All posts by Jan

#3 Time of Lull

Dear Jeanne,
Do you have a short message for humanity today?

Now in this time of quiet and lull reflect and prepare the self for the journey ahead. There is now a time of self-reflection that is pertinent, important, and crucial, not only for the self and the personal journey, but also for the world’s journey. For this is a time of grand transition, of flux, and of change like no other. To become cognizant of this approaching phenomenon is to be given a gift. To be assigned a role in this is also a gift. I encourage all of you to begin to take on the task of becoming part of this grand transition by becoming whole and enabled by your own spirit.

As I continually say, it is the duty of the individual to take on the charge of self-discovery and self-truth and in this manner be able to guide not only the journey of the self, but be a beacon for others also ready to transition. By this I mean, become ready to understand the greater picture of the reality of life on earth as only a small aspect of life, and reality as existing on many planes.

There are ahead of all of you many experiences in life, both there on earth as you discover your direction, your true direction, as you trust your knowing spirit, and as you trust the guidance you are given. Allow for growth at all times. Do not be afraid to explore your own truths that will point you in the direction you need to go. Allow yourselves access to others upon similar journeys, aware also of continued life, connection now, and also eager to learn more.

This is what my mission encourages, it encourages exploration and discovery and acknowledgment of possibility. I welcome you all into such possibility with new awareness of your own place in the world as having not only importance, but impact. For even in your daily energy do you affect and have impact in that world, and as you gain confidence in your learning and in your discoveries of your own journey so will you have even greater openness and clarity of what I speak of.

Begin now a new life of discovery. Go unafraid into your own life with open eyes and open hearing, and begin to see the world, not as your enemy, but as your trusty learning ground where you are being given every gift possible. You just have to become aware and experience all that truly exists there.

I am happy to begin to see the stirrings of the awareness on a larger scale as many are given permission now, through their own daring, to access not only what I speak of, but what truly resonates within.

Look now forward to life on a greater scale, for even as you go in and do your always necessary inner work, purifying your past, so that your present may be unencumbered, so do you find that you will go also out into the world more openly and with greater appreciation of your own journey; a journey that discovers your own deepness, but also your own expansiveness, as well.

I advise all to take quiet each day, even if just for a few seconds at a time, to establish inner quiet and inner balance, and in this manner retain your good position so that your journey may flow well and your awareness grow. All of this is good.

#2 Find Your Center

Dear Jeanne,
Yesterday I sent out your message into the world and I’d like to send out today’s message as well. Do you have a message for humanity today?

Yes, a message of peace and calm for not only is this the Christmas season, but it also is a time of lull and quiet. The universe is in a holding pattern awaiting change that may seem abrupt once it arrives on your doorstep, but in reality has long been in preparation. I regard all mankind as ready, both to receive my messages, and to begin an awakening process. No man or woman or child is not ready, but many do not trust such missives, many are totally unaware, and many do not hold such things to be important. There is quite a task before those of us who seek to alert, awaken, and enlighten those now upon the earth, who deserve the knowledge that awaits. For why must one live life in unknowing when all that one will one day discover is already available?

Those of us who seek connection do so for the greater good of both the entirety of mankind as well as the individual, for there will be no mass awakening without first individual awakening. I urge all who seek to heed the signs now upon that earth. They are there to guide you. Your acceptance of them as guideposts is an incredible step in the right direction that will lead you forward in your life there, but also bring you deeper into your own knowing and further your evolution.

Begin to open the door to your hidden self, allow your sleeping spirit to lift its head and become active in your life. Allow it access to your outer world and introduce it to the life you now live. With such a step will you begin a new journey, hand in hand with your spirit as companion, and this will lead you where your path truly lies.

Do not be afraid as you begin to awaken. During this time of lull and quiet, for a few days, is there great energy that will assist you in this process. The universe is in alignment for deep introspection, while at the same time is there also energy building that will affect the entire world. Watch for this in your own near world as well as the greater world. Maintain your own inner balance during this time and all times, for your own balance of inner self and outer, ego-self affect your life greatly. You can have good control of the affects of energy on your life simply by maintaining good balance. Remain moderate, calm, and modest even as you must also do the work that you have assigned yourself in that life.

As you maintain your own balance, keeping inner calm, even in times of stress, so do you affect all that is in your nearness. Your families, your acquaintances, and your loved ones are constantly affected by your energy, whether calm or otherwise, even as you are affected by others, for to maintain calmness will spread beyond your own small frame out into the world and have affect. Do not doubt this. Have I not encouraged always this calm balance in all? Have I not stated that the mere act of calm energy emerging from the individual has impact? Can you not imagine the affect this has upon the world around you, and the entire world, as others learn this true fact?

Energy affects everything: your energy, the energy of others, the energy of the country, the world, the universe. The energy of good thought is equally as affective as the energy of bad thought, happiness as affective as sadness, anger as joy. Do not hesitate to begin a process of shifting your own inner attitude to include not only calmness, but also the study of it in your own life. Watch what happens as you begin to shift your inner temperament, as it will affect your outer temperament, and those around you too.

Find your way to beginning, little by little, a process of self-study. Where does your energy go? Where do you tend to spend it the most? Outside of you? Wastefully? Pull that energy back into the self more often and watch how your body responds and how your spirit responds. This is to begin to learn a process of balance that will serve you well as you train.

As you find your own center, whether it be high up in your heart chakra or low in your central chakra heavy in your belly, so can you begin to feel it and place your energy there on a regular basis. Pull in all your energy, your fragments, to your own center and calm it down, until you feel it radiating throughout your body.

Once this center is discovered and connected with many times in training so can you more easily return there in times of stress, and you will begin to notice that as you turn there your energy shifts into calm mode, the mode of balance that you have trained yourself to acknowledge. This is your inner center, your personal place of body and inner spirit balance. Once you have achieved this state inside your body so can you learn what it means to balance that center with your outer self and your outer life.

Does your outer life pull you off center too much? Are there too many things in your life that distract and drag you too far from your inner self too often? If so, are you ready to begin a process of detachment in order to maintain more perfect balance?

In order to become more aware, enlightened, and more alert to the spirit world that is available to you so must you be ready to allow the pulls of that world, that earthly reality to become less important. If you are not quite ready yet, that is fine, for all must live that life to the fullest or there will be consequences. All must discover who they are in that life in order to more fully embrace the idea and the actualization of a new life.

As you discover that you are eager and ready to discover more deeply your inner life so are you ready to detach from many of the aspects of that life on earth, the world around you, that merely distract and do not feed your seeking self. Begin a process of self-evaluation that will allow you to shed that which has become unnecessary, unchallenging, and unfulfilling. Seek instead to focus your energy where you know you must go. Often, this will require daring, for it may be that your spirit wants you to go in a new direction and this may be very challenging. But if so, then it is probably quite right, for the spirit loves to push you, and it loves to challenge you.

Your calm inner knowing, your right-speaking inner voice will let you know the proper steps to take in your detaching process. It may be a slow process or it may be quick. You may need a lot of time discovering what your true path is or you may abruptly be placed directly upon a new path and know it is right for you to take. As you maneuver your way through your daily life stay cognizant at all times of your energy. Remind yourself to regain your balance, your calm innerness, and do not blame yourself if you falter or have difficulty with your stability in life, for all experiences are good and necessary, and all paths, once started upon, are meant to be.

But, as you think about balance in your outer life and your inner life stay also aware of the signs that point out a new direction for you or lead you in your daily decision-making, for these are the signs that will signal your direction and lead you correctly. The ultimate decision remains solely in your hands and this is your ability, at all times, to make a choice, to choose how you will live your life, what next step you will take, and where you will next arrive. Always is there another choice to make as you travel that life. Every day, every moment of every day do you have the opportunity to make a choice, to offer yourself change and the opportunity for new life. All have this aspect, this gift. Do not ever think that people do not have choices that will impact them and their situations greatly. But do they choose to activate this possibility, to actually make a move that will have impact? Many do not, and thus they stay earthbound and stuck in a life that is so out of balance that they do not hear the soft squeals of their sleepy inner spirit as it mumbles in its slumber.

Do you choose, in this time of holiday and wonder, to accept the gift that will offer you the changes that lead to balance and significant growth for you and your inner self? I offer this challenge to those of you who seek the answers to life’s mysteries. I challenge you to begin a process of self-examination, self-acceptance, and self-growth by beginning to investigate your own inner balance and inner calm. Then begin to balance that innerness with your outer self and your outer life, and in this manner will you begin to understand that there are no mysteries, for as you return to your perfect balance so will you become aware that you have access to everything. Stay now focused in creating calm in your life as the season slowly unfolds over the next few days.

Maintain peace in your own life and have affect upon the entire world. Have the courage to believe this and you will have the courage to trust your own journey and your own seeking spirit to lead you correctly. This is good.

Thank you, Jeanne. Do you have any other messages for us today? Yesterday, I thought your messages were rather harsh.

Yes, it was necessary to establish the fact that the situation in the world is dire, that there are far-reaching consequences to even the smallest of actions, and that the build-up of fiery energy does not bode well for the world or the planet. Nor does it bode well for the individual, for the individual is the one who suffers the most. I advocate that all upon that earth learn the processes of inner balance and outer detachment in order to affect the individual life, and in turn affect the world and, ultimately, the fate of the entire planet. For good must become again the mainstream force of energy to combat the negative forces that now seek control. In this manner is there then the possibility that change can happen. Remember always, that all energy affects all other energy. Try this in your own life, your own world, and see what affect your own energy has upon those in your care, or in your life. Are you not aware that your heartfelt love and calmness affect those around you, just as your anger and your excitement do as well? If this is proven in your own world begin to understand that this is so worldwide. Thought affects thought. Energy affects energy. Offer yourself this gift of new life practice, now, during this season. I give it to you from infinity!

#1 Ancient Ways

Dear Jeanne,
Do you have any messages for us today?

It is likely that the energy now upon the earth will sustain the calm for a short period, unless those who are in power act too quickly. In such a case will there be chaos. But there is now, in reality, the possibility for a momentary stability to hold things calm until after the first of the New Year. Then, will there begin to arise again confrontation and consternation regarding the world situation.

Regarding the Middle East is there much bloodshed, not only momentarily, but in the future. The future is red for that part of the world; a red January, as the areas of ancient times bleed away the life that now resides there. Ancient anger has been unleashed and bodes not well, for it sits not quietly, but stirs up anger and hides not from its enemies nor does it seek compromise. Instead, it speaks of territorial disputes and closed-minded controls that disregard the true freedom of all human beings and seeks to block the human spirit from developing further. Ancient ways, convoluted by man do not serve man well, but instead conceal and deliberately disregard the need for growth of both the human species and the spirit species. I speak of hardness of religions and false ideas that have no place in evolutionary development. Compassion and pure love of intent for all mankind and for all spirit evolution have long been buried beneath the sands of time. This is the problem that holds that section of the world so bound and unable to compromise or resolve the bloody issues that continue to arise and destroy. The conflict there will resolve many issues simply in its violent behavior, but it will not solve the true necessity of forgiveness and resolution to become true spiritual beings.

The return constantly of those in earthly conflict and religious fervor inhibits soul evolution. The Middle East is laden heavily with this prime example of which I speak, the backlog of souls is heavy upon that land and there is now great distress in that region as a result.

A lightening will not occur except by force of man, and his attempt to further dig in and retain his place in the Middle East in the fashion that has been maintained since ancient times will not resolve the issue, but further inhibit mankind from true evolution there. True evolution in that region requires releasing ancient ways and ancient restrictions upon the spirits of man so that souls bound to continued return may progress into new life.

Please talk about religions, for you seem to imply that religion is the cause of strife in the Middle East.

Yes, it is obvious, is it not? Though few dare to point this out, for it is not kosher to speak of religions as bad. But in my opinion, there is no doubt that the religions upon that earth have created a backlog of soul journeying, simply by requiring dedication to what man has created for man. This is not what spirituality was meant to be, man did not create spirituality, but man did create religions and by so doing categorized spirituality, causing disturbance both upon the earth and in the evolutionary world of true spirit. To ban religion from the world is too drastic a suggestion, yet is it also the only way to solve both the world’s problems and the lack of spirit evolution as it should be.

