Soulbyte for Sunday October 4, 2015

The physical is just as important as the spiritual. Take care of your body today with a quiet day of rest. Without neglect of the inner you pay attention to the outer you. Often the striving for inner balance and perfection takes precedent, leaving the physical body trying to catch up, but care of the physical is equally important, for it is your vehicle through life.

Pay attention to what your body tells you about yourself today while you simultaneously give it a day of calmness and retreat from the usual. It is all you have as you navigate life. Without strain, without overtaxing it, treat it kindly and lovingly today. In return it will do the same, offering your spirit refuge in a kind and loving home. Your body and your spirit will thank you for taking care of them so tenderly.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Saturday October 3, 2015

Every day offers opportunities for change, growth, and awakening. It is the little things you do, the small steps you take that add up to the giant leaps. It is the daily doing of life with intent to be aware of the self as a being of energy, learning to flow smoothly with life’s ups and downs, that will transport you and transform you.

You are all capable of the highest achievements, of the impossible because you are all beings of the highest order and that is the order of love. Seek love in all its many forms as your goal, but it is the love of compassion awakening within you that will have the greatest effect within and without. Seek that, for self and other, and all will be well.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Friday October 2, 2015

Freedom comes only when one finally frees oneself from that which lies within, from that which imprisons one long after the prison bars are gone, long after the time of actual imprisonment is over. To imprison oneself is as defeating as being held in check by another. Freedom is a sense of being, a sense of knowing that you are worthy, acceptable, and that your life’s experiences made you strong, understanding, and desirous of more than the mundanities of life.

But such things of freedom and worth can only be delivered by the truths of the inner self being exposed to the truths of the outer self. Jailer and jailed are one and the same. Until they free each other, freedom will remain on the outskirts of life, a distant dream. Dream bigger. Dream beyond the place of stagnation, sadness, and fear. You hold the key. Use it.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Thursday October 1, 2015

Who do you generally blame? Do you tend to blame yourself when it is not your fault? Or do you choose to blame another when really you are to blame? Who you choose to blame on any given day is an indication of what is going on inside you. Rather than look for who to blame, rather than become defeated by yet another day of self-blame, turn away from blame completely and ask the self another question: How can I stop blaming and heal instead? Find the answer where all answers lie: Within!

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Chuck Ketchel, LCSWR