The moon in her fullness proposes a method of containment. Though she is fully present in the world she is fully known to herself as well. Though she radiates without, she is fully alit within. Set your own intent to fully know the self, first within so that as you turn outwardly your light may shine uninhibited, without need or entitlement, simply present, the self contained and known. In fullness of self, find all you need. Moon method is the way to peace, happiness, and fulfillment. All other things will naturally fall into place as you shine your light within. And then your radiance will be fully owned, contained, and available. It will simply be.
Stay contained within the self. No matter what happens outside of you, in your own world or in the greater world, maintain your own center. Chaos does not deserve your attention nor can it be controlled. The only control you can exert is within the self. Hold onto the certainty of the self as autonomous. Hold onto the certainty of the power of the self to bear any tension and be the calm eye in the center of the storm. Stay focused on your ultimate goal. And what is that? To evolve, of course! Remind yourself often that this is life’s true challenge, to evolve with awareness and to do it every day in some way!
Here is this week’s audio channeled message. May it be helpful guidance. And may we all experience a greater outpouring of love and compassion as we personally take it upon ourselves to get along with everyone we meet, especially those closest to us!
In containment does one learn the deeper lessons of the self. If one but turns inward and allows for truths to surface, one will face both the best self and the worst self. Yet such encounters will teach the true lessons in life, the lessons that all must hear in order to evolve.
It is not a punishment but a liberation to hear the truths of the self spoken in this manner. It is not a chore but a joy to encounter the deeper self and all aspects of that deeper self. It is not painful but freeing to face all that one is made of and know the depths of the self so fully that nothing remains a mystery.
In knowing the self so fully, one becomes an open channel for new adventures in life. One becomes empty, and detached from that which binds the soul to eternal misery, and fully available for other work. But first the inner work must be deeply sought after and fully accomplished. In containment of self is this possible.
Sit with the self daily and contend with the inner world that reveals itself. Release and relief will come to aid you if you let it, and then you will begin to notice the work of the self having effect, taking hold, revealing the mysteries that now puzzle you and keep you constrained.
Seek refuge in containment of self. That is where freedom from everything lies. In sickness and in health turn inward and ask to be shown the truth. Be patient as you wait for your inner process to get underway and gain momentum. Stay with it. Your rewards are plenty.
Thank you Jeanne and all of our guides in infinity. Channeled with love, by Jan.
In Monday’s channeled message, Jeanne spoke of achieving balance through limitation. In her Wednesday blog, Jan wrote of the alchemical process of transformation through fermentation. The agent of that alchemical change is the limitation of a sealed container that sets the stage for nature to transform. Today, I focus on shaping and curing that sealed container. Like a ceramic vessel heated in a kiln, the container for our inner process of individuation must prove worthy of withstanding the many trials of heat that arise and serve our quest for wholeness.
Since waking this morning, the creative daemon has been stirring: fire energy, trial by fire. Already I’ve seen three people. The universe aligns with the creative daemon as I see its challenge reflected everywhere. I carefully channel it. Now, in an open space of time, it’s time to write my blog, but the creative fires are way too expansive. Everywhere I turn the world is ablaze. If I try to write now, I’ll be taken too far afield. The fire is too unwieldy, ungraspable except in its most gaseous intuitive sense.
The real trial is one of containment, and so I know I must find my way back down to earth, into the containment of the cool soil. I turn to the matter of my physicality, my body container as a form to regulate the fiery energy and expansive pressure of the creative daemon.
I’ve been gifted the images of the praying mantis and Buddha beneath the bodhi tree this morning. Images of stillness. Heeding these messages from the universe, I roll out my yoga mat and facing East, the direction of the rising fireball of the sun, I invoke the stillness of the Buddha and perform the Buddhist magical pass of prostration. Then I sit and engage in yoga pranayama breathing. The mind stills as the fiery energy begins to settle more into the rhythmic waves of the ocean. My awareness flows deeper into connection and regulation of the energy contained within my body. Deepening awareness of blockage and tension flow into softening and release. I move into yoga’s magical passes of asanas, working calmly with the creative fires still vying for my energy, my attention, my awareness.
“Not now,” I tell it. “Now is for forging the calm, preparing the container to channel your creation, your message, in a blog, soon to be undertaken.”
I finish yoga and choose to forego food or a magical walk. The body is calm and I know not to disturb it now. I’m ready to take on and be present with the daemon, to work together in the process of creation.
As I open the door, inviting the daemon in, the energy that greets me is intense. I remind myself to breathe, to unclench my jaw, to pause and release. My body has been forged as the container for this alchemical process of transforming the creative energies within me into a—hopefully—cohesive blog.
Eventually we emerge...changed
The body is our container in this world. The body is the vessel that connects us to the wellspring of our instinctive energies, as well as the infinitude of our energetic essence. When we walk, run, do yoga, golf, go to the gym, do magical passes, swim, exercise or meditate, we are forging our alchemical vessel to better serve our deeply sought after transformation into wholeness. Each time we are overwhelmed by the fires of recapitulation we are challenged to turn to the body container and engage in forging activity, just as I did this morning as I wrestled with the overpowering energy of my creative daemon. Eventually, we discover that out of the container a new calm, cured, self emerges.
Okay, now I can set this down, a message released through the alchemical process of containment. And now I may nourish my physical body in another way, with some fermented food, and then go off to a walking meditation, calmed and slowed by the midday sun for further curing of my vessel.