#102 The Deeper Meaning

Dear Jeanne,
Do you have a brief message for us today?

Do not get caught by what you may perceive is going on around you, but investigate for the deeper meaning. The deeper meaning must relate to you and your journey, no matter what you are presented with. In the context of life, and presentation of life by others, must you continually ask the self for clarification and meaning relating to your journey. Keep the ego aside. Keep the desires aside. Keep the big baby quiet, and seek real meaning for yourself.

Your inner knowing will give you the answers though they may only be whispered, or difficult to decipher in the scrambled mix of inner chatter. Clear your own channel to yourself and allow the deeper meaning to become clear. Dig deeply. Take the shovel of your own curiosity and your own desire for inner knowing and dig deeply in the quiet of the self. All others around you must be placed upon the edge of your world, their needs, and desires, and problems on the periphery as you take your spade and quietly, with focused attention, dig a channel to your inner self and your deepest knowing. Here will you begin to hear, and to perceive, the meaning of all that relates to you in your life and on your journey.

Today is a good day for this contemplation. Allow for personal quiet and time of individual perception to be your focus for at least part of your day, or your evening. Withdraw with you shovel, and begin to dig deeper now. This is good, for what you discover may amaze you, or it may trouble you, or it may change your path abruptly, but no matter what treasure you dig up will it be the right gift to give yourself. Dig deeper for meaning in your life today. Examine everything you discover as if it had never been unearthed before, put it aside, and dig the next artifact of who you are, and seek the meaning of it, and so on. The excavation of the self is an extremely important aspect of growth. Do not deny this fact, but give it as a gift to your self. Pick a sturdy shovel and begin!

#101 Unscramble

Dear Jeanne,
Do you have a word of guidance for us today?

Unscramble now all that you know, all that you have received, and all that is placed before you. Decipher your life in the context of knowledge and balanced centered knowing, and resolve to fix your life so that your focus remains forward on growth.

Unscramble the meaning of my messages in your life. Find the significance of them. Unscramble the meaning of the signs in your life and abide by them. Unscramble your inner knowing and gain clarity now so that your direction and your progress are no longer hindered.

As you uncover your truths do not confuse yourself with new covers, but remain open and aware of yourself so that you may continually be available for clarity of vision, of knowing, and of purpose. Your life is under the direction of your own spirit, so take control and do not become bogged down by old habits. Your ability to gain clarity has been well tested already. Do not doubt this, but use it now to fully explore and enjoy life as you stay now focused on newness, on truth, and on your path of honesty with the self fully unveiled and adventuresome. Life invites you to live it fully now. And the energy of today invites you to take time to sort through the tangle of all that you have learned and absorbed through all these many messages. Organize, and gain clarity, and continue on, you good travelers. You are doing well. Continue your brave foray into the spirit self, into discovery of the truth, and of the real mysteries of life. See you down the road a way. Good journeying!

#100 Uncover

Dear Jeanne,
Do you have a word of guidance or a brief message for us today?

Uncover now all that keeps you hidden from the truth. The true self must be revealed in order for evolution to take place. There will be little movement unless you reveal yourself, first truthfully to yourself, and then fully to all around you. This does not mean in an entitled, whiny, big baby fashion, but in an adult fashion, fully accepting responsibility for your life, your adventures, your cares, and even your careless moves. Accept every aspect of your past, your journey thus far completed, and look forward to speaking only from your truth, from your center, and from your honesty. Do not hide the self under cover of shame, or resentment, or regret, or false promises. Do not keep the self silent under the covers of the big baby, of the big ego, but allow the true innocent self, the evolving self, to unburden now the heavy covers of old and be freed so that your innocence may lead you forward now.

Too many of you hide. Too many of you refuse exposure. But, for what reason? Ego or fear? Big babies have big egos and desire to stay under the covers, but evolving, mature beings quietly and courageously accept the truths of themselves and move on without flaunting their achievements, without screaming their woes, and without asking others to be responsible for them.

Are you not all adults? Are you not all eager to evolve and to connect with spirit, both your own and others around you? Well, advance a little further along your path today. Swipe off the heavy covers that keep you tucked into your old ways and step out into a new self. Ask for mature knowledge of the self, freed of the old covers, hiding your truth, and then see what truths are revealed. Accept what you learn about the self today, no matter how difficult or confrontational this revelation may be, and then discover that you are on a new path now, to the new you. Stand revealed before the self, see clearly inside and out, and accept and love your self for this journey you are on. Go forward now, standing firmly centered and balanced in this self, this truth seeking, uncovered self. It is the next step. Take it!

#99 Allow for Continuation

Dear Jeanne,
Do you have a word of guidance for today?

Allow for continuation. The flow of life continues on its merry way, yet do you seek to abandon it, run from it, hide from it, or alter it, when in reality all you need to do is acquiesce and flow with it. Direction is determined by choices made, and even in unclarity are you constantly choosing. There is no way of life that will bring you exactly what you desire without first presenting you with tests and challenges. Accept this, and do the work that the flow of life presents to you. Continue to progress, continue to flow; continue the process of living, choosing, and making your way forward based on spirit and spirit intent. Allow this to be your decisionmaker, allow your inner spirit to seek resonance and direction and you will do well on your journey.

For today must you sense the flow and go where it will take you. Do not swim against the current, for in so doing will you simply waste your energy. Flow with the current of your life and continue to make progress of spirit, even as life’s flow involves eddies, and undertows, and strong currents. Be aware, be judicious in your decision-making, but also be easy on yourself as you go with the flow.

I do not advocate resistance or too much consternation at this time, but instead keep your awareness alert to the signs along the way that when taken in to your knowing will aid you now and in the future. Use your memory of them in the future and you will make good use of your gathering knowledge. Let this be your lesson today: continue your progress, go with the flow of life, and give yourself permission to relax upon the current. It will take you where you need to go next. Then, if you have been observant during this time of continuance, will you know what to do next.

#98 Find Fertile Ground

Dear Jeanne,
Do you have a word of guidance for us today?

Stay focused now with determination upon your path. There is little to keep you from it, for in reality is all else that pulls at you but distraction and of little real consequence. Focus on your growth and find richness in that aspect of life. Find fertile ground and nutritious fodder in spirit growth, and leave behind the wastelands that seek to pull you back to their brittle dryness.

There is now much upon that earth that dies and changes as a result of destructive behaviors and boring habits. Do not allow your resolve to be tested by such unworthy opponents. If you wish for excitement and challenge, look for it not in the past or in the unnecessaries of life, but look instead in the rich fertile lands of the inner spirit. That is where true challenge lies. That is where worthy opponents abide. That is where you will experience the greatest tests and the greatest exhilaration of life, of energy, and of true challenge, that will lead you to newness.

New lands await your discovery. New growth seeks tending. Your spirit seeks acknowledgement, acceptance, and nurturance. Where will you find this aspect of yourself? In your calm center, in your balanced stillness, in your calm knowing. This is where your new garden awaits you, inside you, rich, and fertile, and full of bounty. Seek this aspect of the self today and tend it properly; water it, cultivate it, and allow it to grow and blossom.

Swipe away from you the old distractions now and find your newness the biggest attraction now in your life. Focus on that and you will have begun a new garden. Do this for your self now and your self alone, for the self is desiring of this new life. Put aside now the old ways and accept the new self. This is good for today and every day. Seek the new fertile garden of the self.

Chuck Ketchel, LCSWR