path long before we got together.

Your path now does involve your own acceptance of your own life, separate from mine, and the one we had together. This is so for all. All must learn to evolve upon the path laid out for them. All must pack their bags with the lessons they have learned, and strap upon their backs the power of love and compassion, for it is their energetic fuel for the future. Without achieving total forgiveness, and dissolution of the needs of the ego to stay attached to old ideas, and habits, and pain, so will that energetic pack not carry sufficient charge for evolutionary travel.

To totally detach, must the ego continually confront its desires to remain attached to that which it deems necessary. But the ego is not in charge; the spirit is in charge. And the awakened spirit will grasp the concept of detachment, as total ownership of every action, thought, and deed, perpetrated by the self, and perpetrated upon the self by others. As this acceptance is achieved, is there possibility to continually fuel that pack of detachment that carries within it all the energy needed to truly evolve.

So Chuck, carry always within your being the memories of us, but with only love and compassion for the journey I took with you, as Jeanne Marie Ketchel, your companion, your lover, your wife. And remain attached to continued growth, fueling your energetic being with the knowing that circulates inside, and outside of you, and all others too. Capture the truths as they appear. Learn humility of self, of ego, escaping the clutches of its desire to stay attached to that world and yes, seek me in infinity now. For I am Saleph, a truly evolving being, yet still a pupil of life, of energy, and of universal love. Yet am I also Jeanne Marie Ketchel, who does remain embedded in you, as you take your journey through life, bravely evolving, growing, and teaching others what you learn.

Do not stay too attached to Carlos, for he too is but a pupil, and yet did he learn evolutionary ways. But you are catching up, and moving beyond, for he did not grasp many of the concepts taught him. Always the trickster, did he stay attached to that role until the very end. And that, My Dear, is not revealing of truth, but of hiding still from utter revelation of self, unable to be stripped totally of ego, and able to be real.

Find the truths of the self, and fully release from the needs of the ego. For only then will evolution be achieved, with purity, innocence, humility, and total acceptance of the self and, ultimately, love and compassion for the self as well. That is the ultimate goal, to totally achieve love and compassion for the self, in every aspect of life; allowing and accepting the energetic self, fully integrated, fully revealed, fully loved, and fully released to live in infinity.

All of this is highly possible. After all, I did it. Remember? All of you who read my messages are fully capable of achieving and accepting total detachment from ego, from physical body, from past history, from past lives, from all attachments, and able to free the self to truly accept the role of an evolutionary being. When you are ready to do this, you will be able to.

But look inward now, and gauge where you are on your journey. Have you elected to evolve? Are you doing the work required? Are you learning to love the self too, even as you attempt to love all others, even those who have interrupted your life with their own needs and desires, pursued you, injured you, and prodded you along on your journey, but ultimately teaching you the ways of an energetic, evolutionary being?

Continue your work, for all of you are evolutionary beings; have no doubt about it. Keep that foremost in your minds as you continue along your path. You are all doing well!

I remain,

#286 Where Do You Fit In?

Today, Pat asked Jeanne a question, then I asked a follow up question, and then she returned to Pat’s question.

Dear Jeanne,
There seems to be an explosion of spiritual teachers out there, some with very similar messages to yours. Eckhart Tolle’s book is kind of foremost in my mind right now with his messages of awakening. I’m finding a lot of resonance in it. He uses very psychological descriptions to explain why people do the things they do–the ego, the “pain body”, and the awakening awareness of these aspects of ourselves that is our spirit. He also suggests that this evolution of human consciousness is coming at a crisis point, much as you have indicated. The overall focus of his message is self-responsibility, resolving one’s own ego issues, and the result is a radiating outward of healing energy into the collective human consciousness. Are these other spiritual teachers part of your soul group, Jeanne?

The great awakening has been underway now for quite some time, with many people being urged forward by their guides and mentors to take up the challenge of carrying a new kind of torch, lighting the way for a higher and more expansive human consciousness. In answer to your question, Pat, Eckhart Tolle, although not directly of my soul group, because he still lives upon that Earth and struggles daily as you all do, is connected through his own mentors, as you are now through me and contact with this greater awakening of awareness. So indirectly is he connected, as his mentors are my companions in arms as we have banded together to urge this great awakening. It was in place before I arrived in this state of energetic resonance. It has always been circulating in all time, awaiting alignment of many aspects, in order for it to seep in to consciousness and awareness. The time is ripe for such consciousness and awareness now, as you have already noticed.

