-Artwork © 2025 Jan Ketchel
We are composed of two options of being, a material body and a spiritual soul. Quantum physics calls our material, physical state of being a particle, where energy amasses and concentrates into a solid form. In our spiritual state, our energy is light and free flowing, wavelike, interconnected with everything.
Quantum physics has also discovered that when energy is observed in its wave form, it turns into a particle. Free flowing spiritual energy is so sensitive to human thought or presence that it immediately consolidates into the material form that is expected. This discovery, in human dynamics, shows the impact of observation, or judgment, upon the free flow and energetic possibility of our spirit.
When our spirit is put on the spot, it freezes or solidifies into material form. That physical form becomes our personality. Thus, what we believe, and what others believe about us, becomes who we physically are.
If we are filled with positive judgments, we manifest a positive personality and positive material existence. If we are filled with negative judgments, we freeze into a personality of deprivation and undeservedness. Mental health approaches seek to loosen or enhance our attachment to these cognitions that either further or inhibit the quality and fulfillment of our lives.
Our energetic sojourn in human life predisposes our spirit to life in the solid form of a physical body. In fact, we are all solid cells in the greater physical body of Gaia, the Earth itself. Our life in physical form is the main attraction of our present energetic existence. Our body and personality remain consistent, and therefore recognizable, as we take on the challenges and attachments of the human life cycle.
Nonetheless, though dominated by physical concerns, our beingness in free flowing energetic spirit form remains active and latently available to our conscious awareness. When we sleep, meditate or shamanically journey our spirit is freed from the rigid confines of our physically constructed selves. With intent we can collaborate with our spirit in the creative unfolding of our lives.
In order to change we must deconstruct the rigid constructions of self that solidly define us. When we are in the materially deconstructed state, of pure spirit form, we are in the land of possibility, called quantum reality. The seeds of all possibilities exist at this level. However, we are also highly susceptible to suggestions that can commandeer our intent.
Thus, a thought, if attached to in deep meditation, immediately transports one into a story that solidifies into thought, emotion and physical experience, as the brain treats the story as fact.
This can be of great benefit if, while in the quantum realm, one holds firmly to a specific intent one seeks to manifest. Intent will attract that energetic possibility, and the subconscious will then take up the task of manifesting it materially.
Frequently, however, judgments arise that then construct a polarized reality. Take, for instance, an image of Donald Trump at Jimmy Carter’s funeral. The cognitive dissonance of the world views of these two former presidents, though occupying the same office at different times, can lead one to seek refuge from this dissonant tension by attaching to the value of one versus the other. This attachment then solidifies the one-sided reality one lives in.
Alternatively, if one suspends judgment and attachment, one finds oneself in the presence of many worlds of possibility. Wholeness, or all that is, includes everything, however contradictory. Tolerating all facets of the contradictions inherent in this greater wholeness affords us a broader view into the greater intent shaping our world’s unfolding.
I would suggest, for instance, that Gaia herself is in the midst of a growth spurt, compelling us, as the cells that advance her evolution, to deconstruct and reconstruct a new reality.
I refer the reader to the podcast, The Telepathy Tapes, to experience the cognitive dissonance of non-speaking autistic children freely communicating, telepathically, at the spiritual wave dimension of quantum reality. This advanced non-material mode of communication is clearly the next stage of human evolution. One cannot arrive at this perspective if they prematurely succumb to exercising the judgment of limitation toward autism.
Similarly, if one views images of both Los Angeles and Gaza, leveled and in flames, one is sure to be provoked to judgments, which will physically register as powerful emotions, negative or positive. However, if one remains in the spiritual wave state of non-attachment—observing without judgment—one may once again be treated to another view of Gaia’s overarching intent.
The longer we can maintain our wave state of being, without judgment, the more we are shown, and the greater our clarity of everything will be. Of course, this does not cancel our exercising our own intent, at both the spiritual and physical dimensions of our being, but it does enable us to act from a more enlightened perspective.
Our current physical reality dream is in the midst of great deconstruction as it advances toward renewal and new life. Our most solid footing in this time of accelerated transition is, ironically, to remain solidly, in the wave.
Embodying the wave,