Tag Archives: giving heart

Soulbyte for Friday October 6, 2017

Even in your giving remain modest, for how can you give when you have given it all? How can you be generous when you have nothing? How can you give when you have depleted your stores, whether of goods or energy? How can you be of giving heart when your heart is exhausted? To be available to others, to help, to be giving and compassionate is well and good, but often being available, helping, and giving is exactly the worst thing to do. Support and respect the need for all to take responsibility for the self. Give responsibly when appropriate, but don’t forget to protect yourself and your energy so that in times of even greater need you have more to give. In the meantime, let gifts of loving kindness and good will be present in every breath you breathe, every thought you think, and every prayer you speak. In this way, no modesty is required.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Wednesday May 31, 2017

Let the generosity of your spirit find its natural place in your life. Be generous where you can though not to excess. Stay within your means and yet find a natural measure of giving in some meaningful way. Generosity of spirit may not come to you as naturally as it does to others, but it is a habit worth cultivating, for it will open the doors of your heart so that you may experience the true nature of love and a giving heart, for there is no true love without a giving heart.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne