Tag Archives: one step at a time

Soulbyte for Thursday January 18, 2018

Open to your fuller potential. Push yourself beyond your perceived limitations, beyond what you currently think about yourself, say about yourself, and believe about yourself. For the truth is, you have no idea what you are truly capable of until you extend beyond who you think you are and who others think you are too. Begin within, by thinking differently about yourself, by speaking differently about yourself, by acting differently. Begin by being open to the loving being you truly are and see where that takes you today. Just begin. Take just one loving step in a new direction. You never know where it will take you!

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & JeanneĀ 

Soulbyte for Tuesday January 9, 2018

Be patient. Though you may wish to jump ahead into new life it is not really possible, for each step of the journey you are now on is vitally important. The lessons you are presented with each day must be learned. You can’t skip any step, for if you do you will miss valuable lessons that you will need in the future and you will have to stop again and learn them later at some other time. Learn them now as they come to you. Take your time to fully explore and learn as much as you can about yourself and the purpose of your journey. Know that eventually this time will pass and you will be far more ready to receive your future having plodded along so diligently with patience and awareness. Only then will you be able to fully utilize and take advantage of the lessons learned for your own greater good. One of the greatest lessons now being taught is love, love for self and love for others you share the world with. Love, and just how powerful an energy it is, is the biggest lesson of the times you live in. Love, in all of its forms, personal and universal, is very powerful.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

A Message for Humanity from Jeanne: Take Charge


Take charge of your own world…
-Photo by Jan Ketchel

Sometimes we feel as if we are not at all in charge of what is happening in our lives, but as today’s Soulbyte and as this channeled message stress we are totally in charge in choosing our attitude, in choosing to be aware, in choosing to be compassionate, and in choosing to live our lives fully present in each moment. That is being in charge. Take a listen to this channeling and see if you find there is some way to take charge in your own life too. One small step at a time. Sometimes it’s all we have.

Wishing everyone well!

Soulbyte for Monday August 28, 2017

Do it. Do what you can today to bring yourself one step closer to getting done what needs doing. What is it that you have neglected and yet can’t get out of your mind? That which is left undone steals your energy and leaves you unable and unavailable to complete your life fulfilling tasks. Complete the business life has laid out for you so you can live without regret, without the daily discomfort and nagging reminders of what you have failed to do. It’s a good day to use your power to defeat procrastination today, to catch up and do the things that need doing, to relieve yourself of your insistence on doing it your way when there may in fact be a much easier, better way. Then there will be room for other things, more energy for the pleasures in life, freedom to be at ease in the flow of everyday life, more joy for instance. Now that’s something to aim for. Take that one step today, and then another tomorrow. Just do it!

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne