Soulbyte for Wednesday October 7, 2015

Within the self lie the keys to everything. Like buried treasured they wait for you to seek them out and discover where they have lain in wait. They will never tire of waiting, yet they send constant messages of love and yearning, for they know your life would evolve for the better could you find them.

Do not be afraid of what lies within, not only the keys to your wholeness but all the answers you seek. For you are all that. You are the universe.

Find the keys on your daily path, in every step you take, in all you do. Look for them and dare to unlock the secrets and mysteries of the universe within and in the end find also the secrets and mysteries of the universe without.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Tuesday October 6, 2015

When someone says, “He/she has always been like that,” what are they implying? That old habits are really visible when you think they are hidden and out of sight? Old habits must soon die if change is desired, for true change requires something new. A new look on the outside might be the first step, but it will soon fade if something does not change on the inside. All changes, however, can be part of the package. But to truly create a new package more than the outer wrappings must change.

Sometimes it’s not the outside that matters. Sometimes the best solution is to open the package and expose its gifts and allow the inner you to fulfill its eagerness for life. A daring move to be sure! But you can do it one step at a time. Begin today.

In calmness greet the world today, confident that the gift of you, the real you, will be welcomed with open arms. But first welcome this real you into your own arms and take the first step in proving that no, you are not always like that!

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Sunday October 4, 2015

The physical is just as important as the spiritual. Take care of your body today with a quiet day of rest. Without neglect of the inner you pay attention to the outer you. Often the striving for inner balance and perfection takes precedent, leaving the physical body trying to catch up, but care of the physical is equally important, for it is your vehicle through life.

Pay attention to what your body tells you about yourself today while you simultaneously give it a day of calmness and retreat from the usual. It is all you have as you navigate life. Without strain, without overtaxing it, treat it kindly and lovingly today. In return it will do the same, offering your spirit refuge in a kind and loving home. Your body and your spirit will thank you for taking care of them so tenderly.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Chuck Ketchel, LCSWR