Category Archives: Messages from Jeanne

—Channeled by Jan Ketchel

Our Messages from Jeanne category began as a platform to bring our channeled messages to a wider audience. The earliest messages were written missives, so if you go back in the files you will find hundreds of written messages. Later we went to an audio format so more recent messages are spoken. To search by theme or special interest, use the search button in the navigation bar. Our hopes are that all of the messages, no matter the format, offer helpful guidance in navigating the waters of life.

#25 Consider Your Young Self

Dear Jeanne,
Do you have a message for all of us today?

All of you did begin that life in the same manner, without exception. All began life formed of seed and egg, and all began as babies, growing into youth. You have traveled now far on your journey, yet must you return to that innocent child you once were, and give thanks for the job done well by that innocent one. For who cannot be pleased with the progress of life if looked upon as a journey and with understanding that all aspects have been, and continue to be, valuable.

Today, I request that you consider your young self who valiantly fought through a life of unknowing in order to allow you access to all that you now have in your presence. For without the innocence of that child who allowed for growth in spite of difficulties, veiled purpose, and hidden truths, would you have been unable to evolve. Be not caught in sorrow or sadness for this child you once were, but offer congratulations for a job superbly done.

All must understand that to begin life in such innocence, lost in both the wonder of the world and the confusion of the inner life, is one of the greatest challenges that you have had to overcome. In spite of life’s veiled appearance did you at all times find progress so that you now are upon that earth in new fashion, eager to now understand and fathom all that was once hidden and seemingly dangerous. But, do not be fooled by those old ideas, for there is nothing dangerous about the ability you have gained over your life’s journey to continually venture into both the unknown outer world and the unknown inner world.

Continue to abide by the new rules of life that you are discovering regarding your own journey. Know that all signs point you in a direction of growth and that no matter what choices you decide to make for today so do you have the opportunity for newness and awareness.

Find your equilibrium continually throughout your day. Reenter yourself as you shift back and forth between understanding the old you and fathoming further the new you. Center in your knowing that your journey thus far has been, not only necessary, but that it has provided you with incredible experiences that have pushed you and propelled you forward on a journey of learning. Your challenges have been your teachers. Contemplate what you have learned and take into your center this self-knowledge and allow it to permeate your being and become as truth and witness to your spirit as it grows.

Use this self-knowledge to allow you to continue your journey. Now, as you live your life are you aware that every thing, every person, and every event in your life is meaningful and you have been given the gift of understanding that will aid you as you grow. Your life upon that earth will now take on new significance as you allow your awareness to guide you, and your knowledge to open you to experience and the natural flow of life. Your journey now may become one of intensity as you truly experience all that comes into your nearness. Your presence upon that earth may now join in life differently as you see yourself in the context not only of your own journey, but in the context of all life and all journeys upon that earth.

Your time there is not only meaningful to you, but it is also meaningful to all life upon that earth. Place your young child self firmly upon the path you now understand as your journey and allow that child a firm place as your companion, and even your guide. For did you not trust that child once to take you where you needed to go, and did not that child succeed? Look upon the children in your own life now as also capable, and know that even as you once met your challenges so will they, though they may not yet have clarity of knowledge of the truth of their lives.

Your own knowing self was once such a child who dared to encounter life, not by running and hiding, but by accepting the challenges that presented themselves, and by being brave and daring enough to continue growing, no matter what appeared to steal your energy. This is the root of all challenge, this aspect of life that many do not recognize as important: that all energy upon that earth is not contained and nurturing, but that energy does exist that seeks gluttonously to feed off other energy. Children are vulnerable, yet are they also, in their innocence, well protected. Their new and vital storehouse of energy is enough for a lifetime and instinctively protects itself, though the innocent child is unaware of this. Now, as an adult are you capable of understanding, not only your own energy, but also the energy outside of you that seeks to disrupt you and steal from you.

This I will go into next time, for it is an important aspect of life upon that earth. I have been teaching you about your own energy, how to recognize it, and how to use it for yourself and for others as you learn how it works. Contain it now, inside, as you do your inner work. As you visit your youth, and your child self, use that energy to wrap up that small child and safely plant it upon the path it has unknowingly been journeying upon all these many years. As your small child self joins you now upon this awakening journey so do you pull in your fragments and your mysteries into your containment, your center, where your energy now awaits in order to tend and nurture and comfort. Your energy is available for this small act of kindness to the self today in order to continue on this amazing journey of discovery.

Take the quiet self to bed with you tonight and be quietly safe and tender together, fully aware that you are on a journey of not only truth, but also adventure, into the unknown. But, be assured that you are well guided and well provided for, and as you dare to embark further on your destined path so will this become clearer. Your experiences will prove that you are doing exactly what you should be doing. Your path will open, and awareness of what to do next will improve as you travel in your new containment with this understanding of life as journey, and guidance as available, and the self as strong and able, but also as adventuresome and daring.

This is good for today. Do not go into the self in old fears, but do go into the self in new awareness and a sense of adventure. With good intent of purpose will your journey open new doors and will your energy be put to good use.

[That is the end of the message for today. I went on to ask for guidance specifically for Chuck and I and received the following message, which we have decided to share with all of you since it is very helpful.]

Do you have any other messages for us, Chuck and I, today?

I find that your stagnancy periods are of little use to you. Better to contemplate rather than vegetate. Do not harbor anger or despair for the sluggish self, but do challenge that aspect of the self to at least utilize those times of dullness for learning purposes. Watch the habits that tend to pop up during these stuck times and avoid falling into old pitfalls, whether old habits of the self or habits of the couple. Keep aware of where you are and what you are intending with your life now, at all times. Your awareness must be utilized and sustained so that you continue to grow rather than sit in muckiness and inhibit growth. Seek always the way to growth, keep this uppermost in your daily plan and allow your intent to have this always present as you regain your daily equilibrium. Point always forward toward growth and you will do well.

I think I’ll stop now. I think some of that last advice you gave us is good for all. Can I use it in the daily message?

I leave that up to you and the knowing of Chuck. You two are the guides first encountered, even before me, and you know what those in your care need and are ready for. I push all along. I challenge, yet do I also understand the human nature and the need for patience as this progress is made sometimes slower than I’d like. Use your good judgments. My messages are meant to assist those who choose to engage in my teachings, though I sometimes may seem too abrupt. This I understand. You decide what is ultimately appropriate; though don’t expect me ever to withdraw my confrontational methods, for that would be both disrespectful and demeaning to those who are true seekers. I tenderly trust and challenge them all and that, my dears, is also what I give to you, my own trust and many challenges, because I know you are fully capable of not only taking on that life, but also the next, as are all, they just don’t know it yet!

#24 Trust the Dumb Animal

Dear Jeanne,
Your guidance is assisting many on their journeys. What would you like to talk about today?

Awareness, perception, and the quiet contemplation of your life, now, as you stand poised upon the threshold of new life, are important aspects of your journey. Stand in intense alertness as does the “dumb” animal, aware and using all of its animalistic senses and preceptors in order to assess the environment around it. Stand as the coyote upon the cliff, as the deer in the forest, as the snake in the grass, or even as the tiny cricket upon the screen, and await word from your knowing self. Abide by the rules of life that now will become apparent as you enter this new world before you.

Your life will begin to change as you change, and as you dare to embrace your new approach to all that you view. As your instincts, your intuition, and your knowing, based on your new alertness intensify, so will you begin to perceive your life differently, and your outlook will change as well. The way you proceed in your life will vary now greatly from your previous patterns, as your old habits will drop by the wayside as you find your equilibrium in this new flow of energy.

As you step out into new life remember that the energy will seek to overtake you, for it cannot help but do this, for it is rambunctious and playful and full of intensity that seeks to enliven and carry you far. Your job, now though, is to approach this playful energy with maturity and sobriety. Yes, you will want to join its flow, but you must prepare to do this differently now. With calm inner balance, and new knowledge of the self, and the firmly grounded capabilities of the self in place, will you have success as you venture forth.

First though, I ask that you stand a while and see what you discover about where you are now that you have dared to take the first step into new life. Have you not yet dared? Well, I believe you are on the precipice and it is only a matter of time. You will dare, for you do not wish to lose out on such opportunity for growth. Remain quiet and calm now. Still your beating heart, calm your fluttery nerves, and allow your breath to slow down to gentleness inside you. Look around you now in this calm and steady state. Take on the animal instincts I speak of, and perceive as this animal perceives.

Soak in everything you encounter. Look with piercing gaze, and learn all that you must from this vantage point. Take note of all that lies before you. Notice the swirling river beside you. Notice the frantic energy that causes it to peak and flow in turbulence. This is the wild energy that will seek to entice you to join it. This is the energy that you will have to learn to harness and utilize, but you must do so without getting caught in its currents, and without drowning in its undertow. For the river deceives many who are unaware of its power. Look upon it as dangerous and conniving, even as you look upon it as wild and beautiful. The raw energy of it must be tamed if you are to utilize it to your advantage. Such is the energy that now flows upon that earth.

It is manageable, and it is readily available, if you learn to harness it and utilize it to your advantage. This will be your challenge. For new life at this time offers tremendous boosts of growth and self-empowerment, but in order to take advantage of it, in a manner that is not only practical, but also life giving and spiritually meaningful, must you understand it and how it works, so that you may use it to your advantage.

It is time now to observe, to master, not only the energy around you, but your own abilities that you hold within, abilities that have long been lying dormant, and unused. Perhaps you are discovering new abilities for the first time in your life, or perhaps you are awakening old abilities that you have not allowed out in a long time. Whether you greet these abilities as new friends, or long lost old friends, so must you allow them to be nurtured and processed in this new environment that you now find yourself in.

These abilities will be abilities of the animals that I speak of, the quiet inner instincts that lie dormant in all of you. Your inner knowing has been awakening and now requires nurturance. Your inner spirit holds in its hands the abilities of nature that you see all around you in the “dumb” animals I speak of. Do you not see the creatures of the world with knowing in their lives? Do you not understand the animal instinct as being ancient and superior? Do you not understand that you, too, have innately buried inside you these same preceptors?

Let today be a day of quiet contemplation. Where do you find yourself? What step are you about to take? What step have you taken thus far? What world do you see before you? What do you see as your next step? Breathe in the new air. Take in the new sight. Look over the new landscape. Study it. Learn each detail of it and know your place in it. Feel your place in this new world you see before you.

You may be in ruffled alertness or you may lie in unruffled calm. You may be passing through the veils of change or you may be already through the passageway. It does not matter where you are on your journey; know that you are taking the right step for you at this moment in your life. Know that it is right, and that your guides will protect you and provide you with all that you need. This I can guarantee, for we love to aid those who dare, and those who do so with bravery, even thought they are afraid and shaky and uncertain, yet do they take that major step to change and spirit growth.

Learn the new rules in your life now. Learn the rules of calm, and quiet self; listen and contemplate, and allow the inner voice to emerge more clearly now, and direct you on your travels.

#23 Shed Your Old Garments

Dear Jeanne,
Do you have any messages for humanity today?

Do not stand in the way of your own progress as you take the journey your spirit leads you on. If you have not, in the past, relied solely on your spirit, give up your old habits of control and justification of actions, and go now, fully alert, into the world around you as different now, and full of signs, that only your inner spirit is capable of deciphering. In this manner do you allow yourself to go on an adventure that will lead you to greater fulfillment and greater balance.

When I speak of daring yourself to take a journey of the spirit, and when I speak of finding your way into this energy flow that now swirls upon that earth, I speak also of gentle care of the self as you make your attempts known. As you begin to take that first step of change, down a new path, as you begin to find the means of shedding your old garments and begin to see the new garments waiting for you at the door to newness, allow yourself to feel all that you leave behind, and understand that this new journey into this new reality of the self is a process, and that it will take you time to advance, one step at a time. You will learn much as you allow yourself to undress from your old habits and your old ways. You will feel much, too, as you step out of your old shell and take on new lighter garments that fit you perfectly, and keep you buoyant, and able to progress toward new experiences.

This idea of journey is a process of learning about the self first and foremost, and then is it about learning to view the world around you differently, for as you shed your old ways will you find that you inhabit your world differently and your outlook, in the future, will change as well. Look first now closely at the self; take care of the self as you begin your first uncertain steps toward new life. Comfort yourself with the knowledge of the guidance that is available and the inner proof that you are doing the right thing for yourself now, finally.

