Resentment is a heavy weight to carry, a burden best left by the wayside. If everything is part of the bigger picture of life, then resentment has no place except as a part of that picture, neatly fitting in to teach something. Take the lesson and learn its significance and then move on to the next lesson. A refusal to learn and grow allows things such as resentment to grow and fester in place of the learning and thus it is merely a blockage, and not a helpful one at that. What lesson does resentment teach? How to let go, for one. How to detach from a situation without any strings attached, and perhaps it also teaches the beginnings of love and compassion. For the ultimate goal is to embrace love and compassion for all, and to truly do that all blockages must be freed, including resentment.
Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne