Category Archives: Messages from Jeanne

—Channeled by Jan Ketchel

Our Messages from Jeanne category began as a platform to bring our channeled messages to a wider audience. The earliest messages were written missives, so if you go back in the files you will find hundreds of written messages. Later we went to an audio format so more recent messages are spoken. To search by theme or special interest, use the search button in the navigation bar. Our hopes are that all of the messages, no matter the format, offer helpful guidance in navigating the waters of life.

#55 The River of Energy

Dear Jeanne,
It has been a few days since we last connected. Do you have a new message for humanity today, and especially for those who have been receiving your messages and growing in many ways as a result?

Do not fall far from your path, but stay focused on the new course that your life is taking, for this will carry you far, though it may seem at times too difficult, or even unworthy of your full attention. But, now is the time to stay focused rather than be drawn and quartered into too many fragments of life that will only serve to distract you from your purpose in life. I do not advocate splitting yourself in this manner, but I do encourage pulling tightly in to focus, utilizing the skills you have thus far learned and adapted to your own way of life.

All of you are different, yet all of you are the same. You are all upon that earth seeking your path and seeking resonance in your life and in your spirit life. These characteristics are human and spirit attributes. To desire company and resonance on your journey are held by all, for how else will you know how you are progressing if you do not have some mirror to gauge your success?

Your life must remain your focus now. Your intent must be placed upon your own spirit desires, and your resonance must be sought along the path that is correct for your growth. After finding your resonance, that which we spoke of earlier in the month, now must you remain focused on it, gathering and mixing your energy with the energy of that familiar resonance. Do you find yourself in some place that mirrors your spirit? Do you find that you now have access to something that is feeding your spirit and the desires of the inner you who seeks resonance in life in order to grow and evolve?

You may find only a trickle of resonance, but that trickle, that rivulet, is the resonance that you must focus on and pay attention to. For even a tiny trickle, a small rivulet, has the ability to find its way to similar energy and soon join in tremendous flow that will carry that small rivulet bounding forth into unstoppable energy, available as a river is available, its power source strong, its currents vibrant and alive and full of possibility to carry you far on your journey.

I have spoken often of rivers, of the power of the energy of the river. I have advised that you remain a calm Riverwalker, alongside the river, in order to maintain your balance and become as one with your own inner spirit and maintain your ability to calmly navigate through life. But this time, I speak of the energy of the universe now, likening it to a river that is available for you, as long as you flow into it in your resonance, in your own stream of energy, and thus have you the possibility of entering it on your own terms and in your own manner, rather than to be caught in it unaware, carried off by currents that have nothing to do with you.

Your resonance is your key. Your seeking of your own rivulet has been your intent lately, and that must you continue to focus on in order to enter the river of energy that now abounds and seeks to share its abundance with those who have worked hard to understand their inner spirit and be guided by it to this energetic source.

Allow yourself to stay focused now as we enter a new week and become inundated with the problems of the world and of disturbances around us. Remaining focused and intent upon the calm of the centered self and the balance of the self in the resonant energy, in order to access this energy source, is paramount now. Remind yourself often to stay in the resonance that you have found for yourself, whether it be but a trickle, or a larger stream, or even if you have entered into the river of energy. Allow your focus to remain on feeling its resonance, and allowing yourself to be guided by this.

I too am focused on this energy, for it offers much growth and the ability to continually build new connections, helping and guiding many who seek the connection being offered by those of us who are ready to receive your energy in return. This time is thrilling, not only for those of you upon that earth who hear of such resonance and seek our guidance, but also for us who seek to connect with you as well. Be our guests today. As you focus on your resonance, we offer our guidance freely and easily. Empty yourself of all your burdens for a moment and feel the energy as it resonates through your very being, and know that you are being heard and mirrored in our world as well. We are all very close and desiring of connection. Trust this connection and you will find it even resonating in your own body, an answering reverberation, vibration, a slight chill, a knowing that you can, you do, and you will connect.

This is good. Stay in your resonance, continually seeking its flow, its calm, no matter what may be thrown at you in your life. Find that you are different now, you are in a different place, you see and feel differently now, and as a result, you are different. With this knowing can you more fully accept your path, feel your resonance, and accept the guidance being offered. It is there for you, this gift of resonance. Take it, it’s yours.

Go now, and see what happens as your day progresses and you do not lose sight of your energy, your path, your resonance. You will begin to see it mirrored everywhere, as your focus remains calmly centered there. You’ll see the magic in your own life and what it can do for you as you experience the energy I speak of today.

#54 Explore Your Energy Body

Dear Jeanne,
Do you have a message for humanity today?

I have planted many ideas lately that need to be solidly practiced and made important in order for progress to be made in life on earth and in evolutionary growth. I speak of the practices of recapitulation, seeking resonance, learning how to go into deep modes of relaxation and contemplation, and the practice of detachment. All of these things are essential means of allowing growth to happen, but growth takes work. With these practices firmly established in your daily routine will they eventually become the new habits I have encouraged you to develop and your growth will be assured.

I know that I have pushed you to accept your challenges, take on the gifts that have presented themselves to you, and generally see your world differently now. I have also encouraged much self-reflection and time taken to contemplate your next move even as I have encouraged daring on your part. But, resonance has always been the key that I have stressed, and that is what you must continue to seek in your interactions, your relationships, and your life in general. For resonance is the guiding energy and this you must understand in order to grow. Understand what this means in your own life, in your own spirit life, your inner you.

Seek to find what your own energy is, how it feels, how it vibrates, and how it reacts in times of change. Does it go quiet? Does it speak clearly to you? Do you feel it as excitement with a clarity of purpose that is undeniable? Do you but sense it lightly, feeling it is still an underdeveloped skill? Or, are you just not quite allowing yourself to acknowledge its truth yet, because you aren’t quite ready for it?

All of these questions will aid you in discovering just how important and individual your own energy body is. Your energy body is you. It is your shape, your configuration, your every thing, yet it exists independent of your physical body, even though it resides in it. It is capable of transcending that physical body, of venturing beyond it, and of having its own experiences independent of your physical self. This is the body that dreams, that knows, that feels, that is learning to grow. This is the part of you that desires to become your foremost body, your active and guiding force. This is the body that will feel resonance. This is your resonance.

As you understand energy and how it works in the universe, bring that knowing of energy into your self. If everything is energy, so are you. This I have proposed to you many times. You are vibrant energy, and as such so are you capable of much that you only imagine is possible, but in reality is actually possible. Your trust in yourself as pure energy, as an energy body above all else, will allow you access to this aspect of your self. I encourage you all to begin to explore this aspect of yourselves now.

We have spoken before of how your energy, how you elect to use it, affects everyone and everything in your nearness. This you have probably already understood and seen activated simply by your attitudes or tempers, and how these human attributes affect those in your family, even your pets. As you have learned to calm yourself and maintain your balance have you not seen a change, not only in yourself, but in those around you? Has not your calmness noticeably affected others? As you maintain your attention on your own calmness you are definitely affecting everything in your energetic vicinity. This is how energy works.

As your own energy becomes increasingly stable, and increasingly focused on calm and balance, so will you see even greater affect in your self, but also in those around you. You have such power! Did you not know this? You have within you the power to affect your immediate world simply by your activation of your own inner energy being.

Begin now to focus more on this calm energy that is at your very core. Begin to feel, but also begin to consciously use it to affect your world. Use it to discover your way, utilizing resonance in order to test it. See what happens as you use it. It is powerful, whether it is used subtly, gently, or if you decide to pour all of your attention into it.

Experiment with it. See what happens as you stay more often in your balance and your calm, as you discover your energy body, feeling its vibration, and allowing it to guide you in your life. You may feel that life takes on an aspect of wonder, almost a dreamy quality, as you navigate through life differently, as clarity of vision and truth become your focus now, and the negatives in your life drop away from your knowing. Instead, may you find that your challenges are seen clearly for what they are, and your way may be made easier as you discover that your reluctance to trust your own energy guidance has held you back.

This is good practice now in the energy flow that resides upon that earth and wishes to aid you in your growth. Match it with your own energy flow, finding your way, meeting your resonant energy in its vast field, and allowing yourself to be guided by this truthfully resonant energy. As difficulties arise in your life bring yourself back to your calm center. Always center yourself first before you act. Remain focused on this inner calm and evaluate your reality from this place. Your actions must be guided from this place, this center that is your true energy place. Will you listen to the truth that emanates from this place of calm knowing? That is the question. And that is your ultimate challenge.

Will you act on your knowing, your truth? Or will you allow your inner child, or your greedy adult, to make the decisions in your life? Who’s in charge? Do not begin a fight, but do begin to take control of your power source, and learn to utilize it so that your life will become less frantic, less full of fear, and more full of positive knowing.

You all have within you this energy and this truth of knowing. It is innate, but it has been left alone for a long time and you have been rediscovering it now, bringing it out of hiding, awakening it from its deep slumber, and learning to know it again and trust it. Your recapitulation, your acts of detachment, and your progress discovering your energy body and your resonance, all together, have been helping you to progress. Your awakening is well underway.

Continue to practice your techniques of growth. Continue to utilize you energy for good in your life, containing it in your calm center for your own use, but knowing also that in so doing are you having affect upon the greater world. Changes are now upon that earth as many more become aware of this energy source within themselves. Many elect to use it for personal gain, and that is fine if they must go that path, but others who are done with that aspect of life are finding that they can use it for personal growth of spirit, and this will have great impact as this energy of spirit sweeps across the nation and aids in awakening the many spirits still slumbering in oblivion. Your own path must come from within. Your own way must become clear to you as you learn about your own energy and your own needs, both in that earthly realm and in your own spirit realm. For all must live upon that earth and experience it fully in order to eventually detach from it and enter the energy body realm.

Are there not signs around you that greed is not the path to take? Are there not signs that humankind has overloaded the planet and taken too much? Are there not signs of overindulgence on many levels of that life upon that earth? Are you not tired of the structures now in place that decide your future simply because you allow them to, out of habit, or laziness, or simply because you no longer care?

Well, you have within your own self the power to change, not only your circumstances but everything about you, simply by your actions, your decisions, and utilizing your inner knowing. But, do you dare? I continue to confront you with this question. Do you dare to change? Do you dare to trust your inner knowing as your guide? Do you dare to leave behind all the structures that hold you captive and go on the adventure of your lifetime?

Find your energy body, and as you sit there in your own knowing begin to enact change, one little thing at a time, especially utilizing your energy, your calm, to begin those changes. This is where you must act from, from your calm. Not from some loud decision-maker that is your ego or your inner child, but from your place of inner energy. This is how to begin to utilize all of the gifts of change that you have been given over the past few months.

Are you ready to change, to heal, to grow, and to experience your own energy body? Are you ready to explore your inner world, utilizing your techniques of recapitulation, detachment, and clarity of knowing in order to proceed on your path of spirit? I challenge you to stay in your resonance now and do the work of spirit so that your next step in life may come from your truth, and best of all, you will know it, and you will feel it reverberate as you recognize this aspect of yourself. And you will begin to understand what it means to experience your truth and in this manner gain acceptance of it as your guide.

I challenge you all to begin testing your knowing now, for you will not trust until you have concrete examples of your knowing in your own life. Believe nothing. Test everything. The truth is in your own experiences, and that is how you will know that you are on the right path and that you can trust your spirit being, your own energy, and your own knowing. All of this is good! Go now and test!

#53 The Egg of Knowing

Dear Jeanne,
Do you have a message for us all today?

Stay in your calm peace and learn to recognize your resonance in the world around you. Train your beacon of light upon your world that is now, and learn to recognize the reverberations of your own spirit there so that you can proceed correctly. Your own knowing must be your guide, but your life outside of you holds the signs that you must learn to recognize as your guides and your spirit resonance.

I continue to advise careful study of your place now in that life on earth. I expect you to take into consideration all that you have been learning, making a list of the techniques that have value and pertinence in your life, and begin to apply them. When necessary ask for guidance, for clarification, and for a sign of undoubtable direction. For to have difficulty is part of life and part of learning, and there is no doubt that all will confront confusion and despair at some point. But, do not allow such display of confusion to disturb your progress. Instead, take it as a sign that you are being challenged to utilize your skills of navigation and the offers of help. You are being asked to test and trust your own knowing and that which is being offered to you. In time of decision is there often confusion, but with quiet contemplation is there also the possibility of clarity and inner knowing if you take enough time to shine your beacon of light, your resonance, upon the situation and discover what you must do to make the choice that your spirit desires.