Accept yourself as traveling companion, and make a promise that you will not rush ahead, or overtire, nor take on too much, but that you will take on this new adventure with alertness and awareness, traveling at a slow pace when necessary, and that you will rest often, take proper sustenance, and care for yourself now, as you once cared for others. To take a journey into the self must one acknowledge the difficulties of the self and resolve conflicts with the self, one by one, as progress is made. For without resolving issues that hold back, will there be little progress and resentment may result.

But, a good traveling companion who is alert and aware will notice when it is time to stop and address the issues that arise and cause discomfort and stagnancy. Be gentle and kind to the self, even as you are to others as you watch them struggle on their own journeys. To be aware that you are on a journey is one thing, but to also be aware that your intention is to grow and evolve, and not just wander aimlessly, is quite another thing. Your intention to focus on the self at this point in your life, the inner self, must mean that you are ready for the type of journey that I speak of.

As I encourage, so do I also expect each of you who resolve to take this evolutionary journey to take personal responsibility for every step you take. There is no blame allowed on such a journey, neither for the self or others. All must be totally responsible for all actions and all consequences of those actions. Keep in mind, as you travel, that all that you encounter on your journey is meaningful and it is up to you to discover what this means in your own life. Look for meaning in every decision you make and your next step will be revealed to you, and as you progress so will you have clarity, and your awareness will increase as you learn how the signs in your life guide you.

Take time for contemplation and meditation on your journey. Take time for quietness with the self. Take time for care and comfort of the self. You are not running a marathon, quite the opposite, you are slowly observing and taking in all that you observe, and all experiences are meaningful, so it is important that you do not miss them. Do not however, regret a missed opportunity should you fail to notice one, but instead hold on to the truth that you will have all that you need, all experiences will be available for you when you are ready for them.

Slow down your inner spirit. Even as you jump now into the great creative energy that seeks to awaken the many who sleep beneath its energy, so must you pull in your own energy so that it serves you well, keeping you whole and contained as you work your inner process. Use the outside energy to take you where you need to go, but do not lose you own containment and become dispersed in it, for then will you have disregarded the inner self and gone too far off balance and into the world of the outer self, too eager for adventure of another sort.

If this happens, fight hard to pull yourself back to your knowing inner self. Ask for help and guidance and you will receive it. If you ask for help, must you then be alert to the signs around you as the help comes to you. Know that it is available, but you are required to recognize it when it arrives. This will pull you back into your own energy again, where it is important to tend to your needs in the ways I speak of, with gentleness and kindness, and inner quiet and contemplation.

No matter which path you now choose to take do I offer you this guidance, for no matter what approaches you in life are you on a journey that is necessary and the techniques I express are helpful as you meet your challenges, even if they are the same ones over and over again, and even if you feel that you are not progressing, so will you discover that eventually are you self-contained again, self-sufficient, and self-empowered by your own renewable energy.

Find your equilibrium daily, your calm center, and your healing energy. Begin each day from this place of balance and you will do well. I’ll see you down the road in a little while, my fine traveling companions. You are doing well. Let’s see what happens next!

#22 Nudging Intent

Dear Jeanne,
Your message of yesterday has elicited several reactions from readers. I had also felt that it was rather harsh and felt it necessary to get some clarification from you today, but also assurance that you do not mean to be imperious, but are only challenging us. Can you respond to those of us who need more from you regarding yesterday’s message?

[I hear laughter.]

So, I shook you up and that is good, for this is an awakening process that I seek to guide you through. My role is to urge you into shape, much as a potter urges the clay into the shape of a pot or bowl. I nudge you here, and I nudge you there, and I spin you into a form so that you may hold within you all that is necessary for your journey.

I do not mean to be imperious or harsh, but I do indeed seek to push you along. I offer knowledge, and at times, I know, that what I offer may come in a manner that is abrupt, but only when necessary. I continue to stress that in this time upon that earth is there great potential for growth in all manner of speaking, politically, environmentally, creatively, and spiritually. From a humanistic point of view has this not happened in a very long time. The energy that now surrounds you, both personally and universally, has been building for a long time, and its culmination is now upon you. Yes, I challenge you to notice it. I challenge you to accept it into your own life, and I also challenge you to acknowledge that you are affected by it, no matter what you now choose to do with the changes in your own life.

All who now reside upon that earth are being offered change, in one fashion or another. All are being challenged, that is the nature of this energy I speak of. For the first time in your lifetime are you being given clarity. Are you not being exposed to truths like never before? Are you not being granted clarity in your own life, right now? Do you not notice that the usual foggy view of your life has lifted and you are being given quite a vantage point from which to view your life now?

There is clarity in this energy I speak of and that is the beauty of it. That is the challenge I speak of when I urge you to consider deeply your next step in life. You are being given all the knowledge you need, without veils, true insight and knowing, everything laid out for you to see. You are being offered the chance to choose your next step, and a new future, with the total knowing of what that future holds. You are also being presented with equally clear vision of the path you now are familiar with and where that will lead you.

The familiar feels comfortable. The unfamiliar feels uncomfortable, but that is only momentary, until you shift out of the now and enter the door that is opening in front of you. Once you step through, transition through that usually veiled aspect of reality, will you once again feel comfortable in your physical body. For your physical body, as well as your intuition work to guide you in your progress.

You know that I seek to guide you into new life, into a life of greater inner knowing and inner exploration. I seek to do this with gentleness and kindness, yet do I also seek to awaken you, to alert you to that which is around you and pertinent to your knowing and your ability to understand your place on your journey. If I seem abrupt or too harsh in my wakeup call, I apologize, but as humans you are sometimes a little too sleepy for my purposes and it is difficult to permeate the dense layer of fog that surrounds you.

I do not like to see you slumber so heavily when there is such excitement around you. I want you to evolve and discover life as it is truly meant to be discovered. I urge only upon you that which you can handle, for when I speak of moderation I speak of self care, and self diagnosis, of how much is good for you, and knowing how much you are ready to take on. So, if I urge you, and you find my urging disturbing, so must you take within my meaning and see how it fits into you own life, and decide what you are ready to do with the knowledge I offer.

Absolutely, must you act only as you see fit and as you are ready for. I do not advocate radical change in your life, unless you are ready for it. I do not advocate abruptness of character or lifestyle, either. But, I do request that you contemplate the possibility of change and what it means in your life. If you are a parent, a guide, a healer, or if you, in any way, affect the lives of others, I request that you do so with gentleness and kindness as you take note of the decisions that others now must make in their lives. For all stand on the cusp of change and all must make a decision that will affect their immediate futures.

This is what I seek to alert you to. Do you feel my intent nudging you into the shape of a fine pot or bowl? Do you feel yourself opening up to the possibility of new life as your inner spirit acknowledges the possibilities that are being presented to you? Allow yourself to take part in this shaping process that I present you with, be proactive in your formation of the future you. Be a partner in this guidance. I offer my hand and my energy as you make the journey with me. Do not be afraid. There is no danger here. You are only exploring yourself, and in so doing are you discovering who you truly are. That is good.

#21 Fork in the Road

Dear Jeanne,
Do you have a message for humanity today?

Embark now on a journey of the self, of individuality, and intent on seeking wholeness. Do not confuse your own journey with that of others, but separate yourself now upon your own path. As you find yourself firmly planted upon this path, disengage your attentions and your distractions from the goals of others, and renew your own sense of direction and intent. Center yourself now, in your new centering method that I have taught, and begin each day newly alert and aware, that each day do you step out on your journey with fresh intent and renewed purpose.

Center on the motivation of your inner spirit and you will make the step that is right for you. Allow your inner energy to guide you. Allow the flow of your life to also guide you, as you abandon old habits and take up the energy that is around you now, to be your motivator. Refuse your old ways. Depart from your old means of living and allow only new air to seep into your life. Energy abounds now for forward movement. This is clear, as all that lies before you is now being clearly revealed. Do you choose to see it? Do you choose to open your eyes now and see what is clearly revealed, so that you may choose with all laid out before you?

