Relax your thinking mind and let your intuition guide you more often. Sometimes the intuition of the heart is more succinct and pertinent than all the rationality in the world. Sometimes the heart knows best.
Emotion is like the wind unleashed in the unruly passion of a hurricane. Experience its power and intensity, but don’t attach. Don’t mistake passion for the heart’s intent. The wind is a passing sensation. How can the wind offer stability? Such an illusion breeds only delusion.
A child’s innocence is not childish. To the contrary, innocence is the only requirement to advance in infinity. Innocence greets oncoming time with total attention, unencumbered by thoughts, needs, desires and entitlements that filter the discovery of what truly is. Innocence is the key to hearing the heart’s true message.
The ego is the master of our time. The ego both generates its own thoughts and attaches to the pervasive flow of thoughts in the universe. The ego also harbors the childish child that seeks to remain the eternal child, driven by the pleasure principle.
Even the most mature thinker might belie the hidden child insisting to live in the sandbox of its thoughts. Be mindful to distinguish the golden child—the child that grows through innocence—from the eternal child, the one who refuses to ever leave the nursery.
For the ego to mature to innocence it must learn to command its attention. Much of the time the ego is asleep at the wheel of consciousness, as the drone of the subconscious flits from association to association and takes it down different roads of thought. Of course, thoughts automatically generate emotions befitting this unfolding drama of thought.
As in meditation, the task for the ego is to become aware that it has slipped into unconsciousness and to bring its attention back to presence in the current moment. Placing attention on the breath is a universal alternative to the focus on thought.
As the mind is cleared of its preoccupation with thought, the ego can place its attention upon the heart. Breathing into the heart focuses attention to the place of truth. Sometimes the heart speaks with a subtle or strong sensation that punctuates a word or thought that spontaneously presents itself as you ask the heart a question. This is an affirmation, either a yes or a no, or a suggestion to explore further.
Sometimes the heart affirms with an outside synchronicity, like a bird loudly breaking into song at the moment a thought appears. Sometimes the heart speaks directly in words of calm whisper. Often there is a definite feeling of rightness, a knowing of what is right to do. Feeling is a weighing function, like a scale, distinctly different from the windstorm of powerful emotion.
The heart is the place for ego and High Self to meet. Ego, however, must be cleansed of its egoism and narcissism to enter the chamber of the heart. Short of this, the ego, like every narcissist, can only hear itself. The ego must surrender to its true purpose, to serve the intent of its High Self, like the knight who serves the ruler.
Freed of attachment to emotion, with the receptivity of pure innocence, and the commitment to serve the intent of the High Self is the path to receive the truth of the heart.
Listen carefully to what your mind says. Don’t believe everything you hear it saying, for often it is only mimicking someone else and perhaps that someone is not very smart or knowledgeable but only a good follower. To become a leader in your own life listen instead to the wisdom that only your own heart can speak, for it is wise beyond its years and full of the knowledge of the eternal truths. Let your heart speak and guide you and you will go far.
Let not worry rule but instead turn down the noise of the busy mind with the calmness of the heart. In the stillness of no mind, let the heart speak its words of calming wisdom so that you remain steady upon your path with heart, knowing that life will unfold as it will. Whether you are in control or not certain things will unfold as they will. Acquiesce to the laws of nature, which guide more often now the direction to take, for though human hands wish to take over there are greater forces at work. Learn the ways of the quiet mind, the calm heart, and the peaceful body and be at peace within and without. In the absence of worry let spirit take over. Sometimes you just can’t do any better than that.
Meet hatred with love. Greet anger with kindness. Use compassion against bigotry and turn inward to the beauty of the pure loving heart to combat the disturbances around you, for the heart knows how to handle the most disagreeable of situations. Without thought or provocation it simply acts, impulsively and correctly, passionately and properly. Turn from rhetoric to the energy of love’s doing, the automatic attention to right actions of kindness, caring, and love of all. When the heart is in action all will be well.