If you feel distant from your spirit, can’t feel your energy, can’t find resonance anywhere yet, then are you simply at a place of continued learning about your inner self. This then is the time to take your attention off the outside world for a bit longer and go innerly, seeking your own resident spirit energy. Give yourself permission in this case, to absent yourself from the world around you as often as possible in order to gain clarity of self and an understanding of your own calm, your own balance, first, before you go deeper. To seek your spirit energy is to go very deep indeed, but this act of knowing of the self does require removal from the attachments and distractions that pull at you and require your attention, taking your energy.

Seek quiet times as often as possible no matter what stage of growth you are at. Take a quiet walk, sit and stare out the window, look at your hands, peer into your own eyes, simply lie down for a nap and feel you, your self, both inside and outside, as you engage in your time of quiet. Begin to know your quiet feelings, your calm state, or, if you are already advanced, proceed directly to this place of calm and immediately activate your inner energy vibration. By this I mean feel it. Feel your vibration; your energetic hum that is your resonance, your own active energy. Do this often throughout your day, taking even brief moments of calm: standing in line, sitting in the car, working, or even in the midst of activity. You can reassert your calm at any time once you have found it and firmly established it in your physical knowing and your spirit knowing.

This one technique of residing in calm is your biggest asset, so I urge you to perfect it. Today is as good a day as any to more succinctly assert its presence in your life. Think of your calm as a quiet egg, a large Easter egg, beautifully painted, held in your cupped palms, warm with your own energy, weighty with waiting, and patiently sitting. Hold this egg and know that inside is your own energy growing, your spirit energy forming and developing. Remember your beautiful bowl that you also one day imagined and cupped in your hands? Now is the time to bring that bowl forth again and create a soft bed for your egg of knowing to rest in. Place your egg upon its nest in your beautiful bowl and know that it is safe there.

Whenever you go to your calm, seeking your resonance, go also to your bowl and pick up your egg and warm it with your calm inner light, giving it warmth and energy. Eventually, your energy will resonate outward, and your vibration will reverberate, penetrating the shield of your egg, and you will give it your full attention until it hatches and reveals that it holds your resonance that you have been nurturing and caring for.

Once opened your energy will reside in your own hands, as light, as pure knowing, and this you must place in your center, where your calm resides, knowing that you have discovered your resonance, and you will recognize its reverberation, its vibration, as being your own. This is seeking your own resonance, recognizing it, nurturing it, studying it, and feeling it, but also know that it requires time to incubate and grow. It requires work and attention and yes, I know how busy your lives are, how many distractions there are, and how many things pull for your attention. But, I also know that you must all learn to take time for yourselves, no matter how busy you are, or you will not progress on your journey of spirit, though your desire may be great. A journey of spirit requires inner calm, and inner quiet, and patience, and self-study in order to truly know the self and the inner spirit.

In order to understand what your spirit is truly capable of must you nurture it and pay attention to it so that it becomes as a warm egg growing. Is this not a good sign for you on this day of resurrection? Are you not happy to know that you have within you possibility of growth and the potential to live your life in greater clarity and understanding of all that exists there for your potential growth? Are you not excited about learning about your own energy, that will heal, not only your seeking self, but also your physical and mental self? For you are but pure energy and that is the main thing to keep in mind. You are already energy, you just need to feel this in your self, in your body, in your mind, and in your spirit, your true source of energy. Give yourself these gifts I suggest in order to connect your desire for resonance with your reality. These images I present may help you visualize your calm, anchoring you, so that you can immediately go there, to your center, and sit with your egg in your palms for a few minutes before you place it back in your nesting bowl and go back to your busy day.

All of these calming techniques are good for you, my dears. Find the one that works best for you. Call upon it to help you when you need to make a decision, or confront a situation, or simply need a moment alone with your own energy. You are doing well. Great job! Resonant energy is resident energy, inside you, outside you, the totality of you. This is what you must seek to recognize! Your egg of knowing!

#52 Your Bubbling Stream

Dear Jeanne,
Do you have a message for humanity today?

The way to experience the magic in your life is to trust everything you are given. Your way now is clear, your path open, your rivulet flowing, bubbling, alive, and energetically available. Do not lose yourself in the old, but stay focused on the new. Open your eyes and begin to see that there remains in your life much that is quite amazing and ready to assist you as you go forward now into new life.

