Soulbyte for Thursday July 18, 2024

-Artwork © 2024 Jan Ketchel

Stay informed about the world you live in, the reality that you occupy and uphold with the citizens of Earth, but learn about other realities as well. A well balanced being keeps tabs on everything, on all that is, the so-called real, the so-called unreal, the so-called rational, the so-called irrational, the physical and spiritual realities that you exist in simultaneously. That which you cannot see is as real as your thoughts, which you cannot see either but which you take so seriously. The unknown has as much power as the known. Allow time for meditation, for calming of your busy mind so that your heart may grow calm as well, so that your physical body may become light and your energy body, your spirit, be experienced more fully, and so that you may learn more of what and who you really are, a multidimensional being experiencing multi dimensions simultaneously.

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

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