The intention of all time is that balance be maintained both in living-time on earth, and in all worlds adjacent, and in evolutionary progress. Man on earth was provided with all that he needed to have the journey there that was necessary. Each individual is given a life plan and is given the opportunity to evolve. Man himself created obstruction beyond the challenges that were first intended.

Originally, challenges of spirit were present, but as man regressed and continually ceased to evolve the challenges upon that earth increased. As challenges increased so did the backlog of souls upon that earth. As man became further embedded in life there he also became farther removed from the original intent and this became the dilemma to overcome. As man distanced himself further from the original truth of learning spiritual lessons upon that earth, so did he become more fully steeped in dark challenges of life upon that earth.

The earth became muddied, the ability to reconnect with spirit veiled, and the result has now become extremely critical. Man has forgotten his original mission upon that earth, so deeply caught has he become in preserving what he believes is important, his attachment to the things of that world. Until he reconnects with spirit will he continue to be attached to the things of that world, including the negatives.

Now is the time of great awakening, for much has become apparent to those who have been able to evolve. We are many soul groups, as I have said, who seek to alert mankind upon that earth that there is life beyond life. Our missions are many and encompass all walks of life, and planet, and mind, as well as spirit.

We are succeeding well in alerting the sleeping spirits, those who are already seeking us, and those who have received hints, wake-up calls, and notices that we exist, and that other worlds and new life do truly exist. Those who have had the great fortune to recognize us are being urged to continue working in this new field and to begin to understand that yes, truly is there growth potential in this area. Do not dismiss the signs you are given. Do not turn your back on your experiences. Do not silence your inner knowing.

Your experiences are from ancient times, as well as when prophets brought visions and miracles to the forefront of life and made them have impact. In ancient times was there trust in such occurrences, but as they began to bring fear to those who were not ready so did there begin to be fear as man ceased to remember that this was the way of life and the way it was meant to be lived.

The question of remembrance is currently a problem as well, though instances of resonance, and the wondering if there is not some connection that is being missed, has led many to reconnect with their own spirits and seek reconnect with the lost ways of visions and magic as it once had been common.

The only way to return to purity of spirit and purity of life on earth is to slowly allow the individual self to refuse the constructs of the mind, the attachments to earthly demands, and the pressure of others to conform, and instead to listen to the speaking of the inner spirit, and in time will there begin to be connection to true ancient ways, the truths of man’s reason for living and the truth of the individual path upon the earth.

Until the man-created ancient ways are removed, like huge walls tumbling, will there continue to be blocked access to the ancient truths I speak of. The ancient truths are hidden inside each and every human now upon that earth, yet are there, too, ancient walls inside each person that block these truths. Man is confronted with blocks both inside and outside and this has caused difficulty both in hearing and seeing, and trusting the small sounds of the inner spirit.

Until you are ready to detach from the common beliefs and attach to your own knowing will you have difficulties. The shedding of old garments and a reconnection with the naked truth of the inner spirit will allow for revelation of all that has been hidden. The world really is full of visions and magic and wonder, and it is available all the time, but man has been so blinded by all that has been placed before him that he cannot clearly see, clearly remember, or even clearly hear, all that is truly right before his eyes.

Too much science fiction you think? Well, begin to see around you that many now question and now seek answers. That scientists seek, the religious seek, the common man seeks most of all, for he has become tired of the progress of the life that is led upon that earth and he knows, instinctively, that there must be something else to life. What is it, he thinks, this can’t be all there is? Why can’t I figure it out? Well, he can, and the key is inside, in the trust in, and allowing of, all that is revealed as being true, and accepting that the mind does not know everything, but the heart truly does.

Listen to the speaking of your heart, your inner knowing. Train to feel, to recognize your intuitive knowing. All have this great power within. All have the ability to access what Jan accesses. There are many upon that earth beginning to gain awareness of this aspect of themselves, they are trusting their knowing, their visions, and their inner voice guiding them to the right path.

Follow the path that leads to awareness, follow the path that brings you back to your own knowing powers, and that brings you back to connection with your spirit and your spirit guides, for this is the way to evolve.