Do you not see that your choice now, with this energy of clarity upon the earth, is to choose with clear insight, and known advantages and disadvantages firmly established, and yet, is there also magic ahead of you as you choose your next step. Keep this always in mind. For, even as you are shown the signposts far into the distance, as you stand at this fork in the road, as you clearly see each bump, and each turn in the road on either path, so do you not yet see all else that lies waiting for your approach. How do you choose to proceed?

Do you choose the old way? For that is the one option that is now before you. Or, do you choose the new habit free way? That is the other option. Both paths have much life to offer, but one path leads to not much new, while the other leads to newness at every step. Small steps or large steps, it does not matter, each step will either be the same as you now inhabit your life, or they will be totally new and life giving.

Whether you choose to remain habit bound or to begin a new, and wondrous, and daring journey is not really the question. For, if you choose the less daring path, will you continue to have as many challenges as if you choose the new daring path. But, the choice becomes one of immediacy, and fulfillment of a challenge that is now being presented to you, for your growth and your evolution.

This opportunity does not come along very often. This energy, that now sweeps upon the earth and invites radical change, does not attend many life times, but it does attend this one that you now inhabit. This time of abrupt growth is unusual, and to be able to partake, at this time in your evolution, is to be offered a great opportunity, to not only understand the energy of intent, but also to understand what it means to dare the self to accept challenge as it is presented.

You will learn greatly no matter which challenge you accept, for when you stand at such a fork in the path as now, so do you have the opportunity for challenge, no matter the path you elect to walk upon. But, you also stand now upon the rim, the cusp of energy that seeks to invite you to join it in its vigorous flow.

Seek your calm center and listen for your inner knowing to guide you properly in your choice. Debate not with your attachments, for they will seek to distract you from hearing your inner voice clearly. Seek, as I said, your individuality now, as you contemplate your life thus far, and determine whether or not you will choose change, or the continuation of life, as you know it.

Know also, that all around you are being given this same challenge, this opportunity for advancement in spirit, and in conscious awareness. All are being invited into clarity, and realness of purpose, and knowing of life’s meaning. For, that is what this energy that now sweeps upon that earth offers all.

You are not alone in your challenge to choose. All are now sitting upon the cusp of change. Do you dare to take up the challenge of drastic new life? Do you accept the guidance that awaits you? Do you dare to embark now on your own journey of individual growth of spirit and consciousness? I await your decision.

Why are you pushing so hard? Is the time of decision making imminent? Isn’t there time to contemplate?

I push, because though there remains time to contemplate, so is there not a lot of time. If you are going to embark on this journey powered by the incredible energy that now invigorates all to challenge themselves, so must you be prepared to jump into it at a moment’s notice. Be prepared to know when the time is right; by the signs around you, by the messages in your life, by all that is pointing you in the right direction, will you know. Contemplate now, deeply, over the next few days what is right for you, for your growth and evolution, and make your choice based on that. Once you have determined what is right for your spirit growth, will your next challenge be to take the step that leads you into the energy that will propel you forth and onward into new growth and new adventure. I encourage you all to take this time extremely seriously, to contemplate deeply, and to go with what you know is right.

I encourage you to ask for guidance as you proceed, and I also encourage you to seek the knowing of your own spirit to guide you properly. For ultimately, this, your own spirit, will be the guide you will learn to rely on and trust above all, as you venture forth and understand what true knowing is, and what it means in your life.

I guarantee nothing, except that the energy, if you elect to engage it, will have great power in your life, and it will move you quickly. Even if you are not totally ready, yet you elect to go for it, understand that you will be pushed forward anyway. At first this may frighten you, but as you begin to understand how this energy works, so will you find that it suits you well.

Good luck in your inner work, as you select your new life. Good luck, as you contemplate your place in life now, with awareness and unavoidance of the difficulties that appear now in your life, for to choose wisely must you acknowledge all that seeks to distract you from clarity and truth.

Find you awareness, and utilize it to your advantage. I will continue to offer guidance as you contemplate this big step in your life. I am with you, my dear traveling companions, even if you may feel alone and unable to choose, so must you know that good energy awaits, and you are well-protected, and well-guided, by all of us who attempt contact with those of you who dare to seek life beyond the veils.