Tag Archives: the great mystery

Soulbyte for Wednesday September 16, 2020

Maintain sacred inner space for loving kindness to grow, for fear to abate, for worry to die out, for that which causes distress and concern to find solace and peace. In inner solitude find the way to touch the Great Mystery, the Oneness that you are, for though you may perceive yourself as a bundle of bones and flesh you are so much more than that, and really so much less as well. You are All That Is and you are Nothing At All as well, so much and so little, part of it all and yet one tiny speck of light and love, so small and yet so capable. Do not forget the power of this smallness and this greatness that you are, for it is what you ultimately seek, unity within the loving aspect of self, the great and the small within. Strive for it now while chaos reigns and experience its bliss while in human form, for the good of the self and good of all. It is all you need now, to be loving within and loving without. Strive for that.

Sending you all love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne