All posts by Jan

#251 Find Always Your Passion for Your Journey

Dear Jeanne,
What can we expect today?

Abide by the rules of a seeking life, focusing always on your next step, but remaining contemplative and questioning of the meaning of now. Your journey is of utmost importance, but remain aware of the lessons presented to you daily. Do your homework. Discover the meaning of your everyday encounters with stumbling blocks, and with ancient energies that rise up in you and ask to finally be acknowledged and dealt with. For your journey to be complete must you address unfinished business from your past, your most recent past still slumbering in memory, and from your past lives still waiting to be reconciled.

This is your greatest accomplishment to engage and to decipher as each new day arises, and as energies do point out to you what you must learn about your soul and about your ancientness. Find always your passion for your journey, but find it for purposes of completion and evolution. By this I mean, complete your earth bound lifetimes, and seek to evolve to new levels of awareness. Though many consider life upon that earth to be the one and only learning ground, so is this not so. And it is not impossible for ANY one of you to evolve beyond it, though it has often been presented as only accomplishable by the most spiritually enlightened. That is just not so, nor is it a place to linger too long thinking about, for then does one either become inflated or dismissive, and neither of those traits will aid you in evolving. The only way to evolve is to do the work of the Self. This is what all enlightened humans have discovered; and it is not restricted to a chosen few, but is available to all.

The only thing evolution requires is awareness, openness to the possibility of all things, and a genuine desire to grow. But it also involves daring; and the determination to view life in a different manner, with detachment and focus on the journey, without being caught by the wants and desires of the big baby, the big ego, and the negative energies that seek to feed off such stagnant energy.

To lead a seeking life is to evolve to a place of detachment that is all-encompassing. By this I mean truly being at a place of growth, inner growth, without being drawn to stay caught by negative energies that prefer your energy to stay committed to the trappings of that world. Seek instead a new balance, fraught with detachment, but filled with love and compassion for all living creatures. Humbly walk your path, neither special nor unspecial, but simply learning as you go, looking always for what is right, and learning to love all others for the journeys they make, whether beside you, or far away. For all of you are creatures of grand energy that desires evolutionary completion.

So today, do stay fixated on your journey as you seek detachment from the energy of turmoil that does still seek to feed off your vital energy and satiate itself. This may be on a personal level, or this may be outside of you, teasing both your inner contemplation outward, or presenting you with promises of ego-boosting better left untouched. Watch your inner process. See where the energy seeks to draw you. Remind your self often that you are leading a seeking life, that progress involves that world only as far as what lessons you must learn in order to proceed to the next level. Allow the ego to be present for what you need to make your way and live a balanced life, but do not allow the ego to be too eager, for then will your inner you suffer delay in progress.

I know this is a lot to process. But while the energy does swirl in such hungry state, as now, is it best to offer you much to contemplate in order to avoid its hungry jaws. Stay calm and balanced, sensitive to others, but remain present on your own journey at all times and you will do well through these next few days of continued turmoil. In the end all will settle down, and as the dust clears you will see that you are exactly where you should be. That is how life works! Enjoy the wonder of it, even as you wander on your path and contemplate all that you are given and all that you are asked to utilize now, as your awareness does open to new possibilities and new opportunities. Much is there to aid you. Do you notice?

#250 Stay Contemplative

Dear Jeanne,
Do you have guidance for us today?

Contain your inner calm. Do not allow it to be drawn outward by the energy that does seek participation in its raucous behavior. Stay innerly focused and centered during this time of spiraling energy that seeks new energy to fulfill it as it spins now in its whirlwind of turmoil. Do not attach, but do acknowledge its presence in order to remain balanced and aware. This is all I advise today.

Do not puzzle too much over the world at this time, but stay turned inward as this energetic frenzy does wear out its welcome over the next few days. Avoid falling into old traps. Shift now more firmly into your inner work.

Stay contemplative. Stay detached. Stay calm as you take your next steps, and as you focus forward now through the haze, seeking clarity and confirmation of your experiences by asking for more growth-oriented circumstances to come your way, focused on positive good on all sides. This is the best way to begin your new week; focused on inner calm balance; with good intentions for personal enlightenment and growth of your inner self.

Remain aware of your place at all times. Question your circumstances at all time for their inner meaning and you will do well.

#249 Remain Heart-focused, My Dear Ones

Dear Jeanne,
Do you have a message of guidance to carry us into the weekend?

Stay focused on the yearnings of the inner self as you weather the coming days, as change does infiltrate now more forcefully into the lives of many. Remain heart-centered. Remain fixated on the journey. Remain aware of the greater meaning in your life and the lives of those around you. Remain cognizant of what life offers in the future as you go now forward into the next few days of disruption, controversy, and energy unleashed.