As you unburden yourself, using the techniques and the guidance that I have heretofore instructed you to take advantage of, realize that your way has been cleared so that you may make this passage into new life unencumbered. Your preparation and the guidance given have afforded you open doors and smooth paths so that your focus may be on your growth now. Do you not see this? Are you caught thinking that you remain stuck in the cobwebs of old sticky situations? Well, that is not accurate, for you have been given the means to snip your way out of those old webs. Do you not see the scissors in your hand? Do you not know how to use them? Of course you do! But you must take the initiative to act, to lift your hand, and use the gift of those shears to unlock yourself from your old ideas of yourself, and allow your view to open, your path to clear, and your way to be obvious.

Remember where you now stand. Your bubbling stream is offering you redemption, absolution, and cleansing of the grit of your old ways. Take advantage of this gift, this gift that will lead to your wholeness and the discovery of your own energy source. Lie down in your stream. The waters are cool and gently flowing. You will not drown, or be tossed about like in the rough ocean. You will be nursed and coddled and cleansed, for you are in your resonance now, and that makes all the difference.

Do not be afraid to let yourself enjoy a few moments of complete abandon as you allow the water to tickle and sweep you up in its embrace. Lie on your back, lie on your stomach, tip your face into its pureness, and enjoy this gift of nature that seeks to heal you. Bathe in the spirit energy that flows all around you and allow your innocence to come out and play. When I say abandon yourself to it, I entice you to let down your old guards, your fears, your terrible rules that hold you from enjoying your innocence, and allow your spirit to relax in the flow of energy that resonates so well with your own. It is there to work with you now, to guide you, and to show you the direction you must take in order to continue your progress now into new life.

When I speak of new life I entice you to remain clear-eyed, accepting of the signs in your life. Are you not being offered guidance, gifts, and clarity as to how you should proceed now? Are you being offered something that you can’t refuse? Why are you so afraid to accept the gifts being offered? They are meant for you, to aid you in your life, so that you may continue to grow and to prosper as a spiritual being.

Find now, as always, your spirit center. Remain in your calm and your balance, and your clarity will come to you so that you will know how to proceed in your life. Stop worrying so much! All of you must let that old soggy garment go to the dump! Don’t even bother looking at it, just toss it onto the pile and walk away from it! Don’t you trust me? Haven’t you already experienced the reality of my guidance in your life? I believe you have, all of you, or you would not be so far along. But, I know that trust is one of the most difficult attributes to cultivate, for it entails becoming vulnerable and innocent and exposing your raw unprotected self to the dangers of life. But, how else will you learn if you do not test your hunches, and have real experiences to back you up? That is how you will learn to trust, by giving your self the gift of finding out what life has in store for you, by truly living it.

You will not truly live life, or have the experiences necessary to cultivate trust if you stay at home, locked in your old ways, afraid of the world, afraid of even yourself in that world. Allow your real self to experience a little of that resonant energy now. Allow it to bask in the gentle flow of it. Test the waters, my dears, and see what gifts await you in its flow. Your gifts await you. Trust that they are there for you. Accept them and see what happens next!

I love you all. Be brave and you will be well. After all, it’s just life that awaits, and what can be bad about that? It will come and find you anyway. Why not meet it head on, with a new attitude, ready to accept it? Your experiences will be different, for your enjoyment of life will change, and your trust will grow so that each new step may take you further into your life of spirit, and that is GOOD!

#51 Take Off Your Old Winter Coat

Dear Jeanne,
What would you like to discuss today?

Unencumber yourselves of what you believe you must do and focus instead on the leanings of the heart, of the spirit, and the need of this aspect of yourself to seek calm in order for growth. Growth will not happen as speedily as it should if you remain bound to old ways, in spite of the fact that you stand now in the flow of energy that is fully capable of aiding in your growth. Do you not feel the stream running past your legs and bubbling over your feet? Do you not feel the cool water soothing your weary bones? Do you not also feel the energy of it urging you to walk now in its flow and discover what lies ahead waiting for you?

