Category Archives: Messages from Jeanne

—Channeled by Jan Ketchel

Our Messages from Jeanne category began as a platform to bring our channeled messages to a wider audience. The earliest messages were written missives, so if you go back in the files you will find hundreds of written messages. Later we went to an audio format so more recent messages are spoken. To search by theme or special interest, use the search button in the navigation bar. Our hopes are that all of the messages, no matter the format, offer helpful guidance in navigating the waters of life.

#114 Dissolution of the Ego

Dear Jeanne,
Do you have a word or two for today?

Abhor not the self for the trials of the past. All lives upon that earth must be tested in order for growth to happen. There is little one can do to change the past, but much one can do to change the future. Begin by changing the attitude of the self towards life. Admit, once again, that this life is meaningful, necessary, and the only opportunity for growth and change now, and you will give yourself permission to actively pursue a new avenue with a new attitude focused on growth.

You are different now because you have already made many changes in your life. Do not stop now at a standstill simply because the ego no longer wishes for change. Of course the ego does not wish for change because change means dissolution of the ego. Your greatest challenge ahead of you is to dissolve the ego, dismantle it, and live without it. So of course the ego is in an uproar right now, fighting you at every change, looking back to save itself, and to stay in your good graces. But the ego self must understand that its time of life is over, it has done its job, and done it extremely well, but now is it time to part ways. Time for the ego to take leave, say goodbye to this life, and dissolve into the dust along your path.

As you shed your ego now your spirit will take over even though there may be quite a tussle as the ego seeks to regain every inch of power it loses. But you, the spirit you, must remain in control, the mature and knowing adult who drives your boat and steers you into calmer waters in order to contemplate your life and your direction.

So, of course your ego is going to have temper tantrums as you not only ask it to leave, but as you pick it off you in painful pieces that may give not only tender bruises, but also bloody scabs. But, pick at it, and discard it day by day in order for spirit growth. Dissect the ego as you journey my friends. It is the next step.

#113 The Golden You

Dear Jeanne,
Do you have a word for today?

Underneath lies everything. Do not attempt to keep hidden from the self that which must be revealed in order for continuous growth to be a part of your life. Growth implies eternal movement and change. Do not sit upon the sealed coffers of your inner truth, attempting to keep the lids closed and the truths hidden. This would be a devastating and undeveloping action.

Dig deeper for the buried treasure inside you. Underneath your strict façade lies the amorphous truth awaiting release. Stand back out of the way now. Remove the hard outer protector from the sealed door of your treasure room and allow the gold within, the golden you, to become active and part of your life. The golden you awaits invitation into your reality. Do not hold back this golden truth. Do not attempt to keep it buried, for if you do the weight of it will feel like lead instead of beauty, and light; and the charm that is your truth will never shine brightly upon your day. To carry lead around your whole life is a burden of the ego. Why would you choose that over the beautiful, flowing, golden inner you?

#112 Conserve Your Energy

Dear Jeanne,
Do you have a word of guidance for today?

Confine your activities to only what is necessary. Conserve your energy for that which is focused on your path. Continue your truth seeking process of personal discovery and growth. Do not be wasteful, either of your time or your energy. Do not fall into old habits or bad habits, but instead contain your energy for most efficient usage. Distractions may appear to divert your attention and pull you from your path, but maintain your centered balance and focus on the investigations of the self for personal growth. This is where your energetic endeavors must remain focused; and your ego must learn to be calm and contented with this process. Quiet down the big ego, put the big baby to bed for a long nap, and stay focused on your adult awareness, your mature place in the world, and your stable and steady investigation of the self. This is good use of energy today. Stay with it.

#111 Raise Your Awareness

Dear Jeanne,
Do you have a word of guidance for humanity today?

Guidance may come in many forms. Learn to recognize how it comes to you. There are universal laws of guidance and these many are aware of, but there are also very specific and individual means of receiving guidance and these you must learn for yourself.