I do not mean to scare, but I do mean to aid and prepare those of you who are aware and alert to the energy around you. This time of volatility will soon run its course, yet is there always the possibility of eruption of such energy at any time, for even though it may not remain as strongly present as it is now, so does it remain embedded in the network of all energy.

Hold now your hand upon your heart center, and ask for actions, and guidance, and words, and thoughts to come from this place of right action. This is where evolving adults must meet the world that is now; this is the place of wisdom, and the seat of truth; this is the new ground to walk upon, and the new air to breathe. Remain in this heart-centered place of inner calm and balance now, as you go forward into your “week’s end.” Though such a phrase does not have much concern in my world, so am I aware that it is significant in yours. Time is of concern only in that it poses the opportunity for change, which also implies growth. So take charge now of your own time of growth. Allow change to enter your lives because it is necessary, and it is also inevitable. But mostly allow change to enter your lives because you desire it, and you look forward to the possibilities that lie ahead. Life offers unlimited possibilities, and your job now, even as you rest from your work week, is to embrace the possibilities that life presents to you; and flow into new life, guided by what each new day offers.

Present your self with your own heart-centered guidance and knowing, and begin to look at the changes in your life from this place of calm; and accept your journey as conducted from this place, rather than conducted from outside of you. Find your rightful place in your heart-centered journey, and then discover how you fit much better into the journey that unfolds outside of you.

Remain heart-focused, My Dear Ones, and you will maintain your awareness, and your clarity. Your abilities to weather through this time of volatility will aid you as you ease through this time of change. Keep in mind that in order to embrace and be positively impacted by change, must you choose to be so impacted. Yes, you can sit and watch change happen all around you. You can sit and watch the debris fly, the unsettling of life happen all around you. But in order to be impacted by it for your own greater good, must you choose to be. Your choice of participation in change is up to you. Often change will clobber you over the head, and you may feel you have no choice, but in reality is there always a choice in how you decide to handle it. This time, handle it from your heart center, and embrace change (whether it be small and barely discernible, or heavily laden upon you) from this new place of calm centered and balanced truth. You will feel it within you if you shift your focus to this area of the self, both the outer heart center, the physical one, and the inner heart center of all-knowing.

Embrace your self today in this manner, as a heart-centered being, full of awareness, and connected to all-knowing. This is who you are now. And by accepting this new you do you offer your self the opportunity to ride the winds of change in a different manner. Lift your nose and sniff the energy of change, allow its fresh scents to ignite your own inner desire for change and growth on a spirit driven level, and open your heart now to a new way of living. Be guided by your own heart, but don’t hesitate to ask for help if you need it. We are always available, My Friends!

#248 Good Surrounds You, If You Invite It

Dear Jeanne,
What message of guidance do you have for us today?

It is as yet too early to say what the outcome of this energetic confluence will be, but it is never too early to suggest that remaining in calm balance will allow for greater experience no matter what the energy around you is doing. Support your own experience of that volatility that now imposes itself, and seek entry into your knowing by remaining always the calmly centered journeyer.

Good surrounds you, if you invite it. So I ask that all of you focus on positive words and thoughts about your selves, your world, and all who exist in it, and then extend your positive intentions beyond even your own world. Allow good to become your inner and your outer focus today. Allow this good energy to be expressed outwardly and engaged innerly so that you absorb your own good and loving intent for your inner self. Love and compassion do need a great place in the world of today, and this must begin within the self. For how can you exude love and compassion for all, if you have not fully accepted the self, the inner self and the outer self, and allowed your self to be totally acceptable and acknowledged as perfectly right for your journey? Hold the self accountable for every decision and action; accept responsibility for your journey; and allow your every action to be made from your inner core, with truth and rightness of action to be your guiding forces. If you operate from this place of inner truth, then is it possible to fully accept and love the self, with true compassion, fully accepting of the journey you are now on.

Acknowledge your independence, your own journey, and fully own your choices and the places you have gone. Love and appreciate the self for the adventures you have allowed your self to take, and then look at the others in your life, and love and accept them for the adventures they have allowed themselves to take. Make your choices in life now based on these truths of the self: that you are on a journey that is your responsibility, that you are fully capable of taking it, that you did indeed plan and charge your self to take it, and that you are going to continue taking it. With full responsibility for and full acceptance of your journey, may you now begin to find that inner core that does rightfully guide and protect you. This is the aspect of the self that does deserve love and respect. This is the aspect of the self that must now engage in life and become more awake and cognizant of your place upon that earth. Allow your inner spirit, so eager for life, to be fully accepted and acceptable to you, the outer you, and allow this inner spirit to be loved by the outer you now more fully.

