Soulbyte for Wednesday September 23, 2015

When is it appropriate to retreat? Many people seek relief in retreat. Many people seek escape in retreat. Many people seek solace in retreat. Retreat comes in many forms. Not only is there physical retreat, but there is emotional, mental, and spiritual retreat as well. There is conscious retreat and there is unconscious retreat.

Often retreat is misused as an escape, and yet there are times when it is necessary, a pivotal move that brings one face-to-face with that which must be faced. When one finds oneself suddenly retreating, for one reason or another, one must determine the validity and the rightness of one’s retreat.

Facing one’s darkness is often the purpose of retreat, but one cannot do so without shining a light within. Facing one’s common behaviors and responses to life’s woes needs investigation as to why, and so a light within is necessary. Retreat may not always be into darkness, and so if one turns always to the light, a turning within is equally necessary.

Contemplation of self is good and necessary. Do not be afraid to retreat there, into the deeper self within. That is where you will find all you need, the answers you seek, within the dark and the light of you!

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Tuesday September 22, 2015

Most people are not what they portray themselves to be. Far too often a person’s outer expression defines them, but the truth is, in many cases the outer demeanor is merely fictional. The real person sits inside, afraid to come out. Times are changing rapidly now though, and it’s time for everyone to be real, for the fall of all that is, the changing times, are coming in more ways than one. Seek to be real at all times, and seek to help others to be real as well. If the real you lived on the outside all the time, and everyone else were equally real, what would the world be like?

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Monday September 21, 2015

Another day dedicated to quiet might not be possible, but keep quiet in your thoughts. Keep quiet in your mind. Keep your body quiet. Keep in balance and protect your energy. When you give too much you suffer. Even if you wish to alleviate the suffering of others there is no point in suffering yourself, it just depletes your energy and then you have nothing to give. Give generously, but remain in balance yourself. Keep quiet today so that you may stay in balance. You are important too!

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Sunday September 20, 2015

Allow for some quiet today. Experience the self in alignment with all else, with nature, with animals, with other people. Speak less, do less; just sit. And don’t forget to breathe, for the breath is your aligning mechanism. It brings you into synch not only with all that you are but with all else too. It is what you all share. It makes you no more or less than anyone else, but it is also your most powerful asset. Use it wisely.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Chuck Ketchel, LCSWR