Let your bare feet lead you. Let your raw spirit be your guide. Disregard the old burdens upon your shoulders, for they are but your old musty winter garments that you no longer need. Time now to lay those upon the shore, spread them in the sun if you desire, but know that you will not come by this way again and they are no longer necessary in the future you are going into. Feel the freedom of unencumbering yourself of those soggy old garments. Are your shoulders not lightened, and your head too, as you remove from you the things of old that have kept you bound?

Regret nothing, for you have nothing to regret. You live and play the game of life, and every step, every move, every throw of the dice is part of learning to play the game. The game now goes into the water, the babbling brook where the energy of this tiny rivulet leads to a larger body of water soon to be encountered and this you must be ready for. Consider that this time now, of dabbling in the resonant energy, the stream you have stepped into, is a time of preparation. And what must you do when you prepare for something new? Discard the old, of course!

Circumvent not your duties and your responsibilities, that is not what I advocate at all. Do not disrespect, or become callous, or leave others, who you have duties to, unprepared for the change in you. But do prepare everything, including the people in your lives, for the changes in you that will affect all of them. Stay in your truth at all times, speak it, do not deny it, but also behold your duties to others, and your consideration of them and where they also now stand, as you begin to make your changes. Your changes will affect others, have no doubt about this, but you know how to present yourself now, from your center, from your balance, and your calm, and when you speak from this place will your voice speak only truthfully, with care, and with insight, that those in your life will understand is the real you.

Do not unburden upon others either. For this is not right, nor is it how problems should be addressed. You are responsible for all of your burdens, even if they involve relationships with others, for you are equally responsible for engaging in a relationship as the other is. You are totally liable for all of your mistakes and all of your interactions and all of your relational dilemmas. Take responsibility for every action you have ever taken, and be pure now in your understanding of life, and that we are all guilty of every sin and every unkindness and every belief that we hold against others. Allow the waters of your stream, your rivulet, to cleanse you of the burdens of the horrors of your past, your mistakes, your grave disregard of others, your need to hold them responsible for that which you willingly partook in. Absolve yourself and them, and begin to allow the grimy dust of the past to slough off in the flowing waters so that you may step forward now fully knowing that you are nothing, you are empty, your ego deflated and unnecessary, and that only your clean feet and your true spirit are necessary for your journey ahead.

You may need to stand there a while as you unburden, but this is a good place to stand. The flow of energy will take, and give to you, as you do your work. It will wash away your sins, your ego-inflated self, and it will fill you with new energy. It takes and it offers. It cleanses, so that your truth may shine, and your clarity become as crystal clear as the waters once your burdens have washed away. Stand as long as you need in this spot now, and determine your job of unburdening yourself of your encumbrances. Do you see what you must do? One item at a time now, remove it from your spirit and drop it into the rivulet and watch it slowly disappear as it is, bit by bit, disassembled by the flow and taken apart as you observe and partake in seeing it for what it truly is. Once that burden is disassembled and gone, like grains of sand, put down your next burden of truth and watch it too dissipate in the energy and flow from you. These burdens contain your truths, but they are your old truths, not your new truths, but they must be fully discovered before you can move on into your new truths, otherwise they will remain as burdens, and you will never be able to leave them behind, though you may desire to.

Your burdens are your truths, but your unburdening will also reveal your truth, your emptiness, which is your greater truth, for it is your spirit unburdened and set free to learn the game of life with new knowledge and new rules now. And the game of life will expand into a much larger playing board as you discover that it does not exist inside a box, set with rules dictated by others, but that it exists in your own reality with new rules set by you, for you are free to play your game of life as you wish now, once you have learned the lessons of the old game of life and no longer need to keep learning them over and over again.

So, step out of your old winter coat, empty your pockets, discover what you must, feel its old worn fabric and love how it has protected you and kept you warm and brought you thus far in your life. Bid it fondly goodbye now, and put it aside without fear or regret, for you will not need that old coat again. It has done its job, and done it well indeed. Thank it for its service and its care of you, but also set it free from you too, so that it may rest now and allow the sun’s warmth to fill it and take it into its own new life, wherever that may be. Your past is your past, so let it rest there after you have understood it fully and taken full responsibility for your part in it, knowing that you did what you had to do in order to get where you are now, and all of it was good for your growth. Look where you are now! On the verge of new life! What could be better than that!

So, my dears, my good traveling companions, be brave and caring of yourselves and all who are around you. Stay in your truth at all times and you will do well.