I speak of this inner/outer self today because the energy may seek to separate the two, and it will be your job today to keep them together, paired together as two halves of a whole, alert and aware of each other and of the journey you are on. Remain in balance so that you are not pulled apart by the energy, so that you are not separated and lost to your inner self, nor the outer self either. These two aspects of the self must remain glued together now, lovingly acknowledged, accepted, but most of all kept in full awareness as you journey on.

Extend your awareness of self then outward. Extend your feelings of love and of goodness outward then, in positive energy, countering the energy of today that seeks to get in there and unbind your hard fought for convergence of these two selves. Be aware, but mostly be loving and gentle with your self, even as you remain firmly and steadily walking upon your path of positive energy. Your own energy is more powerful than that outside of you, and this you must know and keep in the palm of your hand today. Fight pulling-apart energy with tightly-glued energy of inner and outer self in complete balance and awareness. I love you all for the journeys you are taking, and the good jobs you are doing to remain aware and alert. Keep up the “good” work!

#247 Stay Attached to the Open Light Above You

Dear Jeanne,
Do you have a message of guidance for us today?

Continue your vigilant awareness of the energies that do seek to disrupt and interfere in your progress. This time of pending change does hold, deep in its grasp, the seeds of doubt and of blindness, with the ability to overshadow your progress and your awareness so far gained.

Do not attach attention to this darkness ever present on the horizon, but do maintain awareness of it, for even though you do not want to engage its power, so do you want to remain alert to its force. Such force does sit and wait for the weary, and the tired to stumble into its ready grasp.

Such energy is causing delay, as it blocks progress. Remain alert to your own inner struggles now, and relate your inner darkness to this impending outer rim of darkness that does sit and expectantly wait for the unaware to fall into its trap. If you remain fully cognizant of life’s true journey, and your own place in your own journey, so do you keep your focus on progress, looking and looking constantly for where to place your foot as you prepare to take your next step.

Aside from that rim of darkness on the horizon, is there much light energy above, though that current of doubt, that I have spoken of, does also still run beneath. But this will be of minor consequence as long as you stay attached to the open light above you. This is where focus and attention of thoughts and progress must remain in order for these few days of gloom to be passed without incident. Lift your attention upward now, away from the darkness and the doubt, but never lose your awareness of them, for they still seek your attention. Though you may not be aware of how close they really are to captivating you, keep always alert; place your intent on inner growth, and evolutionary enlightenment, connected to the light above, and you will weather through this time of pressure from the outside.

How long will this energetic tension last this time?

The rest of this week and into the next will carry this tension upon its shoulders. I do warn of it, for it will be making an impact in the world around you. So watch for this. Even as you stay honed upon your own path of growth, do notice how energy affects everything. Look for clarification of such energetic convergence in the world around you as a good example of how energy works. All of this is to teach and enlighten you to your own abilities to learn to read the energy, and understand how it affects you in your personal life. As you tune your awareness to the energy all around you so can you learn how best to utilize it, or deflect it if need be, for your own greater good. In learning this so can you learn how your own decisions of what kind of energy you choose to engage in can have greater impact beyond your own little world. All worlds are one world. All energy affects all other energy. Every decision you make in your life has impact in the world around you.

As you continue your journey of inner exploration and inner strengthening, so will you discover that your connection to that light above you will strengthen and become much clearer. Your connection will easily gain in ease of focus, and you will find that, as all repetitive actions eventually become, so will it be as a new habit, a well-developed habit of good intent. So, continue to hone this new habit of connection with the light energy above that seeks reciprocal connection. Keep your awareness on this connection and, with firm conviction to remove your thoughts from the darkness, allow this powerful energy of light to enter your knowing and become a beacon in this time of change.

As I have often said, I do not like negative thoughts or attention, or negative language, for it gives too much power to that dark energy. Shift your very thoughts and words now to speaking only, and thinking only, of the positive energy that does ask for change that is thoroughly enlightening, and positive, in the direction of evolutionary growth. Keep in mind that every thing that happens is part of that evolutionary growth. This is true on a personal level and a worldwide level as well. So watch, as events unfold, and as you make your own decisions and choices over the next few days. Stay focused on the larger picture, the light above, the new world ahead of you, even as you do not forget that attempts will be made to pull you from your path, and pull a drape over your light. Ultimately will all be as it should, in your life, and in the world around you. This is how energy works, but also this is how you should work, as a full-fledged participant, fully engaged, energetically, in your lifetime upon that earth.

Stay focused and calm and you will be fine, My Dear Ones. Focus on the good will never go wrong, and it may even get you where you are going a lot faster that expected. Have fun too! Don’t forget to enjoy every minute of your existence upon that earth, wondering, and searching for your proper path with gladness of spirit, and eagerness for growth.