Messages, such as mine, are of the universal sort, as are many signs in nature and the world around you. The energy is a universal law of guidance, the flow of energetic force as it affects all of you upon that earth, the energy that I have spoken often of. But then, each of you has access to individual guidance from your own unique sources, and this is what you must learn about.

It is not necessarily the same kind of guidance that I offer, but it is more likely honed to who you are, where you are in your life, and how your journey should next progress. As you sit or work upon your vessel, as you anchor for a quiet moment of contemplation, as you lay up for a time of deeper work, raise your awareness so that you do not miss the signs presented to you. Even if the greater energy of the earth carries a universal message, what does that mean in your own life? The energy has been pushing for change, and my words have also pushed for change and, ultimately, growth. But only you know what these urgings mean in your own life.

Some of you know that great change is necessary in your own life, and some of you know that only subtle change is necessary and right. How do you know this? Because you have learned to dare yourself to take on the challenge of self-study, and you have learned to contemplate and remain in balance now. In the future will this balance serve you well, for the energy of change is still upon you and upon that earth. The universal and the specific laws of guidance remain active and energetically connected to the earth, and to each of you as well.

Your time of deep inner work will not go unrewarded it you stick to your plan for personal growth. But even as you do that, be aware that such growth is being spurred all around you. Those of the younger generation, the youth of the world growing up now in this intense energy flow, are an unusual generation. Their time upon that earth will have great and immediate affect upon the world stage as they branch out into life, have no doubt about this. Such a generation has not emerged from the loins of human potential in many centuries. The generations before have prepared for this explosion of energy that is yet to be discovered, uncovered, and allowed expression. The generation of change, of quick and final change is just beginning to emerge onto the platform of real life. Such is the energy that now has gathered that all will be affected by it.

So, even as the entire world prepares, even unknowingly, for change, so have you been made aware of this change now for a while, and you are being given time to prepare. Do not moan about things changing too fast for you. That would be absurd! Go with the flow of change, for that is what the universal laws of guidance have been advising.

So, today, as you work your way through your day, as you maneuver your vessel and discover new waters, look around often, and take in all that you see for signs that are meant specifically for you, guidance that only you will understand and need on your individual journey. This is good. I await your progress, as do all my guiding companions. We look for your growth, your awareness, and your reception of the guidance we offer.

#110 Contemplate Ego Today

Dear Jeanne,
Do you have a brief message of guidance for us today?

Drop anchor when necessary as you traverse the currents of life and of energy. Allow time for observation and deep self-work. This is best done in quiet removal, with your vessel firmly anchored so that your attention may be upon your self rather than the workings of your vessel.

As you anchor, observe the spot where you have chosen to stay afloat and notice what is in your vicinity. Observe others and the environment, taking in all that surrounds you, for it will have affect upon you as you tidy up your vessel and work upon your self, your inner self and your outer self.

I advocate plenty of work on the ego self, the big baby self, but also the big inflated ego self who seeks to drive you around. Shed false personas. Shed old ways and old attitudes. Shed old ideas of the self, and recapitulate lost memories so that you are freed of them. Do not allow the ego self, any aspect of it, to drive your vessel. Loss of ego is the next step in spirit growth. Though I request that you take care of your physical body, your vessel, I do not suggest that this become an egotistical focus, but rather a practical and sensible focus. Shedding ego relates to that which connects you too heavily to that world, encumbering you so that your vessel is akimbo in the water, listing to one side or the other, or lying too heavy in the water so that you are in danger of taking on water, or capsizing.

Contemplate ego today. What does it mean in your own life? How does it disrupt your journey? How does it hold you back and prevent your growth? How can you use it to aid you, but also how can you do without it once you have finished with it? Seek egolessness as you take your vessel into a quiet cove and lay anchor for a quiet time of observation, self-reflection, and ego-shedding. Strip your ego from you and allow the heavy remnants to sink to the murky bottom. Then advance on your journey when you have shed something that it has become apparent you must shed. Do this often as you journey and, eventually, will egolessness be a fine and normal state of awareness for you to enjoy.