Can you explain how your soul group works?

With collective awareness, but also with real energy banded together; teachers all of us; but also pupils, students of energy and awareness, not only mentoring and guiding, but also being mentored and guided by others who arrived before us.

Your awareness of me as Jeanne Marie Ketchel is only one aspect of who I am. For I am Saleph, as I have told you before, [In a previous and, as of yet, unpublished message.] the name I am known as in other worlds, for I live and evolve in a new plane of awareness. So will all of you, as you attain completion and mergence with your own soul’s completion, become who you are in wholeness, a familiar entity, with a name that awaits your growth; a being, perhaps near completion, simply awaiting the aspect of energy wholeness that you carry. As if you were a puzzle, not complete until all of your parts are fitted together, all your energetic molecules put where they belong, and your entity whole, vibrant, and eternally alive and aware. So that is where I am now, the pieces of my own puzzle were completed when Jeanne Marie Ketchel did die and return to a state of completion, of energy completion. Now in my wholeness, am I more than just she, or any of my previous lives, though I am certainly happy and able to communicate as Jeanne. I am awareness now, conscious and unconscious, if that helps; known and unknown; yet is there still so much to learn.

To refer back to Pat’s original question, regarding this awareness now upon that Earth of a spiritual awakening, and many spiritual teachers being urged upon you all: this awakening does ask for daring, and for participation, as you gain an understanding of how energy works, how awareness must be cultivated and honed, and how the ego must be completed and then detached from, dismantled down to your energetic components.

You are all of this energetic formulation. You are all complete, yet must you struggle through your life’s chores and challenges upon that Earth in order to attain this wholeness that awaits what you alone can bring to your soul body.

So there is your own completion to achieve as you do the work laid out for you in that lifetime now upon that Earth. Then will you join your energy body with your own group, your own energy awareness, and bring to it the energy that it needs for fulfillment of its many lives, many experiences, and many lessons.

Beyond that will you join your larger soul group, also awaiting your companionship, so that you may become part of the project that your group is assigned to. The group that I work with is the awakening, shaking-up group. We mentor many upon that Earth who offer you the guidance they are learning. There are many aspects of this awakening being spread. Not all will resonate with you, but you must determine where your energy is best suited in order to be a participant. Perhaps you have not quite found it yet, but it does exist in some form, for there are available upon that Earth many true forms of awareness that will lead and guide to wholeness.

But keep in mind that such guidance requires participation, work on the self, awareness of other worlds, other states of being, and above all, it asks that you become responsible for all aspects of the journey you are taking. I also include, in my own guidance, the urge to trust every aspect of your journey, to read the signs you are presented, to watch for synchronicities, and to be ever watchful of how you act and interact. For your energetic presentation does affect everything else upon that Earth. I know that others too offer guidance and insight into these ideas. They are not new as measures of awakening, yet to those of you now upon that Earth who are taking note, may they seem new, for you have not perhaps encountered such awareness training before, or at least not in this lifetime.

I urge you to connect with the truths within your self. And I believe you will discover that you have in fact been in this place of awakening before, because you will find resonance as you read my words, and those of others. You will know that you are on the right path, and you will allow your self to take that path, because it is so undeniably right for you to do so.

Do not undermine your own abilities, and your own connection to guides and mentors. For even as many spiritual teachers do offer their knowledge, so did they have to allow themselves the greatest feat of all, which was to trust and acquiesce to the knowledge being offered, and to turn in a new direction as truth and innocence turned them on a path of awakening and guided mystery. Did they know where they would ultimately go? They knew only that it was right. And that is what must guide all of you, only that which is so undeniably right that you cannot refuse it.

Participate in this great awakening now, more fully knowing that you are guided, mentored, and part of a long-awaited phenomenon of truth and higher consciousness. Know, in your own centered and balanced self, that you are an aspect of energy that is awaited, and necessary, for growth and evolution to continue upon that Earth. You are as important as Eckhart Tolle, or any others who may offer resonant guidance, for you are all energy with possibility!

Do not be afraid of your own understanding, and your own clarity. Be daring. For that is what this awakening is urging, a new daring of spirit energy, a boldness, not of ego, but of spirit and truth, seeking rightness of resonance at all times.

Listen to the true words being spoken all around you. Even as there is a spiritual awakening, so do you hear other words of true awakenings happening all around you, on the political, social, environmental, and scientific levels as well. There are many awakenings happening simultaneously now. Where do you fit in?